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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. http://www.inforum.com/sports/3633367-former-moorhead-star-brian-lee-announces-retirement-nhl
  2. I was on board for firing Jones at 4-55 but if it's 6-55, he probably deserves another year to prove himself...
  3. Not surprising...EWU's defense would give up 30 to Eden Prairie High School.
  4. Nice to see you around here again, bale31. I miss the almost-yearly Mankato hockey trips.
  5. Yikes. The flu? Or maybe bad cheese in last night's post-game spread?
  6. 4th and 2...defense caught with its pants down on the fake punt. Klieman definitely showing some inexperience. And why the long field goal with a buck and change left. NDSU had 2nd and 3rd down to gain, what, 5 yards? Screen pass, first down picked up, ballgame.
  7. extend klieman? simple question.
  8. Throw in a FIRE HAK and you can avoid the re-education camp...
  9. SILENCE! Reason and logic cannot be tolerated here!
  10. Fake punt! How are you not prepared for that?
  11. NDSU might wanna get the big boy defense into the game...CC is running rough-shod over these guys!
  12. If TH thinks THAT was a cross check to the face, he needs a new eyedoctor...
  13. Sure, but be ready to accept the missed initial penalties, take the 2:00 minor, and enjoy playing on the PK.
  14. It must be hard to be such an angry bitter person, passit. Best wishes to you and yours this Christmas season. P.S. Phil Housley sends his regards.
  15. I still laugh at fans who couldn't wait to leave WCHA officiating behind...did folks think new officiating crews would fall out of the sky or what?
  16. Comments like these are funny. Not meaning to single you out, but it seems EVERY Sioux loss is the latest and worst loss in college hockey history. You can practically just copy and paste the usual commentary: 1) totally screwed over by refs - worst officiating I've ever seen. In the history of hockey. Until the next game UND loses... 2) outworked, outhustled, outplayed. Team NEVER puts in a full 60 minutes of effort in a loss. Could be a 7 overtime NCAA tournament loss and someone will complain about the lack of effort. Guaranteed. 3) Hakstol's line-up. Always someone who's in the line-up who shouldn't be. Always. And he probably was a -3 on the score sheet too. 4) Hakstol's line-up part deaux. Always someone in the stands in a suit who no doubt would have put a hat trick on the board had he played. Dammit, Hak. 5) penalty on UND - cue the "TH emphatically disagrees" line. UND would never EVER get a penalty with him in stripes. Pattyn could get a game DQ for running over an opposing player with the zamboni and TH would disagree with the call. That's the top 5 anyways...I'm sure there are others I've missed...hoping for a better outcome tonight. Go Sioux.
  17. UNH defeats Chattanooga 35-30
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