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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. You weren't at the park for Springfest??...I must say I am rather dissapointed forecheck. While not quite as fun as last year...it was still worth going to (especially since the Wild lost).
  2. Well that's good to hear...My thoughts are that it will be Brandt, Ziggy and possibly Siembida next year. redwing77...have you ever watched an all-star game. They're full of snipers that know how to score. Giving up only 4 goals is pretty damn good IMO. Hell, Marty Brodeur and Dominik Hasek give up 3 or so in the PERIOD that they play in the NHL all-star game (I know that this year was a little different, very low scoring game). But I do agree that Siembida wasn't as good as advertised.
  3. Any realtion to flatspin's god Marty?...If so, let's hope that goaltending skill doesn't run in the family
  4. With the departure of Hale I think that Scheider will step up into a big leadership role this year. Jones and Massen I think will also have pretty big years.
  5. Well it was a great season for the Wild. Western Conference Finals...not bad for a third year expansion team. I believe they exceeded everyone's expectations this season by just winning the first round over Colorado. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and they ran into the hottest team in the NHL. Not to mention Jean-Sebastien Giguere played out of his f*cking mind. I am definately looking forward to next season. With any luck, we will be calling the Wild Stanley Cup Champions, as well as the Sioux 8-time National Champipons Hey...at least we finally scored!!!!!!!!! So now I say...Go Devils!!
  6. I think it's safe to say that neither of us really knows what happened, we're just guessing, at least that's pretty much what I am doing...Maybe Brenden transferred because of Ryan coming here.
  7. This was of course just speculation, as we could see no other reason why Brenden Connelly was recruited so hard from Air Force, other than to get Ryan here.
  8. I wholeheartedly agree...I would much rather have been moved to the end, then now possibly having to sit at Sioux games without friends.
  9. Thanx GDM.... Look at CC's PP percentage...30.8%..sick A lot of good useless stats that I thought only sportscasters used The most interesting stat on there I thought was the Special Teams percentage...only 4 teams (CC, MSUM, SCCC, Denver) were above .500.
  10. I don't think that the Ducks have necessarily outplayed the Wild the last 2 games. To me it looked rather even. But, I do agree that Giguere, while still the best goaltender in the playoffs IMO, has been getting a lot of help from his team. The Ducks have been to a tremendous job of clearing away rebounds and Wild players after Giguere has stopped the initial shot. I can't count how many times I saw a rebound bounce into the open ice and the Ducks had either a man there to clear it, or had all of the Wild players tied up, preventing them from banging home the rebound. Also, though it's no longer an official stat kept by the NHL, Anaheim is doing a great job of blocking shots. Half of the Wild's shots aren't even making it through to Giguere. The Wild need to crash the net hard, and just throw pucks at the net, and it will go in the net. There looking for those perfect shots, which the Anaheim defenders won't give them.
  11. Yes I do...you'll have nothing to worry about if I am up front someday on your flight
  12. Interesting...two friend's of mine thought that this was the reason (they were both student managers for the team last year), but I didn't know when Ryan commited to UND, so I just took their word for it. I did know about Brenden at Air Force, word was he was recruited pretty hard.
  13. Assigned seats suck...If you want to assign seats, assign people to either the lower bowl or upper bowl. Do they think that we students go to the games alone. Believe it or not, I have friends, and I would like to sit with them at the games. What were they thinking? And, Diggler I agree, half of the fun of a Sioux game is standing outside freezing your a$$ off a few hours before the doors even open for your seats. Way to drop the ball on this one Senate, you almost had me believing you knew what you were doing.
  14. The way I understand it, you lose college eligibility if you opt-in before you turn 19. So for Beaverson to opt-in to this year's draft, he would lose NCAA eligibility. However, I never claim to be an expert on draft rules and eligibility requirements.
  15. I wondered that too. My guess is that WAS where Walters thought the Wild would be picking. Obviously it's going to be lower than that given the team's success this year. Hopefully it will be 30th, but it doesn't look that way right now. My guess is that they wil be picking 27th, and I would think they will pick Parise if he is still available.
  16. I was there...it's true. I can't believe what I am seeing. The Wild are playing the best series of the playoffs, but Giggy isn't letting the puck in the net. Bad French-Canadian, bad. All I can hope for right now is that the Wild knew they would win in an elimination game, so they thought they would get to that point quicker. However, seeing how frustrated they were at the end of tonight's game...I doubt it
  17. I think he's talking about DeMarchi , but yes Winchester will no longer be feeling shame with the BADgers, and neither will DeMarchi with the Goophs The 2 ref system is mainly designed to stop players from taking cheapshots behind the play. The Sioux, at least that I've seen, have been screwed in the past by players taking shots behind the play. Also, maybe Canady will be more careful about what HE does behind the play.
  18. It's nice to see that future WCHA players are pretty highly regarded already by the NHL. Here's a thought...was Grant Potulny recruited by Minnesota to get Ryan, much like Brenden Connely was to get Ryan? Only Grant ended up doing better than expected, and worked out pretty well for the Gophers. I'm not saying that this was the reason (So, Gopher fans don't go off on me), just asking if you all think it's a possibility.
  19. Yeah, those hockey camps are a lot of fun and a lot of work. In my PeeWee to Bantam trasition summer, me and about 30 or so other kids from our city went to Craig Dahl's camp at St. Cloud State (This was around their first year of being a decent team). One of the best weeks of my life. Dahl's assistants worked our a$$e$ off every morining, afternoon, and night, and kept us busy the whole day with different dryland training activities (ranging from flag football to shooting pucks). I actually met Dahl and he ate lunch and BS'd with us on a few days, pretty cool guy. There were not only SCCC players there helping out, but a few from other WCHA schools like the Wisco were there helping out as well.
  20. Because she is...and I believe she did say, though indirectly I think (someone can correct me if they wan't), that the wookie was hot...only she wasn't joking
  21. OK, I see we don't have some very intelligent people here at the moment...I know I've said this before on another thread: Schmidt = Consistant Schmitt = Not consistant Even Diggler appears to know the difference...flatspin, I'm dissapointed
  22. Jordan was 6th behind Sedevie (5) and Lamoureax (4) in goaltending leaders this season in the USHL Lamoureax: 2.16 GAA .917 SV% Sedevie: 2.62 GAA .896 SV% Parise: 2.55 GAA .915 SV%
  23. Hockey East looks to Change Refs, OT System Hockey East has voted 5-2 and 4-3 in favor of changing the current referee and OT systems, respectively. Under the changes, that wouldn't take effect until the 2004-05 season, Hockey East would have two referees and two linesmen, like the NHL. Also like the NHL, OT would be 4x4 with teams receving one point for an OT loss. I think that this is a great idea. There needs to be another ref out there to catch those behind the play calls, that one would not normally see. I also am in complete agreement with the new OT system. Giving teams one point for an OT loss gives them nothing to lose. It has made the NHL game more exciting in OT, as teams go all out in the OT period. Under the current OT systems, I believe that teams really play not to lose, instead of to win. Your thoughts?
  24. I don't think that having 7 goalies means we are in desperate need. What we are in desperate need of is good goaltending which I think that Brandt can provide, given the chance. Now, two are gone (Ranfranz and Sofie), Blais will probably get rid of one or two more next fall at tryouts. And God knows we can't have a player on our team that's not hot!!...SiouxHockeyLover, I'll save you the trouble, there's a picture of his dad at a Minnesota North Stars site...There's also a list of who wore every number for the North Stars, guess what number JP Parise wore??
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