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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. I'm not a big Sandelin guy but I would bet money that if he coached the talent that we had here the last ten years he wouldn't have a worse record than Hak...
  2. I can handle poor play if the boys are out there working their butts off... nothing could have been farther from the truth tonight. I am embarrassed to be a fan of UND hockey today. We got beat to most pucks, passing was horrid and dump and chase only works if you have guys willing to hustle and chase. Not the case. The only other people as disinterested in the hockey game other than the players were the coaching staff. I kept looking over at Hak expecting some kind of passion from behind the bench, if there was any I missed it. I would love to say that there was some kind of bright spot to work from here on out but I don't know what that would be. I suppose you could say that it can't get much worse, at least from the effort side of things. I can't remember the last time I was so disgusted by lack of heart.
  3. They were booing Stephane's poor decision to drop the gloves and take yet another stupid penalty...
  4. yeah, but he was supposed to be a gopher... they just ran out of scholarships.
  5. A sweep would sure be a great way start the holidays. Und is seeming to get more and more shots on net, put the effort in there and the goals will follow.
  6. Wish I could have seen tonight's game. It seems like the boys put in a good effort. I'm ready for the second half run to start a little early.
  7. The kiss off comment was meant as all Sioux fans can kiss off if they don't like what is going on... I can see how you took it as I was directing it at you. I'm not big on the whole internet tough-guy thing so I wouldn't wait by the phone for my call. You can certainly PM me if you need to get something off your chest. I think it sucks that this team is under-performing and I don't believe Hak gets the most out of his players. I think he has had a fine career at UND but how long does he get to stay coaching without a title? Another ten years? For the Hak lovers, do we need three years of missing the NCAA's like gophers a few years back to talk about replacing him? I actually hope Hak keeps his job a least until the next couple of year's recruits come in... we have seen what happens to some recruits when coaches (Gwoz) are fired. As a fan I certainly feel we have the right to question the coaches abilities and I don't think Hak has always done a stellar job. In fact I think he has done a terrible job at times. That's my opinion, feel free to disagree with it.
  8. I'm sure you are right... Hak bears no blame for any problems that the hockey team faces. We should be happy with whatever we get as fans, do not question the coaching. I mean, it's the players on the ice right? Hak and company can only do so much. It is just a strange coincidence that most (if not all) teams under the hakstol rule have under-performed compared to their talent level. If you don't like it, you can kiss off...
  9. lot of truth here... I expected dumb penalties to be down tonight after last week's saturday night debacle. But no, tons of terrible, selfish penalties tonight again. Hak doesn't seem to have control of this team. Lots of talent for not much output...
  10. Well folks that is what happens when you get outworked for huge stretches of the game. Terrible...
  11. Ugly win but the boys should get some respect for not giving up. I hope they just keep building on this from here on out.
  12. Surprising they called one on uno, they've let a ton a off the puck hits go already
  13. I'm surprised it took that long on the pp. Tough to watch this team right now.
  14. Boy, already a ton of dump and chase hockey.
  15. You are right as well... It's the coaches job to get the scheme that fits the players. And it is also Hak's job to get the effort out of the guys. Listen, I know players take shifts off time to time and we can't always be firing on all cylinders but I can't remember when our boys have put in a complete game. A team like this needs to come to work every night and every shift, and it's Hak's job to make sure that happens.
  16. He has and it has been said... There is no doubt Hak can recruit but our storied history and our barn with all that comes with it has a lot to do with that as well. You need to get the most out of your players no matter how talented. Here on SS there seems to be two types, the type that think Hak has issues and call for his head and then those that blindly follow and bring up the successes of the Hak era. My feeling is that we as fans have every right to question the coaches ability. Especially when a team this talented is under-performing as much as they are. It's a shame what's going on right now. Every team has it's ups and down but this team's main problems lie in lack of effort for huge portions of the game.
  17. Played hard Hak? Maybe for some short stretches... was he watching the same game I was?
  18. Boy so much talent that isn't producing... Shows what happens when you come and play 20 minutes of a 60 minute game. Disgusting effort again.
  19. Anyone notice how horrid our passes are tonight? Everything is behind or in the skates...
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