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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. This. I don't want to have the guy run off yet but his unwillingness or (worse yet) inability to change up his coaching style when things are going south is tough to swallow.
  2. My bad... please explain then why his opinion is wrong. One would, at first glance, think it was just because you disagreed with it.
  3. Question Hak and the coaching staff and you're wrong... blindly follow like a sheep and you're right. Glad we got that cleared up.
  4. I remember a time when beating the last place team in the conference at home wasn't as big of an accomplishment for Hak...
  5. I agree... much needed wins but this is just the start of the push. Now, if we start putting up nine spots on duluth and st cloud...
  6. Who are you quoting? Just GF? I am pleased as anyone else with tonight's performance but these were games we had to win... we did that now on to some real tests in my opinion. Now this team needs to show it is not the first team in 14 years that was too little too late.
  7. I Hak hasn't won a title by the time his contract is up I doubt he gets another extension... even good coaches need to move on eventually. Good coaches get fired in all sports all the time.
  8. Incredibly frustrating that UND allowed the CBS deal affect home ice webcasts...
  9. Any accusation other than your point of view is absurd? There are many people that think Hak is a good coach but would consider him not in nearly as high regard as you do. And I'm not just talking about him flicking off the refs while being televised. Hak supporters have lots of ammunition for a case being made for him being a good coach, not so much for him being a "class act".
  10. Brian, how long does Hak get before one can question him? Another five years? Ten? Blais might not have been around for 2000 if it wasn't for '97...
  11. I would love to see this... you've rubbed many here the wrong way and this site is supposed to be about the love for UND sports. Meaning, have fun and don't try to get under people's skin all the time. You have had great points at times but no one remembers that, they just remember b.s. like this thread.
  12. This thread is ridiculous... is this what SS.com has become?
  13. I do not agree one bit on the Saunders thing...
  14. Well tonight was a wasted chance to give a freshman goalie a bit of actual game time... really questioning Hak's decision to not pull Saunders.
  15. Can anyone tell me why there isn't a goalie change right now?
  16. Another Clarke should have stopped.... never moved his glove hand.
  17. If he isn't ready to play in a college game he either shouldn't be brought in yet or shouldn't have been recruited in the first place.
  18. Boys playing like crap right now... all night, dump and clear dump and clear
  19. Well to say this PP is important is an understatement
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