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Posts posted by siouxforce19

  1. On 3/13/2022 at 8:07 PM, crb1 said:

    Do we go out to Cornell next year? Boy do we have some payback for them. 

    Originally we were supposed to go there 20-21 season when we played no non-conference. I’m guessing at some point we will go out there but not sure when. Schlossman listed most of our non conference opponents for next year earlier this season and I’m pretty sure Cornell wasn’t one of them. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ND_Texan said:

    Okay, wanger swanging aside I don't see DU at #3 and UND at #6, or either teams at #4 and #5 to qualify to be in the same regional. I believe if UND loses a game they fall to #7, or if DU wins the title they could very well land at #2.

    I’m not sure what needs to happen to get DU to #2, but probability has them at a 3 percent chance of being the 2 overall so seems unlikely. 

  3. If the season ended today, the bracket would send us to Loveland. If Denver ends with 3 and UND with 6, or the teams finish as 4 and 5, we’ll go there. Otherwise we will head east. 

    We are not going to be sent there for attendance purposes because Denver is there, and with minimal eastern teams in this tournament this year we may draw decent out East to help attendance there as well. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    I have no insight as to what the coaches have offered or have not but it would appear that we absolutely dropped the ball on getting Shaaughby from Warroad. 

    I’m not sure we are doing much of offering kids playing high school hockey at all. All of our recruits are coming from junior hockey mostly. The last recruits we’ve gotten from high school hockey were legacy’s so it was pretty obvious. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    If DU falls to a 2 seed or we run down a 1. Otherwise, I'd be pretty surprised to see UND elsewhere, IMO.

    I sort of disagree with this theory. 

    I expect us to be in either DU or Minnesota’s regional, whether we are a 1 seed or a 2 seed. But I don’t think going to DU’s regional is a given if the bracket doesn’t naturally fall that way. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    What would everybody think if Berry decided to give miller a second chance and bright him in next year to replace Sanderson? We know he did a horrible thing but how much can you punish him for something stupid when he was a teenager.

    He was removed by the university President, not Berry. It’s not as simple as Berry giving him a second chance because it wasn’t his decision to remove him in the first place. 

    Also, my answer is no. UND doesn’t need the PR nightmare this would be. 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    Th question I have, if UMD loses to St. Cloud is there a scenario in which UMD drops below the bubble?

    I think the issue they would have would be auto bids out East taking away at large spots if they drop too close to the bubble. I think there’s a good chance we see multiple non-top 16 autobids this year. 

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  8. 28 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    LOL I basically never have a problem with NCHC.tv and I'd attribute most problems to user error and/or weak internet. The only real problem is that other schools don't have great technology to make their feed as good as UND's home games are. 

    I'd much rather watch a stand alone camera with crappy audio than nothing at all.

    Whenever I hear other people complain about NCHC.TV it’s either weak Internet and user error that you mentioned or just stuff that doesn’t bother me. 

    The only thing I really hate is when Omaha zooms in on the guy leaving the penalty box. 2 years ago we scored a goal as a penalty expired so we didn’t even get to see it because they did that. 

    • Upvote 3
  9. 41 minutes ago, GoalieMask said:

    Aside from what happens in Omaha, UND will get Miami or CC next weekend.   Chase Gresock returning seems to have made a positive impact on the Redhawks, who have been hovering around .500 these past three months.   Miami doesn't have an easy road at Kalamazoo to pick up a point on CC but the Washe news can't help the Broncos' focus. 

    Do you mean weeks? Because Miami won no games in January but went 3-3 in February. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

    Does anyone know what, if anything, UND can do to flip the comparison with Cornell?  Or are we just out of luck on that one ...

    I think it’s a lost cause.

    They could lose twice to Quinnipac to tie our record versus common opponents and then the comparison would be even at 2-2 and we would win the comparison because of a higher RPI? I don’t even know if they will play Qpac again, let alone twice, so it seems unlikely to flip. 

  11. Just now, Godsmack said:

    Gabinet inexplicably played his other goalie Saturday night. Why not go with the hot hand in Saville??? To boot, the other goalie, Roden, badly misplayed the puck late in the third leading to a costly goal. I won’t lie, I started to cynically wonder if Gabinet was throwing the game for some reason. 

    Supposedly Saville was sick. But he was still listed as the backup so that’s weird. 

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  12. 20 minutes ago, Nashvegas said:

    Are you new here? The NCAA loves to screw the NCHC when it can. If they can put a conference matchup and have a valid excuse, they will. They don't want a NCHC frozen Four out east. Even though Boston will be all green anyways!! 

    NCAA needs to suck it up because there’s a good chance there are ZERO eastern teams at the Boston Frozen Four. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, ND_Texan said:

    No, because we only played them twice and they were home games.

    That just means the head to head tiebreaker doesn’t apply. The second tiebreaker is regulation wins and we currently have more regulation wins than Denver. So I believe we do have the tiebreaker. (For the moment at least)

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