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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I almost forgot, Smoggy, you're right up the block from me so you were enjoying the same gig. The "VS" network has done a good job of covering games, but, seriously, the Flyers/Blackhawks? What a couple of slug teams. Flip over to 860+ and I'm watching the Thrashers and Maple Leafs go back and forth like a bunch of speed demons. I sulked last night by watching VH1 and the Top 100 Songs of the 1980's.
  2. I hate to admit it, but I have to stick up for TC and bucky here. Of course the regular season games matter, but when it comes to programs like Minnesota and North Dakota, the ultimate prize is the NCAA title. Does that mean that they totally disregard the regular season and discount its meaning? Of course not. What are the coaches and players supposed to say? "We don't care about the regular season"? "We couldn't care less about defending the MacNaughton Cup"? "Our ONLY goal is winning the NCAA title"? Last time I checked, they still raise conference championship banners in both Mariucci and REA (along with Herbergers and Timberlodge Steakhouse banners in St Cloud). I don't agree at all with the illusion that Minnesota focuses too much on winning the regular season. An opposing viewpoint would be that the Sioux don't take the regular season seriously enough. I think the pride with both teams exists in that every time they step on the ice, the players, coaches, and fans want to win and expect to win. However, that pride is something that has been lacking in Minnesota the past few years at the Final Five after a semi-final loss while during that same time, North Dakota has shown some guts and determination, along with pride.
  3. That's interesting because the person that had me sign the list told me I didn't need to pay for my order until they arrived. I was #21 and #22 on "the list" so I fully expect to be getting a phone call or e-mail telling me my bobble heads are in. I hope this isn't a great promotion like the Applebee's Sioux pint glasses that were supposedly given away about five years ago. I'm still waiting for the manager of the GF restaurant to give me a call and tell me my two glasses are waiting to be picked up.
  4. I realize I'm crossing the line between sports "fan" and sports "nerd" with my following comments, but I do have about 50 bobbleheads in my collection including my two personal favorites, Bo Schembechler and Woody Hayes, along with other "Legends of The Big House" and "Legends of the 'Shoe". Legends of the Sioux...I'm likin' it!
  5. I'll probably remain cheering neutral for that game.
  6. The first step is admitting the problem, huh?
  7. Sioux uniform, of course! I had e-mailed the pro shop several times asking them about player bobble heads like Jeff Panzer, Tony Hrkac, etc. Obviously, they have to work out agreements with the people themselves and get the proper licensing agreements, but trust me, AZSIOUX, e-mail them and get on the list for Mike Commodore. If you're not happy with it, I'll buy it from you, that's how sure I am that you'll dig it.
  8. They are the Forever Collectables variety (meaning VERY life-like) and will be between $20-$25 each. A pic of the FC Michael Peca bobble is below. The base to the Commodore one is similiar, but looked "shinier" when I saw it. It will NOT disappoint you, but, unfortunately, it's only available to be seen on paper at REA at the moment. The prototype had the frizzy hair and playoff beard. Good stuff!
  9. The Mike Commodore bobblehead orders were being taken on a sign-up sheet inside the REA Pro Shop. I signed up for two during the Maine series. I believe they are limited to 500 in number and once they reach that, they will place the order. Sign up now!
  10. Dude, do you think I can get lucky out there WITHOUT tickets?
  11. Speaking of fighting, I feel like duking it out right now with someone. A few weeks ago, Comcast bought out Time Warner Cable and I suddenly was enjoying the NHL Center Ice package to the tune of up to six games a night. I sat down on my couch a few minutes ago and turned on Channel 862 only to see the words "YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO VIEW THIS CHANNEL." I guess all good things must come to an end.
  12. Whoa, whoa, whoa, PCM, now I'm totally confused. Are you saying that the NHL should consider playing hockey games at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings?
  13. Oh, so now it's all about the SIZE of the dog?
  14. Yes...I keep hearing about this 'doggy style' but when I pay girl and she show up to my hotel room, she bring no dog. Why is this?
  15. Truer words have never been spoken. The man has more POSTS than most people have written words!
  16. "Cmon, THETRIOUXPER...gimme a hug." "OK, Dikaia880...big hug!"
  17. Going to the woods with dagies, you mean? Um...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  18. dagies, you make a good point here. I think with sports teams and the cheering/jeering that goes along with it, some witty college student cheers/chants/t-shirts make you chuckle and others make you cringe. Notre Dame students came up with the Catholics vs Creminoles and Catholics vs Convicts t-shirts back in the day, yet you never saw Florida State or Miami whip up Seminoles/Canes vs Drunken Irishmen t-shirts in return. In the past year, Gonzaga fans (primarily students) were ripped for chanting "brokeback mountain" at an opposing player and a different venue where fans had signs poking fun at West Virginia by calling them "Brokeback Mountaineers." Frankly, when I hear Mankato fans chanting "Sioux suck" or "f*** the Sioux" as I heard this past weekend, I think it's more of a poor reflection on THEM than it is on the University of North Dakota.
  19. I won't be available Friday night as I'll be busy with mites hockey practice, but who's headed to Joe Senser's on Saturday night for the Sioux/St. Cloud game? Anyone...anyone...Bueller? 01grad, I owe you a keychain!
  20. So, DaveK, to illustrate your point...Michigan State will no doubt wind up 3-7 or 4-6 or something terrible and John L. Smith will get canned. Does that mean that Notre Dame beat a terrible opponent when they played earlier this year? Hardly. At the time, Michigan State was 2-0 and steamrolling. The choke against the Irish has obviously caused a downward spiral to their season. So regardless of what you think, I DO think that the rankings and record come into play when playing an opponent. The end-of-season ranking is hindsight thinking.
  21. If Notre Dame somehow ended up in the NCAA title game and one-loss Michigan was left outside looking in, it would be the biggest travesty in college football since Michigan became the only team EVER to be ranked #1 going into its bowl game, WIN its bowl game, then get dumped as the national champion (1997 when the coaches turned around and voted Nebraska #1). The college football playoff is alive and well every single weekend. And Notre Dame getting trounced at home eliminated the Irish. You can't use the rankings to benefit your point on one hand, then turn around and say its subjective and total nonsense. Last time I checked, the "experts" said Notre Dame was the #2 team in the country when they played Michigan. Obviously, they were wrong. Again, the point is, what's Charlie crying about? Where's this supposed anti-Irish bias?
  22. It's NOW the 2nd ranked team in the nation, DaveK. Where were these two schools ranked when they played? The fact is NO TEAM that loses a game 47-21 in its own building should whine about rankings. So Tennessee spanks the Pac 10's supposed big-shot Cal and the SEC is somehow over-rated? Yea, yea, yea, USC smoked Arkansas, so that practically evens out. I guess my point is that Charlie thinks ND is still a legitimate title contender, but how? Let me pose this question to you, assuming all other teams not named Michigan, Notre Dame, and Ohio State wind up the regular season with two losses. Michigan loses to Ohio State by 7 in a thriller. Are you telling me that by virtue of Michigan losing a late season game, that Notre Dame should vault past Michigan and wind up playing in the national title game? Ohio State loses to Michigan by 7 in a thriller. Again, there is no way possible you can consider Notre Dame a national championship threat. What exactly is Charlie lobbying for? To be ranked higher than Texas or Florida? Relax, Charlie. While you're busy playing Navy and Purdue, Texas has to win the Big XII title game and Florida still has the SEC title game left. These things will shake themselves out. Much like last year only Michigan is obviously much better, Notre Dame feasts on a schedule loaded with mediocre and below-par teams, then cries foul that they're not in the top five? Cmon, Charlie, gimme a break. You're on the same pace as a coach who was fired a while back only you got a pat on the back and a lifetime commitment from Notre Dame. Rah Irish.
  23. ONLY been in 4 fights this season in 10 games? Over an 82 game season, that equates to "only" 32 fights. This argument has been (no pun intended) beaten to death on this board and this is just the latest go-round. It's interesting that the purists who want to promote the artistry of hockey (the skating, the passing, the shooting, the goaltending, the all-around skill, etc.) are opposed to fighting and see it as a detriment to expanding the fan base of hockey. However, on the flip-side, when the American public tunes in to crap on TV like wrestling and the Ultimate Fighting Championship, it's almost surprising the NHL doesn't promote MORE fighting in the interest of appealing to the casual sports fan.
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