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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. See what happens when new boys try to be good city falls apart cough cough liberal city coucil man
  2. Saw Grady in gf over the weekend
  3. I posted about this a few months back gobc lives
  4. Save money for a mid season buy out?
  5. gfhockey

    2016 Season

    Sorry been staying away from the cancer of this board
  6. gfhockey

    2016 Season

    Wouldn't be surprised if iwarri smith is off the roster over summer
  7. You know it's bad when Nelson is bashingthem
  8. See schloss blog ralston Hennessy canned from und i could care less about ralston he was below average and tried way to hard to be a homer learfield better hire hennessy
  9. Umm that's why I asked never had info. I posted on this board to ask for info
  10. Anyone hear rumors of Tim Hennessy? Some floating around twitter
  11. gfhockey

    2016 Season

    Hearing that a player got busted again for drugs
  12. Women's hockey prolly has less revenue and spends 3 times more
  13. I've said it once and I'll say it again all hail faison
  14. Who says no to money? ive seen faison more by himself at the china buffet then with a potential donor
  15. Faison said he skimmed the letter and it doesn't matter in the herald
  16. It's all over twitta chrck out degagnres twitta
  17. Wow faison screwed the pooch on this one go look at the letter those wrote from September about how his dad and his friends want to start donating to Und baseball faison never called hem or emailed hem back
  18. $250k bonus to make frozen four. Doesn't matter for title game I was told assume about $100k of that went for bonuses for the staff and coaching staf
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