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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. gfhockey


    He would have been taken. Care of here if he didn't bail on us
  2. gfhockey


    His buyout was only $60k
  3. Jones make adjustments that were needed?
  4. Isn't a lot of Und student fees for the wellness center
  5. Plus we could have drink specials at the Ralph on captain Morgan's
  6. Morgan tried to become a gobc but wouldn't pledge his support for a few things we stand for hes our second choice
  7. Out guy is still on the list don't you worry
  8. Blaiser was having some cold ones at the moose tonite. Good times had by all
  9. Went and tried the north end burger king ok food. Fries had a little too much salt
  10. I've admitted when I was wrong or didn't have the scoop
  11. I never named any of those kids leaving. I knew all along
  12. Why would I want to share the playas name? I thought maybe a chance bubs could get him to stay
  13. Haven't got an apologies yet
  14. Give him the fcoa. I was hoping that would keep him to stay but sometimes other things are more important like providing for family.
  15. I hope Bubba can sign Lotsyz to a $1 contract. Have him drive out to the Rez. And get Elijah back. He has a week or two to do it.
  16. I believe he would rather spend time with his little one and family. I don't blame him at all
  17. We will try our best to get the nerds to hire him
  18. We are trying to bring purp back more later
  19. gfhockey


    Oh how the mighty have fallen bet he wished he didn't ditch Und when we needed him most
  20. gfhockey

    gas prices

    The owners of stores give a lot back to grand forks. End of story
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