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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. NDSU charges the same whether you drink or not and the same whether you tailgate or not. UND offers a $5 parking option and people can walk over to the tailgating lots, including tailgate village. Champions Club members at the Varsity level and above who are season ticket holders get at least one free parking pass where they can tailgate. All Champions Club members have access to free food in the Champions Club tent. How many people that want to tailgate for one or two games only, don't at UND because of the cost? It'd be an interesting move for UND/Alerus Center to make single game tailgating cheaper than "season" tailgating, knowing that the single game lot doesn't fill up. Seems like it could further kill the atmosphere by spreading out tailgaters even more. It's amusing that paying an extra $20 more than people who paid for season tailgating passes is that big of an issue. I'm guessing they have determined that cost hasn't been prohibitive or they would have changed it. Agree 100% but I'm hoping they would at least a semblance of organization instead of people literally running in from all directions through the lots while vehicles are driving in, cutting them off trying to save spots and just generally trying to get run over.
  2. You also have to be in line the night before most games to get into the lots where alcohol is allowed and it is an absolute cluster. Unlike UND, they don't differentiate between parking and tailgating (which is allowed in all lots) however they do have lots where alcohol is prohibited. We laughed at the fact that people would line up that early and then they only charge $5 but we weren't complaining. Also pretty sure the guy taking money couldn't do math, but again, not complaining.
  3. Our group has had zero issues with any of the lot security, even when we are running behind a little bit or having larger crowds which are younger than most groups out there. Nothing more than a friendly reminder to speed it up a little bit. We always offer them food and they stop and chat during the morning/day. I can't think of many complaints I've heard from people about the security, it is about as lax as it can be. Not saying you didn't have a bad incident, but from an overall perspective, I think that falls into the few and far between. As for pricing, "season" tailgate spots cost $50/spot for the entire year, so that averages out to $10/spot/game this year. I don't think that charging $15/spot for a single game is out of line when you take that into consideration. The part on the use of season tailgating spots to me is something I will semi-agree with you. I've seen the sheet they use to keep track of everything and the reserved spots are mainly full, for sure at least 75% or more. Our group continues to try to move up and struggles to do so because the spots in front of us are always renewed, yet there is a portion that seem to not get used to the fullest extent or only used sporadically. I've voiced my frustration about it to the people that run it and they are aware and seem to be equally frustrated because they obviously want the spots to be used but aren't quite sure how to fix it while not alienating people who have had some of those spots for years. I think the addition of the parking pass with certain levels of Champions Club donations was to get people to use that as parking instead of tailgating spots but I'm not sure how well it worked.
  4. An actual FSN deal isn't happening and Learfield has a big say in that now anyway, which is why Hennessy signed a contract with them. I think everyone is reading to much into the tweet.
  5. Fundraising is still ongoing and I believe once they get closer they will need reapproval from the SBoHE.
  6. Anyone know anything about Danny Freund's tweet? New offer?
  7. Judging reactions will be tough, especially factoring in that there is a good portion of people that already have their minds made up that they hate it and won't accept it. SME's other work has been pretty good and it sounds like they took a lot of input so I'm hoping that the result is something that isn't universally rejected and then, with time, will grow on the fan base. Having the athletic teams both accept it and perform well on the field will go a long way into a smoother transition.
  8. Not quite true. The Legacy Fund currently sits at $3.5 billion and can't be touched until June, 2017. Even at that point, no more than 15% of the principal can be taken out and that requires a 2/3's vote before its considered.
  9. He's talking about Teuvo. http://puckbase.com/stats/faceoff-percentage?player=teuvo-teravainen
  10. Here were the posts that I was thinking of in regards to the reasoning on why they quit turning the lights off coming from people with direct knowledge of why it was done. However, if true I'm very glad Bubba has pushed to go back to having them off during the intro. May take a little extra work but I agree with the many on here who have said it would be well worth it.
  11. The reasoning I have always been given is that it takes too long for them to come back on.
  12. You keep making it sound like everything that Schafer did at UND was needed to be done on the spot, which is absolutely false. Ed knew the second round of cuts was coming (it's like he's had experience in the arena or something) and didn't want to have to pull the Band-Aid off twice. Yes, UND had to make more cuts up front than some of the other schools. However Schafer went above and beyond not only what was required to fix the short-term projected shortfall (due to the legislature capping tuition) and to address the first round of cuts, but also to set up the budget so that it was already in a position to take on the cuts that were coming from the next biennium. UND now is projected for a surplus and is using some of that money to address some deferred maintenance (boiler system) in case the state doesn't fund it next year. It's a novel idea within the NDUS system to use operating expenses to actually take care of some maintenance, which is made glaringly clear when looking at the deferred maintenance list (led by NDSU, with UND next on the list). The McFeely comments that everyone was referring to and you also managed to not bring up were the ones where he didn't differentiate or explain what Schafer did because it was done all once, which he used as a front to try to show that UND was in significantly worse financial shape than the rest of the NDUS when in reality, the only real difference was the small projected deficit. Schafer went ahead and made the permanent cuts that a lot of the other schools gambled on and didn't make the first time through. Even if Schafer was wrong (which he wasn't), it was still something that needed to be done at UND and all the other schools within the NDUS. Edit - The first article you linked had a quote from Schafer on exactly what his point has been the whole time. He knew permanent cuts were needed and coming. It appears that there were apparently people in Fargo that agreed with him, even if they didn't let McFeely in on despite the fact he mentioned multiple times that he "talked to people". He failed to mention anything about the committee being put together to look at permanent cuts until almost two months after his first couple articles and four months after it was put together. Going to go ahead and guess that would have changed the tone of his articles. Or maybe he knew and was being disingenuous for the clicks.
  13. I'm sure Wichita State will send him a thank you note for answering a question they had no intention of asking. But at least they know now...
  14. Borderline. I mean, since you have 16,000+, we already know what you are going to say, yet you say it anyway....
  15. Here's all you need to know: If you want the in-between stuff, Wikipedia has a decent breakdown. Patty V is the senior associate commissioner for the MVC along with being the commissioner of the MVFC and the Pioneer League. The MVFC and Pioneer are the only two football only conferences and don't need a full staff, so they share some overhead expenses with the MVC.
  16. Sometimes a person's reputation and history is taken into consideration when reading a post and what their intent may or may not be, especially after they have 5,300 posts.
  17. Because he ran out of possible long lost relatives of Carson Wentz to interview?
  18. McFeely now openly moving into conspiracy theories. As for the portion below, it seems beyond Mike's capabilities to do some actual reporting and asking hard questions instead of taking verbatim what he's told and "reporting" it as the truth. He just can't fathom that Ed would have actual insight into what is going on and just maybe is on to something. I know providing clicks these blog posts are exactly what he wants but he seems to have stuck his flag in the ground and isn't interested in going back on anything he previously has "reported". To the bold above ----->SHOCKER! Almost seems like exactly what he is doing since there were little to no permanent cuts made, most of it was just kicking some spending down the road with no plan if the state funds don't reappear.
  19. I already did the hockey only one but here is how the school's overall budgets compare (based on operating expenses), it still isn't close. 2012 UND - $416 million MTU - Not available MNSU - $188 million 2013 UND - $429 million MTU - $156 million MNSU - $203 million 2014 UND - $431 million MTU - $160 million MNSU - $206 million 2015 UND - $442 million MTU - $168 million MNSU - $208 million
  20. Related: It is a strange coincidence how you only seem to show up to have any sort of "discussion" when Pittsburgh is doing well....
  21. Donations aren't figured into individual sport's expenses. Below are the actual numbers for the last 3 reported years (2012-2014). UND also has a lower tuition than the other two, meaning that MTU and MNSU have a larger dollar amount in the their budget made up of scholarship money. 2012 UND - $2.7 million MTU - $2.0 million MNSU - $1.8 million 2013 UND - $4.6 million MTU - $2.1 million MNSU - $1.7 million 2014 UND - $3.1 million MTU - $2.2 million MNSU - $1.8 million Because of some "noise" in 2013 of what appears to be some extra stuff attributed to UND's hockey budget, that is a little bit of an outlier. Just taking a glance, it is pretty safe to say UND's average hockey budget is well over 50% higher than MNSU and just about 50% higher than MNSU. So no, not really the same.
  22. Seems accurate from what I've heard. 4 scholarships opened up (Benton, Baker, Cashman, McDermott) and 4 new players were added (Kinsey, Rolls-Tyson, Brown, Walter). Also heard that Rolls-Tyson was slated to head to a different Big Sky school until their admissions staff bungled everything up.
  23. When you have a large group of people selecting something, the generic choice will rise to the top. People have strong and differing opinions on what is "unique", therefore those choices fall further out on the bell curve. People will pick generic over what they deem to be an unacceptable unique name. Kind of like why groups of people tend to order pepperoni pizza. However I do believe that your last two points did play a partial role in it as well.
  24. Pretty sure it doesn't take a college degree to see that there are issues with the SBoHE, NDUS and some of the presidents within it and the relationship of all of them.
  25. jdub27

    2016 Season

    Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was strange/amusing that someone with an undergrad from a fairly well regarded University of Colorado Boulder wasn't able to transfer into Montana State. Not a knock against MSU, they are very respectable in academics as well but just seems odd...
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