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Everything posted by Superman0099

  1. Another D-man to keep an eye on might be Morgan Simonson. Should be a Senior at GF Central this year but moved to Lincoln to join the Stars. He's a very good offensive D-man if I remember correctly.
  2. Thanks. Any word on that fight clip forecheck?
  3. WOW.... All I have to say is that this is gonna be a fun season.
  4. First of all, I don't think Parise and Bochenski will leave. Bochenski's reasons are above in DAR's post. Look at it this way. The NJ Devils just won a Stanley Cup, They aren't in dire need for a player like Zach at this time, and they are somwhat known for letting their players develop to the fullest. I think Zach will have an outstanding NHL career, when the time is right for him to go. For now, he seems to be developing well in the WCHA. Shey Genoway (yes, Colby's brother) of S-SM prep team would be a good recruit, I have heard he is very good.
  5. Good question. I must have missed that season
  6. Very much appreciated forecheck.
  7. Join the club boys. While Bozeman isn't exactly a wasteland... in fact far from it, its gorgeous, I still miss sioux hockey... 12 hours away is just too far. I made it back for the BC series, and I will be home for the MN series... also might try and come back once or twice after xmas.
  8. Could you make a copy of it? I live out in Bozeman, MT. It's a presentation for my speech class on the history of the hockey program, and I've got to have a fight I give the presentation in 2 weeks, so if you let me know how much it would cost to make a copy and mail it to me, I will send you money.
  9. 2 Questions. 1. I'm doing a presentation, does anyone have any video footage of any fights with UND players kicking someone's a$$ that they could send me, if of course I reimbursed them for shipping, postage, etc...? 2. Anyone know where to get info on when to go in the lottery for the next available frozen four? (I know 2004 is sold out, but when can I put in for 2005 tickets?) I would like to get them as a gift for my dad.
  10. In reply to Murray... I think Murray has some amazing speed, vision, and skating ability. He's low to the ground which helps him change direction VERY quickly. He is very good defensively because of his speed and I saw him create a lot of turnovers. He makes some typical freshman mistakes, but I think the main thing is that he is adjusting from the BCHL to the WCHA. He's trying moves that he could probably get away with against BCHL defensmen, but when it comes to teams like Duluth, and Boston College, he isn't going to get very far with them. He needs to use his speed to create shots for himself, as I don't know if I've even seen him take a single shot on goal. Everyone can tell that he has all the tools, it will just take some time to get going. Now Stafford on the other hand... what can you say about this kid... He is consistantly one of the best players on the ice for the Sioux. His strength reminds me of Prpichs, but he has hands more like Bochenski. HE's ONLY 17!!!! My god, he looks like a junior or senior the way he plays. This kid could have a 40-50 point season. Stafford is something special folks, you don't see players like this come around very often, and any NHL team would be stupid not to pick him up in the first round. He is going to develop into one hell of a hockey player.
  11. Did anyone go watch the SSM prep team play vs. ND and MN select teams? I was just wondering how Genoway, Chorney, Duncan looked, etc. Those shattuck's kids got a great show tonight. How could you go to last night's game and see Parise, Stafford, Smaby, Porter, Murray, etc play so well and in such an amazing arena and NOT want to play at UND?
  12. Jordan played well last night. his SV% didn't really show it, but he didn't let in any soft goals, and they had 8 PP's including 2 5on3's. He made a lot of great saves, and didn't give up ANY rebounds. I'd stick with JP in net tonight, he is playing very well.
  13. Well, since this is the first time I've seen the sioux play besides over a crappy internet feed this year, heres my take: The sioux looked lost out there in the 1st. BC owned the ice, they were executing everything better and the sioux couldn't get anything going. I think the turning point in the game started with Ryan Hale's big hit that he went off the ice holding his shoulder. After that, things started going the Sioux's way. Smaby is more of a project. He was making mistakes in the 1st, but he calmed down and played extremely well in the last half of the game. He's got all the tools to become an amazing D-man. And I expect him to be outstanding by the second half. He's already looking better after just a couple games. Schneider... this team would be lost without him, he runs the show, no question about it. He's definately got what it takes to lead this team to the FF, and be an all-american. Murray is fast, feisty, and not afriad of anything. He's trying moves that he could probably get away with in the BCHL, but not here. He'll come along soon. He's got loads of talent and speed, and he compliments the Bo/Parise combo very well. Stafford... what can I say... This kid is unreal. With all the hype Murray got, I don't think this kid got enough credit. He's 17 and he is out there playing with the best team in the nation and holding is own. He's strong as hell, fast, and has great hands, a combo that you don't see often. This guy something special folks, he was possibly the best player on the ice last night for the Sioux. He's gonna score some huge goals this year. 2 games as a sioux, 2 GWG's. Porter is impressing me more than I expected. He's a toughnosed grinder that cycles well and forechecks well. He's not gonna score alot of goals, but he will do a lot of good for the sioux this year behind the scenes. Players like Porter are crucial to championship calibur teams, and I'm glad Blais got this guy here. He is a great addition to the sioux, and his line with Fylling and Genoway was the best line on the ice for the Sioux in the first part of the game. Genoway has done some work in the off season, and it shows. He's noticably stronger and faster, and he's playing very well so far this season. Again, not a guy who is gonna score alot, but Sioux faithfull can be comfortable with him and Porter out there together on a line. They work hard and even created some great opportunities for UND last night. This is what you like to see early in the season from guys who didn't make a lot of noise last year. JP is a solid goaltender. He's no Reichmuth or anything, but he's solid and I feel more comfortable with him in the pipes than I ever did with Jake or Josh. He plays consistant and doesn't get flustered. Against BC it would be easy for him to lose it getting down 3-0 right away, but he kept his cool which is good for a freshman. He plays like a junior or senior in there, and that is very promising. Overall the sioux have great depth this year. They can roll out 3 effective scoring lines, and have great team defense. They play very physical and can control the tempo of the game, which they did in the second half vs. BC. They are gaining confidence, and this season is going to be alot of fun. Here's what I'd like to see tonight Parise/Bochenski/Murray Lundbohm/Stafford/Massen McMahon/Porter/Prpich Genoway/Fylling/Palmiscno Schneider/Smaby Jones/Greene Fuher/Hale - I think Hale is playing very well on D. I like him in this position especially against BC.
  14. ....which...hotel...are they staying at....? No one will suspect BATMAN <----------
  15. Brian Boyle. I've heard he's got slow feet though. He's more of a Grant Potulney type: sit-in-front-of-the-net-and-bang-in-shots style of player. Smaby and Greene will have to boot his bostonian arse out of the crease
  16. Very troubling, however... The gophers did get shutout
  17. Hmmmm.... This reminds me... http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1244
  18. Yeah. I remember watching a NHL game, I forgot completely who it was, but it was playoffs... anyway, some guy for.... toronto maybe? I dunno, but he got this HUGE gash over his eye, blood all over the place, (he had gotten hit by a slap shot I believe) well they stitched him up on the bench. He missed 1 shift. Any other sport and that guy would've been out for a month.
  19. Very true. I can't wait for this, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight...
  20. Let's show them damn easterners how to play real hockey
  21. Yes. That's exactly what it means But in all seriousness. If he had a knee injury, I doubt he'd be beating Murray, Fylling, and Stafford in speed drills.
  22. Hey, don't be joking about a bruised pinky. That's some serious $h!t
  23. Well, according to tonights coaches show, it sounds like Zach has been winning the sprints in practice and Blais is going to let him play.
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