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Posts posted by siouxforce19

  1. 6 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:


    Also very likely that it's taken incredibly out of context.

    For example... he could have said that we're an all-around good team and that "nothing in particular" stands out in terms of things to focus on.

    I'll never understand why any athlete, at this level or the next, needs the other team to get them motivated for the task at hand. 

    When I saw that tweet, I was like “that can’t be the entire quote.” Bad reporting if so. 

    This is a long time college hockey coach. He coached Princeton when we played them in regionals in 2008. I just can’t fathom someone being dumb enough to say something like that about your opponent without there being more to it. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    How does Q jump us in the polls after a split? That seems like some BS right there.

    They earned 1 point more than us in the USCHO poll so seems it could’ve gone either way. 

    Some teams are just judged differently in these polls. Probably a perception thing. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Godsmack said:

    So I just met Marc Chorney. I’m sitting at the bar after the game, minding my own business and he comes over and says, “Okay I gotta sit next to this North Dakota guy.” I say something complimentary about Quinnipiac and then mention how they have a player whose dad was an All-American at North Dakota. To which this guy says, “Oh, you don’t say?” And then Taylor is standing there and says, “You’re talking to him!” We all had a good laugh. Really nice guy. 

    Ah, Taylor is a great guy. Met him after college a few years back at a charity hockey game. Went to go say hi and said “Thought I’d come over here to get away from the Gopher guys” - had a good laugh. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Godsmack said:

    Did Budy see much ice time? I can’t recall seeing him out there but I know he was dressed because I saw him in warmups. 

    He had a scoring chance earlier in the game but he was on the 4th line and I think I heard they shortened the bench? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    I'm a bit baffled that we have been as poor defensively as we have been.  Pretty decent top four that a lot of teams would like to have.  Our d zone at times.....ufff.

    Great time to give the Swede a start in the net.

    Ja????  Ja???

    Our defense has been the most disappointing thing to me so far this season. Thought that would be a strength and keep us afloat while we figure out forwards and offense. But it’s just been bad.

    I feel like they’ll get it together eventually but it’s pretty painful right now. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, nodakgirl93 said:

    So has it been figured out on how to get the games for this weekend? Will the $6.99 ESPN+ app work or do you actually need a cable package with the espn channels? 

    ESPN plus is the one where you can just pay the 6.99. 

    ESPN3 is what you’re thinking of with needing cable. 

    Confusing I know. 

  7. Kind of interesting that Quinnipiac is in Connecticut and doesn’t have any players from Connecticut on their team. And UND has a player from Connecticut. 

    Cooper Moore is from Connecticut. 

  8. 1 minute ago, AJS said:

    I'm not following the negative reaction to the CSS ratings at all. I've always found the 3rd to 5th rounds to be the sweet spot. More likely to get those really solid players that will be 3 year guys. 6 of the 7 are rated. I don't get how there's a negative spin to that. 

    I was hoping someone would say this. I completely agree. 

    • Upvote 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Anyone know if they can stream the ESPN+ feed onto Youtube? I saw that Riese Gaber's mom was asking about viewing options and couldn't get ESPN+ where she is.

    I have ESPN+ but am not sure how to do it, and might not be around at game start on Friday. Figured I'd post it here to see if anyone could help so she could watch.

    The ECAC has a different stream for international viewers that she should be able to purchase and watch. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    He got into it with the Cornell head coach a few years back when he called a kid out that got railroaded from behind for faking an injury.  Same kid suffered a broken neck the year before and there was almost a post game rumble in the hand shake line.

    Guy just doesn't make friends anywhere.  He was unhappy after the natty for UND playing a physical brand of hockey.  Sam Anos was playing hurt and UND just threw the kitchen sink at the kid.  He should not have been playing. 

    It’s not like Quinnipiac didn’t play physical too either because they did. I also remember playing them in Fargo regional in 2015 and they were pretty physical in that game too. I think he probably complained about having to play in Fargo instead of Providence that time. 


    • Upvote 1
  11. Just now, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Pecknold has a bad reputation, can anyone refresh us on why? My recollection is whiny post game interviews.

    I know he used to say he didn’t need to schedule non conference games against western based teams because the non-ECAC leagues in the east are all the non conference competition they need. 

    Must have changed his mind. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, brianvf said:

    This will be a tough series.  Quinnipiac is an older, experienced team, especially compared to how many newcomers are in our lineup.
    They've only allowed 2 goals all season in four games, with three of their games being shutout wins.

    Hopefully Budy is ready to go and we'll need big weekends from Gaber & Sanderson.

    They hit the portal probably close to as hard as we did in the off season so they lost a bit of their production from last year. 

  13. 15 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Senden is probably just a placeholder on that line until Budy is healthy.  Who else could we temporarily put on that line at the moment?  Hain maybe?  Other than Schmaltz none of the freshman are ready for top 6 duty.  When Budy returns I imagine we'll see a third line of 10-27-19.    

    Berry basically alluded to this after the exhibition that Budy’s injury was a factor in putting Senden with Ford and Calder. Sounds like Budy is getting closer to a return. 

  14. 26 minutes ago, SiouxForever said:

    Louis Jamernik, 3 GP, 3 goals and 1 assist. Let's hope that production continues, that will help the squad. It's early but that is interesting.

    Those stats aren’t correct. If you got them from CHN, they credited him with Caulfield and Kunz’s goal from last night. 

    I don’t know where to get correct stats anymore :unsure:

  15. Just now, Wilbur said:

    Scares me a tick that we could only play 5 d men almost the entire third period.  Could see at the end that guys got gassed and we are icing the puck instead of off the glass and out plays.  Probably see Ferner tomorrow.

    I'm loving Driscoll.  Big fist pump at the end.  A very good first period for him while we were flat.

    According to the line chart on the Herald live chat, Ferner is injured. Not sure if it’s accurate. 

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