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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. You're entitled to that opinion - I just wasn't sure if the new Miami folks got the point of my comment. However, I didn't see too many guys leaving Yale early, did you? UND recruits top-notch NHL talent...it's time to recruit talent that wants to win titles IN Grand Forks, not after LEAVING Grand Forks. The ten-fifteen best NHL prospects doesn't necessarily make the best NCAA team. Just my two cents...
  2. I'm just an old-timer still bitter that when I hear the words "Baltimore" and "football" used in the same sentence, my first word that pops into my head is "Colts". This also applies to the words "Los Angeles" and "St Louis," which would be followed in my head by "Rams" and "Cardinals," respectively. And don't get me started on the Houston Texans. It's Oilers. And always will be.
  3. I got that too...I just e-mailed Chuck to find out what's up.
  4. This might help... http://www.collegehockeynews.com/news/tvsked.php
  5. 9 teams is a disaster. Just ask the CCHA about its good times with playing different teams each weekend or doing the home-at home weekends. No continuity whatsoever. The "big money" schools of the WCHA left because they didn't want to be over-run by small-money schools like Minnesota State - Mankato, Michigan Tech, and Alaska-Anchorage (at least that was the line told to anyone who asked). That backfired big-time when Notre Dame didn't accept the NCHC bid to join the new conference. St Cloud joined by default simply because there was no one else left to take to the prom.
  6. Not if I were king. Unless you're an owner who puts a jersey and helmet on every Sunday, then sure.
  7. No way the NCHC takes on an add number of teams. I think the money and influence of the Big 10 will be enough to draw 2 new schools into that conference before the NCHC will find 2 schools ready and able to join its conference.
  8. No updates since this last post on 10/8...any others interested in ordering? I'd like to get this wrapped up ASAP to ensure Christmas delivery.
  9. Why do you think that? Iowa has the Big 10 conference waiting for more teams to join...Iowa State would have to find a home.
  10. I think this has already been posted but let's get some SiouxSports.com fans registered over there and liven things up a bit! http://www.miamihawktalk.com
  11. My post was directed specifically at fightingsioux4life...I didn't actually believe that Miami fans would want Blasi canned. He's been quite vocal about a certain Fighting Sioux head coach's inability to win an NCAA title though.
  12. I wasn't sure if that was the case or not. I have a friend who is a HUGE Notre Dame fan and worships the ground of South Bend. He met the real Rudy once...said the guy is the most pompous arrogant prick he'd ever met in his life.
  13. It bothers me when people say the words 'us' or 'we' to identify their sports teams...as if they're actually PLAYING for the team. Not picking on you personally MDtoGF...
  14. Wow, I didn't realize Utah State needed NCAA approval to use 'Aggies' as their nickname.
  15. Somebody in the PR department should have told AP 'the less you say, the better.' The news media didn't help things by mentioning this story every 8 seconds in yesterday's telecast either.
  16. I thought this was an interesting article on Penn State hockey... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nhl/news/20131010/penn-state-hockey-opens-pegula-ice-arena/?sct=obinsite
  17. YaneA...Goon...Sioux-cia...Oxbow6...Cratter...and not a single Siouxsports.com hat sighted at REA this past weekend? C'mon!
  18. Maybe they're from out of town and can't leave a 2.5 year old at home with a sitter for a night/weekend?
  19. David Benoit...blowing the game for Detroit tonight. Nice.
  20. Hollywood revisionist history. Coach Devine was actually very much in favor of Rudy suiting up and playing in his final game. It made for a better movie story though to portray him as anti-Rudy.
  21. If you were a Miami fan, dare I say you would be calling for Enrico Blasi's head? No 'perennial contender' has been upset in NCAA tournament play more times in the past 7-10 years than Miami.
  22. What about the fans in the bar/lounge area who probably couldn't tell you what color jerseys the Sioux are wearing?
  23. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    I think any losing football team at any level could point to turnovers and a few big plays as the reason for an L. I've got to think that EWU, after watching UND get raked over the coals in the past several weeks, maybe wasn't as motivated for this game as much as it might have been had this been week 1.
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