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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Duluth's arena isn't a dump, you know.
  2. I like the no spin-o-rama rule but sure wish they'd get rid of guys coming to a screeching halt and then shooting the puck. In fact, ditching the entire shoot-out would be an even better idea.
  3. ...and just when you think the Vikings might put together a good season...their star player gets indicted on child abuse charges...
  4. I don't know...I never bothered to check out any games when I was at UND (88-92), which is a shame because it is very entertaining to watch.
  5. Holy cow...not to back-track to the SU match but I had no idea that the all-time series is 78-14 in favor of the Bisons. Wow!
  6. Good bounce-back win after a disappointing performance in Fargo. Nice work, ladies!
  7. The Eastern Washington field was difficult to watch two weeks ago. Between the red (field), black uniforms (EWU), and white and orange uniforms (SHSU), I had a headache when it was all over. Saw some pics of Eastern Michigan's game last weekend - green uniforms with grey pants for the home team - on a grey field. Not good.
  8. Montana State must be happy they're at home on Saturday and not playing on this mess... http://ucasports.com/sports/2010/8/9/FB_0809101221.aspx?path=football
  9. Not happy with my post comments? Offer up a counter-point. Not happy with your youth hockey donation from what, 6, 7 years ago? PM me your address and I'll send you a refund. Not happy with how I coach youth baseball? Feel free to share your personal experience in dealing with me where you felt I was a poor role model for kids. Bush league post is right. Unreal.
  10. Goodell's feet really getting warm about now...
  11. Never said "amazing," but their track record certainly is better than your comment about success within their conference but that's about it.
  12. I don't think he got the joke, mj23...
  13. Bubba will know that he's in the wrong town if the UND bus rolls into Cape Girardeau MO this weekend, LOL!
  14. NDSU ended Wisconsin's home winning streak. NDSU went toe-to-toe with Kansas in the NCAA's. NDSU beat Notre Dame in South Bend. As you mentioned, NDSU beat Oklahoma in last year's NCAA opening round. I don't know what you call that, but I call it being pretty good. Any Big Sky scores to report yet?
  15. "They our rival." "inviroment" YEA. REALLY. Hey, by any chance, do you happen to work for a screenprinting company?
  16. Hey, bincitysioux, quick, time to cut out the wart!
  17. Springfield MO is over twice the size of GF...that helps. EDIT: UNDBIZ beat me to the punch.
  18. Isn't that the very definition of trolling? You're smarter than that, johnboy.
  19. Dude, this is TOO easy. Nevermind the nickname issue...maybe you can mention to your friend that UND was never known as "Northeastern North Dakota University" before suddenly deciding to ditch the NE part.
  20. You're probably right...UND should just mail in a forfeit loss and disband the entire program. NDSU won't lose another game...ever.
  21. Think of the positive side, DI, once these shirts are pulled from the shelves and boxed up as a tax write-off, an entire village of people in the mountains of Chile will be exposed to your team. hash brown Bisons_worldwide
  22. To summarize, I'm not a fan if they lose and I couldn't care less what happens. However, if they win, I'll promptly log onto our non-rival's main fan site and spout off about the greatness of my school. 10-4.
  23. Seriously, I'm mainly a hockey guy but don't log in day after day after day over at Gopher Puck Live. Some of you NDSU folks spend a considerable amount of time concerning yourselves with a football program that you're supposedly NOT THE LEAST BIT concerned about. Makes about as much sense as you stirring up things on Dickinson State's fan site. I just don't get it.
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