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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Nice one, Coteau...you made me laugh out loud.
  2. Yea, I know of one: www.blogspot.charlieweisquityourwhiningaboutyourranking.michiganspankedyouandyou shouldn'tevenbeinthetoptenanyways.com
  3. dagies, I was sitting in section 119 row B (which is the first row, don't ask me why there is no row A) and got a birds-eye view of the deflection as well as Anderson skating right by me many, many times later in the game (especially when yelling back and forth with Coach Jutting). He had what looked to be 6-10 stitches above his eye. Another inch lower and that puck would have caught him squarely IN his eye. I'm with you on the half-shield. He's very lucky.
  4. Supposedly, Fedoruk's instigating the fight was in retaliation for Boogaard's sticking out his knee to trip up Chris Kunitz earlier in the game.
  5. What happened with kids there this past weekend that I missed? I had my almost five-year old with me on Friday night and he was very good during the game. The toddler behind me who kicked my chair for three periods while his mom held him, apparently unaware of that? Not so much. Pet peeve of mine, too. If you're gonna bring your kids, feel free to keep an eye on them during the game.
  6. I just don't like you mercilessly hitting on me when you're drunk.
  7. With all due respect, if it wasn't for Sioux fans in the building, Mankato should have been embarrassed by the lack of attendees. There is NO way that the MWC was as loud as the Ralph gets, unless you are counting the pumped-up volume of the soccer goal-scoring music. Speaking of that, it IMMEDIATELY gets my vote as lamest goal celebration music/chant of all-time. Horrible.
  8. I have mentioned "Jayhawks" previously. Origin of Jayhawks Another More Descriptive Version...
  9. Good point, HockeyMom. They usually hibernate in the winter but are plentiful during the WNBA season. The population here does seem to be dwindling though and they may soon be on Minnesota's list of endangered species along with Timberwolves fans, people who like the new Vikings jersey scheme, and Gopher hockey fans who say "I don't care what Lucia says, we should go back to the days when we were all-Minnesota kids".
  10. I've seen various translations, Sicatoka. I guess the point is nothing that hasn't already been said. Florida State (and I'm not disapproving of them) does anything they want and the NCAA doesn't bat an eye, but UND is still the great Satan along with William and Mary, Illinois, Bradley, etc. Seminole History in Florida
  11. Oh my goodness...the fem-mullet is a very rare species indeed. You are very lucky to have actually spotted one. They are usually found in the Alabama/North Florida area. This one must have migrated to the midwest.
  12. I read on Twincities.com yesterday about someone who got his Masters from the University of Mary in Fargo. Doesn't anybody check any facts anymore?
  13. I don't care who you are...that's funny right there. GBpakrzz...desperate times call for desperate measures, huh?
  14. MafiaMan

    TJ's hit

    Wow! Did you take a couple hours off from drinking in order to sober up and put that thought down in words? Dance Party USA baby!
  15. On a semi-related note, did anyone happen to catch the new FSU Seminoles football jersey that debuted on Saturday when they played BC? Yes, that's the word "UNCONQUERED" written down the side of the pants. Perhaps Myles Brand is too busy preparing a written statement on the Sioux nickname to pay any attention to Florida State. Oh, if only UND played D1 football and had made the NCAA millions of dollars in TV revenue and bowl games. We wouldn't even be having this discussion.
  16. That's because DaveK is stuck in a time-warp. It's still 1996 to him and Brett Favre and the Packers rule the universe!
  17. I'm offended! Pam Anderson is a classy woman...except for that PETA thing that she's involved with. You're right about this group, though. Kickin' a** on the wild side! Thread-related...I thought the students were outstanding this past weekend. The "suit up Hrkac" sign was ESPN classic!
  18. Who are you kidding, PCM? You were probably at the taping of Lawrence's first show!
  19. Crap. I just knew it. I'm also 0-4 with games involving Maine. I cheered for them when they played in the 2002 NCAA championship...and they lost to Minnesota in OT. I cheered for Maine again in the 2005 Western Regional...and they lost again to Minnesota in OT. I obviously cheered for the Sioux this past weekend...and UND was promptly swept at home. I'm sensing a pattern here.
  20. Yes, I'll be there both Friday and Saturday evenings. I've had my tickets since the day they went on sale, but I'm sure there are good seats still available with Ticketrobbers, er, Ticketmaster.
  21. Go watch your Lawrence Welk VCR tapes and let us debate music.
  22. My bad. She DOES have knees. I went back to the picture and looked a bit further down than where I was looking earlier.
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