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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. ...which probably means that he is inking a contract with Michigan while I type this and will be introduced as the Wolverines' new head coach at 9:00am tomorrow morning.
  2. Les Miles tells LSU brass that he's staying in Baton Rouge and has not even been contacted by Michigan...
  3. I thought he played bass guitar for Autograph?
  4. Vladimir Putin's in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame?
  5. Where did you infer that I "want" to do "that" to someone else?
  6. If three Catholics walked into a mosque in Detroit tonight and chopped the heads off of every Muslim praying there, you can safely bet that the entire world would expect to hear SOMETHING from the pope as soon as the sun rises over the Vatican. So, why when the shoe is on the other foot, do Muslim leaders around the world bury their heads in the sand and pretend nothing's wrong?
  7. Hey, Shawn-O, leave defending the Bison and their record to me. Are you wearing home green or alternate yellow for the big semi-final game?
  8. What an absolute joke of an institution of higher learning Youngstown State must be...Jim Tressel is a fraud!
  9. The big Michigan comeback game?
  10. And BOOM goes the dynamite!
  11. Pretty sure that was a tongue-in-cheek comment in regards to my post about Coach Calipari going 41-20 in out of conference play on the road and envisioning what would happen to him at Kentucky, let alone with a 6-55 OOC road record.
  12. Glen Mason did have a big win over #2 ranked Penn State in Happy Valley in 1999 and #6 ranked Ohio State in Columbus in 2000, though. Big game wins. His knee-jerk firing immediately after Texas Tech's bowl game epic comeback against Minnesota probably set that program back a decade.
  13. Funny you should ask, dlsiouxfan...one of my best friends and a former co-worker of mine is Muslim, having been born, raised, and educated in Egypt. We have had many discussions on religious issues, culture, and politics. Despite some areas of disagreement, we have a good friendship. Hate-fest, eh? Cue the SPAM response of "well, of course you have a token friend who is Muslim," right? I always get a kick out of folks who immediately jump in and defend something like this attack in Pakistan as "not representative of all Muslims" but turn around and condemn Christianity because they know a Lutheran guy who doesn't like black people or read online about a Catholic priest abusing boys. Or, wait until the next white guy killing rampage in the US sends the news media into a frenzy trying to find a connection to the Tea Party so they can blame that political movement from top to bottom for the incident. Go figure... I have another friend whose employer built a house for a Muslim Somali family thru Habitat for Humanity several years ago. The man of the house (who was at the job site) spent most of his time loudly telling the workers how much joy it gave him to have a bunch of "white infidels" building him a house in Minneapolis and how one day Muslims would rule America and punish Christians. Employees at the site became upset upon hearing these comments and told the company owner that they wanted to find a different home to work on. The home "owner" angrily informed the company owner that he would make sure to call the news media and report their "anti-Muslim attitude" and hurt his business. Of course, the business owner feared bad publicity and the employee "volunteers" were forced to finish the job. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, right? BTW, being Italian, I'm VERY familiar with how America treated my great-grandparents and grandparents in Boston in the early 1900's thru about the time Joe DiMaggio became baseball's hero. "Italians need not apply" and "no dagos" signs in shops in MA and RI when my grandpa was looking for work - I heard lots of stories from him. WOP, EYE-talian, dago, greaseball...I've been called all those things too, so, with all die respect, spare me a lecture on bigotry.
  14. How quickly would John Calipari get run out of Lexington with a 41-20 out of conference road record, nevermind a 6-55 one?
  15. Seen that a hundred times before...Lib Letterman just not funny anymore. Now, imagine Sean Hannity on Fox News trying to be "funny" with a joke like that...hellloooooo Al Sharpton!
  16. Oh, I would think Nail Yakupov has been on the list for a while now...an awful -33 on the ice last season, and only 4 goals and 4 assists in 31 games this season...I realize he's only 21, but he's got Radek Bonk written all over him.
  17. Changed UND to NDSU and hockey to basketball in your post and did nothing else. NDSU...beating Wisconsin in Madison...almost taking down Kansas in the NCAA tournament...beating Notre Dame...beating Oklahoma in the NCAA tournament. UND...trying to keep a game with NDSU closer than a 30 point deficit...a 6-55 out of conference road record...and hoping for a "gut-check" performance against Dickinson State. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
  18. How about we start with not rewarding mediocre coaches with extensions and long-term contracts? I didn't see Florida offer Will Muschamp or Michigan offer Brady Hoke extensions a year or two before canning them...
  19. Sounds like Bresciani's driver must have earned some overtime pay...
  20. Let's play Fighting Suhaki Basketball!
  21. So Jones has apparently been recruiting future NBA players?
  22. Have our girls been found yet? Meanwhile, in Australia, nary a word from the Muslim community condemning this incident, but celebrities stumbling all over themselves showing support for the "community"... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2874431/I-llridewithyou-Celebrities-tens-thousands-everyday-Twitter-users-social-media-support-Muslim-community.html
  23. Now, now, now, Oxbow6, we're striving to be all-inclusive with this nickname process. President Kelley himself at this very moment is seeking volunteers from the cross-dressing circus midget and the vegetarian Satan-worshiper communities in North Dakota to assist in the effort.
  24. Yawn. And if the University of North Dakota was located in Alexander, the Comets would have 80% of high school hockey championships too...
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