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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. what bars are free for the bus? I think downunder (also 2.50 pitchers there Friday nite) speedway- great specials there and I think u get a freebie when you get back bun-u can never have one there does the drum have a bus? longahaul I think was free last year other than that every place in town charges...
  2. as that blog poster who posts here says and no one does on his blogs but ill say it "discuss"
  3. ok lets say this.. 440 cars....average of 3 in a car= 1320 people lets say 4/5 of those don't have tix==256 people now would those 256 people know that they have to walk in sub zero windchills still go to the game knowing that.... losing out on walk up revenue and lets say of the rest of those people...who wants to walk when its blizzarding out so lts take another 500 out and that is 500 with out buying a 6.50 beer, 5 dollar coke, 4 dollar hot dog and so on... lost of lost revenuein the dead of winter
  4. Faison could give a sheet less about us...while hes in front row parking and in suites eating on the buffet line we are stuck walking in neg 40 below windchills Thanks faison. My check is going to be made out to the humane society now instead if und
  5. what do you want me to say? we got the battle of the doormats in the BSC this weekend... TV coverage for hockey sucks this year but I am looking fwd to mens ball...hope they don't disappoint anything less then BSC title gam is a disappoint ment all poker chips on the table this weekend
  6. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Watching the UND sports show right... Mussman not making any dumb comments but also hes not saying much other than we just gotta compete more and our young guys will continue to make mistakes and we have to live with that
  7. If its not a recarnation of jeff boschee idc.
  8. Why cant you? Its because you dont no anyything.... Every other true sioux fan tell people inside info.. Judging by ur name u must be not a sioux fan and just und...fake fan.
  9. I noticed that as well.. Kudos to him. He better get raise... I don't even think the ball teams can pack the betty like that.
  10. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Why are you so crabby all the time Southpaw? you work for midco or not? You sure seem pretty smart about everything to do with TV and media.
  11. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    that's why I wanted to see if it was possible... to see if something is being done as Faison isn't going to come out and say it... I don't want nasty emaisl just like "hey Chris See me in my office at 8 AM Monday morning" THat would be sufficient for me....
  12. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Hammer is a pawnd owned by UND.. If he screws up the UND relationship he has nothing.
  13. yeah hardee is almost more intense the roebuck...
  14. that announcer seems really annoying to me..not Hammer but the PA
  15. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    I wonder if a person could do an open records request for emails between Mussman and Faison??? wonder if they actually communicate during the week.....
  16. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    not one single word about the football program and the state of it.
  17. Faison on right now on the break....Looks a little hot haha.
  18. dang I love spandex. anyone else? ugh not the swim team tho!!!
  19. look at this picture.....mind blowing...looks beautiful http://instagram.com/p/e52lMtIzzq/#
  20. maybe they are announcing the butler game on fox sports?
  21. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    II emailed faison hoping he would respond cuz i did mention the buffet...basically asked him where we can donate for a new coach.... Didnt get nothing back other than a thank you for you for your interest in und athletics. This email has been forwarded on to the correct person Whcih i beg to ask who calls the shots?
  22. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    U forgot about that we are playing toe to toe and just one play away.
  23. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Nah he was cutting the ham
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