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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. #1) Stop letting people run around while the puck is in play! There is nothing more aggravating to me than having to stand up and sit down 100 times a period because some numbskulls want to see how many beers they can down in 20 minutes! Check out the X next year during the Final Five. The ONLY people you see sprinting around the aisles while the puck is in play are Sioux fans. Everyone else waits for a stoppage in play, then darts either to or from their seat.
  2. And way better history of choking in the clutch! Thanks, Moises, for finally admitting that you wouldn't have caught that ball anyways. Now maybe poor Bartman can crawl out of the hole he's been living in for the past 5-6 years.
  3. You didn't answer the question at all. So you're saying it's OK for Italians to refer to themselves as 'dagos' or 'guidos' but if someone else DARE says that to an Italian, it calls for an a**-kicking of great proportions. I didn't know that Native people owned exclusive rights to saying words like Indian, Warriors, or Sioux. Interesting concept.
  4. And for years, Sioux fans would taunt Gopher fans with "1979" chants or yell out things like "7 titles," "7 is greater than 3," or, more recently, obviously, "7 is greater than 5." For the record, I think that comments like that are silly. A title is a title and that equals one thing: Immortality. But if the Sioux go another 40 years and win 1 NCAA hockey title, how much will that "8 titles" thing mean in 2048?
  5. I'll try a third time, hermit. Here's my question.
  6. A great feat, for sure, but I can hear the laughter of SI readers when they open up their newest issue to see Grand Forks North Dakota christened as "titletown, USA" on the basis of high school tennis championships!
  7. No comment, hermit? I re-posted it again for your opinion. Do Italians who are OK with the word "dago" somehow have power over that word so they can use it if they want? By the same token, if Compton High were to re-name itself a slang version of the infamous "N-word," would it be acceptable because a large portion of the young African-American community feels its a term of endearment? When Standing Rock/Fort Yates and other native schools in North Dakota start changing their nicknames from Warriors, Chiefs, Indians, and Sioux, I'll be the first in line to tell UND its time to change the nickname. Until then, if Sioux is acceptable for someone to call him or herself but its racist for me to call him or her that, well, you and the rest of your outer-space left wing-nuts can call me what you want.
  8. I don't want to start any rumors, but what's her name and when is she due?
  9. I'm curious how Bison football and my statement come into play.
  10. Ooh...a shot at my heritage. Nice touch! Honestly, changing the Wahpeton Wops nickname to whatever it is now hasn't affected my life one bit. If anyone in Wahpeton hated Italians before, they probably still do now. If Venice, Milan, or Genoa chose to call their local sports teams "Dagos," how could city leaders possibly turn around and scold the University of North Dakota as being racist should it choose the same nickname?
  11. No, I'm not a Bison football fan (except when they play Big 10 powerhouse Minnesota).
  12. I was trying to be humorous given the fact that it was a GOPHER fan pointing out that Don Lucia (the GOPHER coach) attended Notre Dame. I was also trying to be funny in light of all the negative posts put on the board recently regarding a certain hockey team's performance last Thursday night. Apparently my tongue-in-cheek humor wasn't caught by all.
  13. Some high schools churn out a half-dozen D-1 scholarship players a year and have a long list of NFL players. You're going to argue North Dakota's claim to fame on the basis of one mediocre NFL tight end fullback?
  14. What historic label do the Red Sox, Lakers, and Celtics possess? So 200 years from now without an additional NFL championship, can we still refer to Green Bay as 'titletown'? If you'll recall, Detroit and Warroad recently had a dispute over who was 'Hockeytown' first.
  15. No, they've won 12 championships total. Go see for yourself. Packer Championship History I didn't major in math in college and I stand corrected on the number of titles in the past FORTY ONE YEARS: 2.
  16. Buffalo needs guys who can put pucks in the net and fans' butts in the seats. Gerbe can do both. After losing Briere to Philadelphia, I can picture Buffalo doing everything it can to sign the next 'little big man' in the NHL.
  17. Fabulous. Another Negative Ninny trying to bring a positive thread down.
  18. By using the same criteria, NFL championships, do you realize that the Detroit Lions sit one behind the Pittsburgh Steelers, San Francisco 49'ers, Washington Redskins, and Dallas Cowboys in terms of NFL titles (they have 4, the other teams have 5 each). I challenge anyone, ANYONE, to say that Detroit is nearly equal to those other franchises in terms of greatness simply based on the number of NFL titles won.
  19. Now before I get completely flamed on this post, let me say that I'm NOT picking on the Packers because of any hatred towards the people of Wisconsin, Green Bay itself, the former girlfriend who I dumped after a trip to Door County, or St. Favre. I'm simply pointing out that a city that has one pro sports championship in the past 40+ years should lose the right to call itself 'titletown.'
  20. Oh, here we go again... 12 football titles which includes 1 in the past forty one years! A dynasty of historic proportions indeed!
  21. Junior Lessard got some time this season with Tampa Bay. I enjoyed watching him his senior year at UMD. It's almost hard to believe the guy is pushing 30. Career NHL totals: 27 games, 3 goals, 1 assist. Peter Sejna is now in Zurich, Switzerland. Career NHL totals: 49 games, 7 goals, 4 assists. I think Buffalo should pull out all the stops on this Gerbe kid. I heard he's pretty good.
  22. We have a new thing out now, too, called the smoking ban. Drive across the border to EGF and check out Whiteys.
  23. Personally, I think Ottawa is this year's sorriest playoff team, but that's my opinion. I agree that the Lemaire trap gets old. It's like watching paint dry. Seeing Forsberg skate for the Avalanche brings me back to the good old days of 1997 and 1998. Oh, 2002 was great too...the game 7 where Patrick Roy gave up, what was it, 6 goals in the first period? ESPN Classic!
  24. Hip Hip! Hooray! I view siouxsports.com as a place to not only discuss Sioux hockey, but as a place to make friends, buy/sell tickets, etc. I have met many fans out here and even posting a PM at 6:55 pm on a Friday night will usually get me invited to Joe Senser's in Bloomington. I run into many posters at road games and we always find time to say 'hi' and chat for a bit. The positives of Sioux hockey and this message board far outweigh the negatives. Hey, redwing77, are you as happy about the Red Wings blowing last night's game as I am?
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