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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. The London Knights jersey from several years ago...great jersey...and Sioux colors would make it pop!
  2. For many of the same reasons Rough Riders won't work, this won't either...but it's pretty cool.
  3. As long as it wouldn't go the route of the Temple Owls or Rice Owls logo, I think there's potential...especially with kelly green in the color mix...
  4. A concept done on another forum that I came across...I see a problem with young fans though and parents not being keen on this type of nickname and logo...
  5. I like it...the Minnesota Junior Hockey League has a team called the Owls... http://www.mnjhl.com/
  6. That's a great example of a signature moment playing with your mind. Good one, though. I think most old-timers like to think of Carlton Fisk as a Red Sox player. Let's try this, though... "Congratulations to former Philadelphia Phillie Ryne Sandberg on his induction into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame..." "Former Florida Marlin Mike Piazza was in Miami today..."
  7. Actually, the Albany River Rats had one of the coolest minor hockey league logos around... I'd make a few tweaks, like getting rid of the winking eye and silly rat-tail on the R, but I always thought this was a cool name and logo.
  8. MafiaMan


    Actually, this post should be "See, there IS an edit button."
  9. He played 7 years in Minnesota and 5 in Denver. And won a Super Bowl in Denver. That's oranges to apples.
  10. That's the quote that really got me...so if a half-dozen fans in Denver have a relative who died in an avalanche, does that mean that Colorado's nickname must go by the wayside? According to Kurt Landes, yes indeed.
  11. I'm sure your average Fine Arts or Sociology professor at UND thinks of 'cowboys, hunters, and gamblers' when the word 'diversity' pops into their head...
  12. David Kolb, an amateur scout with the Red Wings organization...see link below. http://www.uwec.edu/newsreleases/08/june/0627StanleyCup.htm
  13. Like I said, it's just like Mark Rosen thinking that Jack Morris would go into the MLB HOF as a Minnesota Twin... 77% of Jocelyn's career points were produced at UND...71% of Monique's...I've got to think that would qualify them mostly as "former Sioux players," even in the TC media... If Torii Hunter retires after this season, would you be more likely to refer to him as 'former Twin' or 'former Tiger'? I know technically he's both, but I guess I tend to identify players with the teams they spent the bulk of their career with.
  14. The English student in me corrected your last sentence, otherwise, I agree 120% with everything you say.
  15. I say there is ZERO chance that UND academia nuts and name-change groups will even remotely consider the thought of naming the team after a group of WHITE soldiers who charged up a hill and killed SPANISH soldiers. Zero.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,314901,00.html If the Lehigh Valley IronPigs can't avoid controversy, what are the odds that UND can't?
  17. Breaking news? Wow. In other breaking news, Toews had a ham and cheese Hot Pocket for dinner.
  18. Smart money? Sure, the first thing you want to do in a college town is alienate 1/2 of its residents by naming the team after one of the two rival high schools in town. Can you imagine the Washington Cowboys? Minnesota Blackhawks? Los Angeles Celtics? North Dakota Green Knights? Neither can I.
  19. I just threw up in my mouth a little...twice.
  20. Backing my point, thanks, I appreciate that.
  21. That's one article...Mark Rosen was beaming on his sports report the other night talking about all the Gophers...no mention of North Dakota at all. I shouldn't be surprised...Mark also is a big lobbyist for MLB pitcher Jack Morris to go into the Hall of Fame wearing the Twins "M" cap, he of the 18-12 regular season record and World Series title in 1991 with Minnesota. Gimme a break.
  22. I look at it this way: Would you be more likely to refer to Ray Bourque as "former Avalanche player" or "former Boston Bruin"?
  23. I've seen it (resisted touching it since I've never won it and don't have my name on it)...and I saw the 3,000 people who waited outside of the UW-Eau Claire hockey arena to see it too back in 2008. I beg to differ with your assessment.
  24. Because the bulk of the success of their career was with North Dakota, that's why. Of course, given local media here, if you spend 15 minutes with the Twins, Timberwolves, Wild, Vikings, or Gophers, you're 'former insert-team-name-here' status automatically.
  25. Saw the report on several local TV stations here in MSP and in the Pioneer Press...embarrassing that in every single case, they were referred to as "former Gopher players...". Simply embarrassing to be reported as such.
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