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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. It was smokey who decided to politicize this thread with his "Larry Craig" comment - as if that had anything at all to do with his original post.
  2. Nice to see you again, passit. I was surprised you didn't blow up the World Junior thread this year with comments about Don Lucia. Or did you wear yourself out last year raking Phil Housley over the coals?
  3. And if this poor girl was found in a snowbank eight hours later with a severe case of frostbite, the cop who drove by but didn't stop would be skewered in today's newspaper. Damned if you do...damned if you don't...
  4. I have never ever mentioned Simpson's dad or any other player parents in any post anywhere on this site ever. Talk about just throwing a charge out there. You pretend to know a lot about journalism - I'll await the retraction of your statement.
  5. I had no idea who her parents and grandparents are until you pointed it out. Did the Herald make it a point to mention Danny Kristo's or Matt Frattin's parents when details of their encounters with campus police made headlines? Nope. You made it a point and did some research yourself...why? To sensationalize the story further?
  6. After drawing about 4,000 for the opening semi-final and 3rd place game, I would concur with you about building something better. It would be hard to go down from that.
  7. Nevermind politicians, how about college hockey players? I don't see any of them (or football players at NDSU, for that matter) turning in their jersey after being arrested.
  8. Put up 25,000 bleachers in Fargo and I guarantee you that a Sioux/St Cloud or Sioux/UMD game would draw that many fans. I would consider that equally as impressive as the Minnesota/Ohio State outdoor game.
  9. Ask our friend smokey. Apparently he finds it quite hilarious.
  10. In best Hillary Clinton voice: We have four dead Americans and one dead border patrol agent. What difference does it make? Ppssst...smokey, your watchmaker49 is showing...
  11. Why would we sell weapons to Iran? Are we moving away from this administration's policy of giving them away to drug cartels in Mexico? If our own government doesn't care why four Americans were killed a year ago in Libya, why is this poor college girl's mistake making headline news? Because it's more fun to laugh at the troubles of people in 'high places'? Why not a post about Anthony Weiner's latest sex-capade or Eliot Spitzer meeting the parents of his 20-something girlfriend? Your post alerting everyone here of your 'breaking news' was pure trash.
  12. As opposed to giant windmill farms killing birds by the thousands? That sounds healthy for the environment.
  13. Too bad she didn't work somewhere in the Obama administration...she'd still have a job. Or maybe our Prez needs someone to help point out Sweden and Finland to our ambassador-nominee to Norway?
  14. I believe students are also required to take a diversity class ensuring that they are aware that 'tribe' in no way insinuates anything related to American Indians. I have to research that last statement though. http://www.wm.edu/about/mascot/background/faqs/index.php
  15. And why is that? I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary from him lately. Just the usual 'in Hak we trust' and 'Saturday letdown' stuff. I must have missed something big somewhere. Maybe it's in the football thread.
  16. St Paul was just too far away, LOL?
  17. Why isn't he your avatar? Get it done.
  18. The Czech Republic team in '98 was a bigger and better story, in my humble opinion. For years, the second-best team in Europe and probably the world (as Czechoslovakia, obviously), but always under orders to lose to the Soviet Union when it mattered most. In 1998, the Czechs had their payback. The massive crowd of people celebrating in Prague after the gold medal game was really something to see. Back on topic, Penn State lost 3-2 to Boston College last night...sure would have been nice to see them win that game.
  19. You're correct, but it decided the 1994 Olympics...a total travesty.
  20. OK, ha ha. Joke's over. Sioux game ended an hour ago and no post from gfhockey yet?
  21. Right on. Can you imagine exchanging the thrilling Final Five OT game-winners from Matt Frattin and Blake Wheeler for cookie-cutter one-on-one shoot-out victories? NO THANKS!
  22. Yep, thanks NHL for giving us the equivalent of a home-run hitting contest to decide the outcome of a hockey game. And college bought it hook, line, and sinker. An embarrassment...completely agree, Mariucci.
  23. Now, now...there's some snow on the ground and it's cold outside. Let's not be too hard on the hometown fans.
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