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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Curious if anyone knows about a webcast for tonight's game...
  2. After reading Virg Foss's article on the rivalry, I thought why not shoot an email to the AD that is letting Lucia run wild with his agenda... I would caution you to keep it respectful but let your thoughts on the matter be known. Norwood Teague email: icaadmin@umn.edu Virg Foss article http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/254238/
  3. you predicted UND to win friday and lose saturday? I need you to send me some powerball numbers on wensday morning... thanks.
  4. I agree that a coach should be a little classier than that after a tough loss, especially since he said he could plainly see the puck was loose. That's BS, there is one person that knew that puck was loose and that was Lee, as he was the only one in position to see it. On the other hand if you are upset with the refs, complaining about them post game is a h3ll of a lot classier than flicking them off on live t.v.
  5. It's a goal if the ref is standing directly behind Saunders, he wasn't. They only person that knew that was a loose puck was Lee and why it took him that extra millisecond to react to it I do not know. There is a very good reason why refs blow the whistle when they no longer can see the puck... we have been screwed on it many times too so I for one will not be losing any sleep over this call.
  6. I'm not quite sure what your angle is but are you really asking why Sioux fans are upset that perhaps the greatest college hockey rivalry is ending for the foreseeable future? While tDon shouldn't get all the blame, he certainly deserves some...
  7. that is probably your internet service... while the webcast isn't the highest quality, it streams just fine with no interruptions with my service.
  8. I was going to buy these but now cannot go... still available bump!
  9. not sure how I missed him... thanks for that
  10. Keaton Thompson with the "B" rating, Mr. McCoshen, should he commit with us is another "A" player on their list....
  11. I don't think it will be a problem to get seats for either game...
  12. I always had a soft spot for tech and I like to go to the kato series every year if just for the fact that I can get there and never have to put on my winter jacket due to their skywalks... uaa, well.... meh
  13. just talked with their ticket office and he said that the games in 2013 do not go on sale until november some time... saturdays outdoor game goes on sale on october 1st though I believe.
  14. I am quite sure he would be welcomed with open arms if he wanted to.
  15. This might be old news but I just noticed on McCoshen's facebook that the Ralph is the first thing you see on his "other" likes...
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