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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. File that under, “protecting our investments.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3002986/china-wants-invest-ports-maritime-transport-italy-xi-jinping
  2. What a concept! Has someone alerted CNN and Sean Penn to this latest development?
  3. I'll see your 24 hours and raise you 16 hours...
  4. “doom porn” - LOL
  5. Yea, that’s a real mystery, isn’t it? I mean, why wouldn’t they want to report something positive in this crisis?
  6. Which must explain why I haven’t seen those cases reported on CNN yet...
  7. Time to call out the National Guard and seal the border around Burleigh County!
  8. I still think it’s the flu, but I suppose it’s possible. Yesterday was by far the worst day - I literally could not crawl out of bed and had a headache that lasted all thru last night. Still coughing pretty thick today, but I feel light years better than I did 24-36 hours ago. A good night’s sleep tonight should do more wonders for me tomorrow.
  9. Well, I think it’s time to pull the plug on this and wait for 2021...
  10. I already said I didn't believe I had it, so why give into the panic and waste a test? My symptoms are very much that of the flu. After a not-so-great day yesterday, I'm feeling significantly better today, although not nearly 100%. I'll be fine.
  11. A. Because I didnt believe I had it B. Isn't there a shorting of testing availability?
  12. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2020/03/19/spring-break-beaches-florida-look-packed-despite-coronavirus-spread/2873248001/ Click on the video of the spring breakers for a good chuckle...Bryson Taylor at the end - laugh out loud funny.
  13. I started feeling sick on Monday with what I perceived to be influenza and have been at home since then. Must have had 20 friends and co-workers suggest that I immediately go get tested for COVID-19. Shaking my head...
  14. I’ll be happy to post a link to the video if I can find it...
  15. CNN interviewed Cuomo the other night - you could actually see the disappointment on her face when Cuomo said that he had a good conversation with Trump regarding how things were going in New York.
  16. Going forward, would you propose screening stations at REA and anyone with a sniffle or a slight fever being removed from the premises immediately? Or should we just play all future sporting events with no fans to ensure that not a single person gets a cold?
  17. And boom goes the dynamite! If only Hillary had won the imaginary National Popular Vote, right? She’d be distributing free unicorns to every man, woman and child in the country instead of worrying about this! Please go read the Constitution of the United States of America and brush up on how a republic works.
  18. Sheesh, @Blackheart , thanks for THAT trip down memory lane! Was the debacle against BC in St Louis a close second for ya?
  19. He had a heart issue, so I’m somewhat sympathetic to his age...
  20. Tyler Nanne done at Minnesota - for all the griping from Gopher fans about 24 year old Canadian kids on North Dakota’s roster...
  21. Well, how could you not have faith in Andrew Zimmern and his Minnesota Gopher football jersey yesterday? Don’t panic, Minnesota, just “row the boat,” I guess!
  22. I always love that level of Monday morning quarterbacking...I’m sure Biden could have fielded a better team than the Kansas City Chiefs, too. Media: “you’re damn right he could have!”
  23. Hopefully they’ll also pick up on known lib Rosanna Arquette blaming the virus on... ...wait for it... ...Israel. https://www.dailywire.com/news/actress-rosanna-arquette-issues-vicious-tweet-jewish-conspiracy-behind-coronavirus
  24. Absolutely hilarious movies. I still remember the joke about the never-filled fourth episode, due out after OJ Simpson went to trial: The Naked Gun 4 1/4: Nordberg Gets the Chair
  25. SiouxSports.com: “Hey, how about a black banner to recognize what could have been this season?” Someone working at the Sioux Shop during lunch hour on Monday: “Hey, boss, I just thought of a GREAT idea!”
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