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Everything posted by siouxkid12

  1. here is what i said the first time i took a "random" shot at you. "in all seriousness i think all your negatives come from you sounding like a complete a$$. who cares if you know people....good for you! i also know people who work for the twins and wild and routinely get tickets from them, i just choose not to brag about it on a message board." all i was saying was that i don't care where your info comes from and that you come off as an ass. i also don't drink this so called "kool-aid" you keep referring to, as i was one of the more vocal people who bashed kristo for his frostbite incident. you remind me of a person who always has to ONE-UP the next person and to me that's annoying because a lot of the information you post is pointless information that is incorrect most of the time. if you want to go an piss people off with your no nonsense garbage thats fine, keep doing what your doing.
  2. what brand of kool-aid would you be talking about?....i prefer grape kool-aid but whatever kind you make is probably good anyway. yes, my parents did do a fine job in raising me, i have a four year degree, i have a great job that can provide me with things that i want and i treat other people the way i want to be treated. with that i think you are just a mean person who looks for attention, you probably didn't get enough love as a child so you lash out towards other people with your stupid comments and how you know this person and that person, just to make yourself feel better.
  3. i was always told you can't argue stupid....i guess that comment rings true when you try to talk to lomackman
  4. in all seriousness i think all your negatives come from you sounding like a complete a$$. who cares if you know people....good for you! i also know people who work for the twins and wild and routinely get tickets from them, i just choose not to brag about it on a message board.
  5. when is the announcement?
  6. its not like it is breaking news if he signs, i mean we all know they have been courting him for awhile now
  7. any actual article about it? don't care about your sources but one could look at you as a troll as you have only posted 15 messages (two of which have said that Hextall signed).
  8. wait does this mean its time for Sioux hockey again?
  9. doubt it. if he dropped most of his classes it would probably put him under 12 credits which would make him a part time student and therefor ineligible to play hockey.
  10. take it in stride, there are many people on here who think because they have over 1,000 posts they know everything about sioux hockey and have insider information on everything. they hate hearing things that might be demeaning to the team they love because they don't want to hear the truth or they think you are a troll bashing their team. we are all sioux fans here so it shouldn't matter who has the most posts (as lot of people's posts are just saying the score of a game or "SCORE" when the sioux score).
  11. going to miss them all! i'm going to miss frattin's ability to create a play no matter what (scoring the goal on Yale last year) i'm going to miss pony's huge hits and big red hair! i'm going to miss trupp's unbelievable puck handling skills i'm going to miss marto's versatility i'm going to miss davidson's do what is asked mentality i'm going to miss pointer's ability to main the point with ease i'm going to miss genoway's style of play in my mind, UND needs more 4 year players like this!
  12. not that this should be brought up again as it happened awhile ago but the coaches are only allowed to say certain things because of the law the rest should have been said by the parents.
  13. better than 3 straight non appearances in the National Tourny
  14. Is it Thursday?
  15. Paper doesn't win you championships!
  16. have fun working with schools that lose money every year (except the UofM) on hockey! if i was starting a new hockey conference PENN STATE and OHIO STATE are the last schools i would be looking at to join the leage. those two school wont be relevant in college hockey for years to come and will water down your league a heck of a lot quicker than bemidji state and Omaha! also, the last time i checked, UND and Denver were D1 schools. your argument about not being in a conference with a D3 school is irrelevant because D3 already has hockey!
  17. im personally pulling for you guys! wcha final would be awesome and it would also show those idiots from wisconsin and uofm that leaving might not be in their best interest.
  18. i've been reading their message board and a lot of them are talking about who they are going to buy tickets from for the championship game, i mean c'mon act like you have been here before! i mean it's one thing to talk smack about your opponent but its another to look past them and plan ahead! personally i've never had a problem with a duluth fan, i actually think most are pretty nice. the thing i have a problem with is the way they think they are the next biggest thing in college hockey.
  19. I like how it says "win or lose we will booze!"
  20. can you guys ever stay on topic or is your life that pathetic that you have to insult people? people like you are scum and deserve nothing from life. to put people down continuously like you do just shows your intelligence.
  21. I guess my momma was right. You can't argue stupid!
  22. because you have none! one thing i know about hockey players is they never rat out a teammate, so your proof is based on your assumptions.
  23. do u know he wasnt telling the truth? if you know he was lying you should become a police officer since you can tell when people are lying
  24. if you do make a shirt like that do you think you could make one in an XL?
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