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Everything posted by InHeavenThereIsNoBeer

  1. Name the school that does not fit in out of these 5...
  2. I would think University of Illinois could be an option, believe I've heard it mentioned somewhere.
  3. Call me crazy but I'd like to see the exact same lines as in the 6-1 win over Denver.
  4. Watching this again today and noticed at the 3:57 mark Chris Knowlton acts as a pylon for Danny Kristo's deke to start the 3 on 2 that leads to the Grimaldi goal...this line is good
  5. Thanks for the video, that was great! This game was played at the Ralph, right? Just judging based on fan reactions and the score we hung on DU.
  6. To this point, I actually do think that people will travel for this series. It's about 5 hours from Minneapolis and an easy drive through Iowa and I think it gives UND Colorado Alumni a chance to make a trip too. I'm not saying it will be like it was a couple weekends ago but I believe the turnout will still be solid.
  7. You probably shouldn't be reading these message boads if you don't want to know what UND fans' opinion on the future of the WCHA tournament is. Obviously we don't have a dog in the fight, but that doesn't mean it can't be discussed/debated. "What a bunch of UND fans think" is going to be what you get here.
  8. I guess karma made it's way back around to Mr. Privitera.
  9. Anyone remember Harvard's a few years back? That one was hilarious with the announcing. I think we beat them 10-1 in one of the games too and Zach Jones had a goal. UAA's is another that comes to mind as not being great but hey I'll take any webcast I can get to watch my team!
  10. Glad I'm coming from Minneapolis and will hopefully be able to skirt around the storm going through Iowa. Drive safe everyone from ND.
  11. No, perhaps you forgot. Your point above was that Blood received a game suspension because he broke the rules and Rau did not because he did not break the rules. Then you went on to infer that because Blood received the suspension and Rau did not, Blood is the only player to blame in the situation. As I said your premise for the argument is not "spot on". Dont' get me wrong, the premise was incorrect to begin with (because suspension does not equal blame) but the fact that your premise is not even true weakens your stance and your argument considerably.
  12. So your entire premise is moot. Glad we got that cleared up.
  13. Your comment is assuming that blame and suspensions are directly correlated which is incorrect. Someone can share in blame, yet not be suspended. Someone can not break these "rules" you speak of, yet still be blamed because of a moral code and things that are not in the holy grail rulebook you refer to. I hope this comment does not make me a 'male Sarah Palin'.
  14. I like how you didn't even address the fact that you called him out on being biased when he said both things should not have happened. Instead you resort to juvenile name calling as a defense mechanism as a result of having nothing to respond with. That is what's "classless".
  15. I think that's the case for most pictures since the pixels are expanded and definition is lost, especially with the quality of the feed already being SD.
  16. Definitely agree with this statement. I told someone on Saturday night at Mariucci that I thought this was the first time in a while I thought playing a wide open game favored UND over MN. It allows Rocco, Kristo, Knight, and Gleason to really shine and use their creativity. If they can just be more responsible in their own zone I think the sky is the limit for this team.
  17. I feel like this keeps going in a circle. Judging by how exasperated and upset Lucia pet was getting, I think there's more to it than that. If it was that simple, Lucia wouldn't have been more emotional than PA has ever seen him in 10-15 years of knowing him. Instead it would just be a simple fact, but even the Minneapolis media is asking why keeping this series in the schedule was a priority and the answer keeps getting warped by Lucia. It seems pretty apparent that he wanted a break for whatever reason.
  18. So in other words, there would only be truth on the boards? haha I just became an even bigger PA fan. He really got down to it with Lucia and didn't let his BS answers suffice. At one point Lucia got so upset that he literally stopped talking out of frustration. I'm glad that the message is loud and clear that it is not acceptable to take a 3-4 year break from this great rivalry.
  19. Anything regarding the actual points I made or just your usual witty and well thought out comment? It's weird that a Gopher fan keeps lurking around a Sioux Sports message board.
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