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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Maybe I'm confusing Bismarck with Moorhead's mid 1990's state title loss to Richfield's Holy Cross Academy?
  2. Well, I can't remember every detail...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I thought that Minot's win wasn't against Bismarck High but instead against Bismarck Sacred Heart. I could be mistaken, but the comment about the loss was definitely by Mike Peluso.
  3. Like x 1000. The banners should display the logo used at the time of the championship. REA played revisionist history with the current, er, former logo being used on all banners. The logo, in all actuality, wasn't a part of a single national championship!
  4. Siouxman, can you tell us all about the good old days when you and Fido Purpur organized the first teams at UND?
  5. I was at that game too. I can't remember which Bismarck player said it somewhat recently but he STILL hasn't gotten over losing that game. If memory serves me right, Minot's ONLY lead of the game was the final score.
  6. The UND media guide says it all for me, isdog. The very first pages don't display images of players on past championship teams, they show images of recent former players now in the NHL. 'We're North Dakota, we produce an NHL-type atmosphere in our arena and you too can be a pro player if you come here.' That's the message...and the song is part of that. If the Chicago Blackhawks decided tomorrow to play 'Whoomp! There It Is!' after every goal Chicago scores, I'd bet UND would immediately follow suit.
  7. 1988 or 1989 exhibition vs Moscow Dynamo team. They demolished everyone they played in their US tour but UND gave them a run for their money, losing 6-4. Justin Duberman hat-trick. Also somewhere around 1989-1990, coming back from 3rd period 5-0 deficit to earn 5-5 tie with Northern Michigan. I looked this game up in the media guide and the listing there has the game being in Marquette. I am 100% sure that that is wrong...I was there at REA. 1988-1989 season again - waiting in well below-zero weather for arena doors to open for Sioux-Gopher game. Sioux destroy Minnesota 8 or 9 to 0 in game where eventual Hobey Baker winner Robb Stauber pulls himself from the game after Doug Woog ignores his pleas after goal #6 or 7. Very next shot on the back-up sieve goes right in the net. I ran into Doug Woog at Joe Sensor's in Bloomington about five years ago and asked him if he remembered that series. His response? 'I have never been colder in my life than that weekend in Grand Forks.'
  8. Solar Power...hmnnn...I like it. It suggests peace and protecting the eco-system of the world (solar) as well as the...uh oh...surely 'power' could potentially suggest the privilege of white men in the United States...bummer. Good idea though.
  9. South Bend already has a minor league baseball team with a major league affiliation...I'm not sure you can count on many more than the approximate 50,000 fans in Elkhart who might have an interest in seeing an independent league game.
  10. http://northernleague.co/ If Elkhart County Indiana can get a team, why not Grand Forks?
  11. http://host.madison.com/news/state-and-regional/wis-school-district-votes-against-changing-mascot/article_66afb5c2-e7f0-50f2-bf5a-e07b701474c2.html My hat's off to the 8 members of the Mukwonago Area School Board who voted against changing their nickname.
  12. if Maris was juiced, his record would have been 90*, not 61*. On another topic since it's my personal thread, keep up the fight, Mukwonago Area School District! http://host.madison....7b701474c2.html
  13. Oh, yes, let's please continue the trend of logos and nicknames the emit zero emotion. Welcome to the People's Republic of North Dakota. I applaud the 8 members of the school board for this particular vote in Wisconsin a couple of days ago... http://host.madison.com/news/state-and-regional/wis-school-district-votes-against-changing-mascot/article_66afb5c2-e7f0-50f2-bf5a-e07b701474c2.html
  14. Seriously? Let the players juice and then build 300 foot fenced parks? Are you kidding me? Roger Maris must be rolling over in his grave.
  15. What girls see in this doofus, I have no idea...
  16. Nobody cares. Barry Bonds is still loved in San Francisco despite what everyone knows. And MLB and the players union pretend to be putting the hammer down now on cheaters...had the Biogenesis information been given to MLB officials instead of the Miami press, MLB would still be sitting on the information. Hell, even Mark McGuire is back in the game. Post 6,000. Yay me.
  17. They also ate at McDonalds, smoked like chimneys, and drank like fish too. I'd hardly say doing a line of cocaine made anyone a better baseball player, unlike the substances Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa were using. Like I stated earlier, if players refused to play with dopers and teams didn't sign dopers, doping would end. Melky Cabrera gets 86'd by the Giants last year but the Blue Jays had no problem immediately dishing out $8 million a season for two years worth of his services. Why?
  18. I think it needs to start with players refusing to play with teammates who juice. Too often, these bums are welcome back with open arms once their suspension is up.
  19. MafiaMan


    Not a full list or even close, but some very good shots of some old-school jerseys in the media guide... http://www.undsports.com/pdf8/974516.pdf?DB_OEM_ID=13500
  20. Considering the guy's running on fumes anyways, this won't hurt him too much.
  21. In defense of fans at REA, this happens at the X too. Love that.
  22. I was trying to reference the Steve Martin line in "My Blue Heaven" but it didn't quite come thru right...
  23. Ha! A friend of mine mentioned that to me just this morning! Unbelievable. Lifetime ban. The boot. Banished from Major League Baseball forever. That'll get everyone's attention.
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