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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. Oh, i'm sick also.... so i couldn't yell either. so i was just glad i had the sticks to make noise. haha. i was not giving up my tickets. lol
  2. That was frustrating for me. I was sitting next to about 4 non-students. You could totally tell. And frankly, it ruined part of the experience for me. I'm trying to find different seats for tonight, but probably won't have any luck. If you don't want to stand, tough. it's a freaking hockey game, and you're in grand forks, north dakota -- hockey is life. so i'm going to stand, don't like it, go to the bar. sorry had to vent. As for the thundersticks. Good idea for me, because I lost my voice yesterday so my noise making abilities were quite limited. haha.
  3. I JUST got mine over the weekend, so I would guess yours would be on their way. I was getting nervous myself. I wouldn't hold out on calling ticketmaster too long though if they don't get here. a friend of mine also printed theirs online after they got the tickets, so i dont know if that would still be an option. Also, i went to a concert once and had "will call" tickets and they didn't have them but I had my confirmation number, and got into the concert. (just a side story there)
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