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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Yet you earlier pointed out Oakland University's basketball attendance when compared to EMU. If, say, 4,000 people are willing to drive from Fargo to GF to watch UND play Montana, how many folks from Detroit (not sure why you reference the city itself but I'll play along) would drive 93 miles to watch the Spartans play Notre Dame or Ohio State? Or do you think they should drive to Ypsilanti to see Miami play the EMU Eagles? And I'm not talking the Hurricanes when I'm talking Miami...
  2. Gopher football can't hold a candle to Michigan, darell. You're over-estimating their popularity in the TC area.
  3. ...conveniently forgetting the other 75,005 fans in the "Detroit metro" who might be up at that other school in East Lansing... I dunno, darell, how come a GLI hockey finale of Michigan State vs Michigan at JLA will sell out, but a Michigan Tech vs Western Michigan championship will draw 10,000 less than that? If UND builds a 30,000 seat football stadium in time for the opener this year, do you think it would sell out? EMU remodeled simply to stay at the top level of the college football food chain...something the administration there should probably re-think.
  4. Stop me if you've heard this one before, but after the name change from Hurons to Eagles in 1991, many alumni and faculty stopped donating $$$ to EMU. In fact, the Huron Restoration Chapter to this day remains an official part of the EMU Alumni Association. Rynearson Stadium was also only renovated in 1992 to meet the NCAA's then-seating capacity requirements. Obviously keeping the track around the football field was a major gaffe akin to building a multi-purpose cookie-cutter stadium like Veterans Stadium today. A couple of undefeated seasons might help EMU get to 10,000-15,000 per home game, but 30,000 is a pipe dream. And I still contend the analogy I have used several times now to be 100% accurate: if Ohio State was suddenly playing football on Saturdays in West Fargo, you would hear crickets chirping at small-time games going on in Moorhead and on the campus of NDSU.
  5. I think I get your point - NDSU should replace EMU in the MAC.
  6. Are you seriously comparing the regional popularity of NDSU football in the F-M area against Michigan's popularity in Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti?
  7. "In the vicinity"? Oakland is an hour away from Ann Arbor with no traffic. I'll agree that EMU being a "D1" school is a stretch, but its close proximity to the University of Michigan is the school's biggest challenge.
  8. I didn't say it did. But stick Duke University in East Grand Forks and they'll draw 9,000 per home basketball game...while UND plays in front of family and close friends.
  9. And how many of those schools are a 10 minute drive away from the largest college football stadium in the country?
  10. If a Big 10 and national powerhouse university was as close to Grand Forks as Ann Arbor is to Ypsilanti, I can guarantee you that you wouldn't see 400 fans in the stands at UND home football games every week let alone 4,000.
  11. The failures of years gone by will all be forgotten if Teddy Bridgewater becomes the next Russell Wilson and Johnny Football makes Ryan Leaf look like a Hall of Famer.
  12. I completely agree. Throw Freeman to the wolves four days after signing him, then sit him the rest of the way and pay him $3 million bucks. Talk about inept.
  13. The Vikings paid Josh Freeman a total of $3 million for his services for the months of October, November, and December. Tampa Bay paid him just over $8 million to leave their organization. Not a bad year's "work," eh?
  14. Sorry, fs4l, but the news media has gobbled up this story about the Vikings from the get-go. Kluwe has been more than vocal about wanting a certain Vikings coached fired and basically banned from coaching in the NFL again. Plus a $10 million lawsuit to boot to teach the Vikings a lesson? All while playing the "comedian" regarding having been a Penn State victim? Total hypocrite.
  15. Freeman signed a one-year deal with the Giants in April but was released about six weeks later. He is currently without a team.
  16. ...at holding the clipboard and signaling in plays.
  17. http://www.si.com/nhl/2014/07/22/open-meeting-violation-could-force-coyotes-to-leave-arizona?xid=nl_siextra Uh oh...those new Arizona Coyotes jerseys might be collector items sooner than you think!
  18. I like how the apostrophe differentiates that brand from the Minnesota North Stars...
  19. I'm pretty sure Fetch was being facetious.
  20. So Chris Kluwe wants $10 million dollars because of comments allegedly made by a coach...but a simple apology for THIS is all he can muster up? Is his 15 minutes up yet? http://www.si.com/nf...suit-penn-state
  21. What the heck is this about Vanek and gambling?
  22. A Sioux hockey legend indeed. Rest in peace, Dr. May.
  23. Findlay is irrelevant...but no way the loonies on what will make up the nickname committee will allow a fossil-fuel non-environmentally friendly nickname to be the winner. This is a better example of what we'll see... http://m.espn.go.com/wnba/story?storyId=3210695&src=desktop
  24. I don't know how RHHiT can even say that with a straight face. It's an "honor" to be called a "Rough Rider" and be recognized for your courage and bravery but an insult to be called "Fighting Sioux" and be recognized for your courage and bravery. HUH?
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