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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. A minus 41 on the ice in his last three seasons. Yes, minus 41.
  2. And, yes, A) in the middle of a two-on-one or three-on-two breakaway, please be sure to STAND UP and leave the middle of the section so you can go grab your next beer or B) in the middle of a two-on-one or three-on-two breakaway, please disrupt the entire row by trying to sprint back to your seat or, better yet, be sure to stand in front of me and stop to watch and see what happens. Bonus points if your beer is spilled on me while doing so.
  3. Can we throw in a "Whoomp! There it is!" every once in a while though? JUST KIDDING!
  4. Fixed the last part of your post... Fans, the big screen is flashing 'CLAP YOUR HANDS' so please clap your hands. Fans, we're down a goal with 1:00 to play, so it's time to stand up and shout like the big screen is telling you. Fans, please jump up and go crazy over a crappy t-shirt that's three sizes too small for you to be launched into your vicinity so you can maybe catch it. Lemmings...things were sooooo non-corporate at the old REA. I miss that. These days, it's 'Kiss-Cam sponsored by Match.com' and 'Here comes your Subway Power Play brought to you by Wal-Mart sponsored by Red Lobster.' I know I'm an old fuddie-duddie. Flame away.
  5. Really, Ryan Braun, that's the BEST you've got? Shoeless Joe Jackson must be turning over in his grave wondering how he can still be serving a lifetime ban while you're getting off with taking the rest of a sub -.500 season off. You're a disgrace to baseball and you should have been suspended two years ago. To you, I say, it's about time you got suspended - we ALL knew! In other news, I'm glad our news media is so swamped with coverage of England's new prince that they can't report this... http://fox13now.com/...sive-jailbreak/ On the plus side, I'm sure our administration has it all under control...
  6. You tryin' ta say 'capece'? Well don't cuz it hurts my eee-azz.
  7. I'd be more pissed about losing Anna Kournikova to Enrique Iglesias than I would be over JR leaving Russia but that's just me...
  8. If you don't want people walking on 'sacred' floor logos, here's a hint...STOP PUTTING THEM ON YOUR FLOOR!
  9. The Devils are on the hook to the tune of a $250,000 salary cap hit for each of the next twelve seasons of Kovalchuk's contract. Ouch.
  10. Right! I'm sure it wasn't Ilya's idea to try to swing a deal that circumvented the league salary cap.
  11. I don't see Jeremy blasting the New York Islanders for buying out Rick DiPietro's contract, do you? Nobody's faulting the Islanders for dumping a guy who's an injury waiting to happen. He didn't hold a gun to management's head and ask for that ridiculous deal, did he? Sounds reasonable to me...
  12. How can we criticize players (see aso: Howard, Dwight) for taking LESS money to go play somewhere where they feel they would be happier? If Jeremy Roenick agreed to play for ten years in Siberia and three years into that deal decided to retire and return to the United States of America, where he was born and raised and where his family still lived, would Sergei Fedorov call him 'selfish'?
  13. I liked JR as a player...but crying on camera when the Blackhawks won the cup a couple of years ago and now this? C'mon, Jeremy...
  14. JR went absolutely ballistic over Kovalchuk's decision to return to Russia a week or so ago. Like it personally offended JR.
  15. Did Jeremy Roenick blast his 'selfish' decision too?
  16. Livin' the dream, GFG, livin' the dream. Welcome back.
  17. Right on. M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A has always belonged to Minnesota just like 'home of the SIOUX' has always belonged to North Dakota. I was honestly surprised at how many Gopher fans at last year's Final Five yelled out 'Gophers' at the end of the national anthem...get your own material.
  18. Today's deep thought: Rolling Stone magazine...what a disgrace.
  19. Wait a second, it just dawned on me that the reason it seemed to me that Gopher hockey games weren't on TV this year was because I went from December thru March without Comcast or Dish Network. I suppose it's kind of tough to watch games with rabbit ears...D'oh.
  20. I'm MafiaMan...and I approve this message.
  21. I wasn't counting the alternate channel...but you're correct if you are counting it.
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