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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I agree that people have jumped off the band wagon already. Just walking on campus, you can tell just tell there's not the same confidence. a lot of people assume the worst about the series this weekend. Not me, I'm thinking positive thoughts.
  2. OSU also has zac dalpe, and i've heard he's pretty good... most were surprised he actually showed up on campus considering he was a high draft pick. On a side note, UAA and UMD's game ended in a tie... lots of very interesting game results this weekend!
  3. CC and clarkson tied AGAIN in overtime.... interesting...
  4. personally, as fun as it would be to drop wisco to 0-8, i'd prefer to play them with a win or two under their belt. i'm interested to see how this series goes this weekend.
  5. I think that was down in my section. It was getting pretty heated. I know I felt like throwing something at the glass at some points in that game, but I restrained myself.
  6. it was commented on brad's blog that it's not for sure toews is 100 percent.
  7. that prediction is rather impressive siouxweet!
  8. oh, how i love game ending brawls!!!!!!
  9. VANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE LEADING 4-3 8.6 seconds to go!!!!!!!
  10. this is looking eerily similar to the women's game....
  11. 3:42 left......
  12. well.....it was brief.......
  13. we score!!!!!!!!!!!! we're winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. i hope this is a sign we're starting to come alive.... another power play!
  15. ryan duncan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're not dead yet!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. andrew kozek just might be my new bff....... kozek from gregoire! well.......sort of. haha
  17. ACTUALLY... that is the best news I've heard all day. sadly.
  18. watkins and toews are out and miller and lamoureax are in... the lines are very shaken up... i hope watty and toews can get their injuries settled in the next week or so
  19. if only davey was playing...
  20. I have no words for that....
  21. this is getting a wee bit ridiculous that we can't get anything in that net.
  22. here we go on another hopeless powerplay... please, please score a goal!
  23. Yes! someone...anyone....please score a goal!
  24. NO GOAL!!!!!!!!!!
  25. he's not the only one............
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