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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Warroad games vs Roseau probably have more intensity than any game the Warriors will play in front of 1,500 fans at the X. Of maybe you can ask a Sioux player if the intensity of the post-season is amped up by playing in front of 900 fans in Kalamazoo or Cincinnati...
  2. I'll take a packed Bloomington Ice Gardens any day of the week over 1,000 fans watching an A consolation game at Mariucci Arena...
  3. Any opportunity I get to post that gif is a good one...
  4. Google searching words isn't your only "short"-coming...or so I've been told... Carry on.............
  5. Only if REA is close to being jam-packed for every game does it make sense to keep the tournament there. If not, why should there be an issue in moving the tournament once in a while?
  6. Couldn't have cared less... What would happen to some of these programs if UND hockey was mired in a season like Wisconsin is currently having?
  7. Minnesota 2014: Thursday Afternoon--AA Quarterfinals 15,582 Thursday Evening-AA Quarterfinals 17,979 Friday Consolation-AA Semifinals-Mariucci 10,829 Friday Evening-AA Semifinals 18,879 Saturday Consolation-A & AA Finals- Mariucci 11,200 Saturday Evening-AA Third Place & Championship 16,954 Now, given those attendance numbers, why on earth would you move this tournament to Duluth, St Cloud, Bemidji, or Moorhead?
  8. If Florida Gulf Coast can reach the Sweet 16 and the New Jersey Institute of effing Technology can roll into Ann Arbor and beat Michigan, I fully expect that a UND basketball coach can at least coax his team into being competitive with the Mayville States and NDSUs of the world...
  9. Blaming UND hockey fans for the recent poor performance of the football and men's basketball programs has gotten about as old as a certain political party still blaming Bush...
  10. Ummmmm...we're still talking about basketball, right?
  11. What's the typical attendance at REA for the state A tournament compared with the Minnesota AA tournament?
  12. Yea, pretty much anything can happen at the X during high school hockey tournament weekend...
  13. I'm normally opposed to anything with the word "prairie" in it to describe North Dakota, but this has nice potential...
  14. Let's say I hire Oxbow6 to do 61 assignments that take him away from his home...and he manages to complete 6 of them successfully. Should I give him another 61 to see if there is improved performance or conclude that I've seen the best he's able to give?
  15. LOL! And a Gopher regional hockey game at the X isn't a real advantage for Minnesota, is it?
  16. Kinda like Class A hockey in MN or the girls' tournaments..move them to a place with some atmosphere, not the X in front of close family, friends, and students.
  17. Well, to be fair, the current Cleveland Browns actually have no real connection to the team that used to be the Cleveland Browns, yet they look EXACTLY like the original Cleveland Browns....same goes for the Winnipeg Jets except for the jerseys, although hot rumor is that the Jets 2.0 will unveil a throwback alternate jersey at some point...
  18. This is how my quest to eradicate this incorrect expression feels sometimes...
  19. Why it's a little known fact that the game of chess was actually invented by a Bostonian in the early 1200's...
  20. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/penguins-unveil-goat-tier-3rd-jersey.454232444/ Here's another board with a similar discussion...
  21. These arguments happen all the time. The Lightning are catching lots of flack for looking like the Tampa Bay Maple Wings - and their new black BOLTS alternates look exactly like the Kings' black jerseys.
  22. Two teams in the west would even things up. I think the east plan should be to simply move Florida to Quebec City. Oh, and Carolina can head back to Hartford, too.
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