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Everything posted by Bison06

  1. We have country after country after country providing data that lockdowns are worthless and simply delay the inevitable. Yet, we continue to use lockdowns in the United States.
  2. And how are things trending in Manitoba? Seems they may be just at the beginning of the ramp up.
  3. Seriously, where are all of the people who said Canada was handling this better than us?
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/21/americas/toronto-lockdown-covid-intl/index.html I can’t believe how reckless and irresponsible Justin Trudeau has been with Covid. Cases soaring, deaths to follow, he should be put in trial for murder. Did I do that right?
  5. Don’t get all pious on us now old man, you’ve been throwing jabs for months.
  6. I have to imagine in countries around the world where transfers of power are highly contentious and bloody, it probably started the way the trump presidency went. I don’t want to get into a pissing match about whose fault it is, but when you make the attacks on a sitting president as personal and constant as the democrats did during this presidency, I can understand Trump saying F you. That said, I hope we can keep up with transfers of power being peaceful, it’s incredibly important for our country’s future. Without that, we will have chaos.
  7. That wasn’t the context of his “lather, rinse, repeat” comment.
  8. Exactly. Back to your usually scheduled BS and the reason Trump got elected in the first place. Frustrating that these idiots didn’t get the message.
  9. I’ve sort of taken the approach that if there is something real in terms of fraud, it will be big enough news that I’ll hear about it. With that, I haven’t followed the day to day with all of the fraud allegations. Is anything that was said today a “game changer”?
  10. Just playing devils advocate here, as I have the same information you have. What if they are justified in their battle that seems to scare you? What if they are revealing some serious cheating and corruption? Isn’t that a good thing?
  11. I see it this way on that topic. People hate Trump, personally and deeply. In the absence of a direct vote on the presidency in 2018, people voiced their opinion through the only available means they had. The GOP candidates on the ballot were a good enough proxy for the voter to feel like they were sticking it to Trump. In 2020, they had the ability to directly voice their opinion in Trump and didn’t need to vote against his party down ticket to send the message. Obviously 2020 came with a lot more variables that needed to be factored in, but in simple terms I think the above explanation explains it pretty well.
  12. What’s more astonishing is people who don’t see that as a rebuke of democratic policy and see this election as a sign that the GOP is out of touch.
  13. How would you compare it to other illnesses you’ve experienced?
  14. What we’ll end up with is Parler will be where all the conservatives hang out and Twitter will be where all of the liberals hang out. More echo chambers and further divide.
  15. We’ll see, if the government breaks them up then I agree. But for now, it’s there and AOC has built a hell of a following. I dislike everything about her policies, but you can’t say she doesn’t have influence.
  16. In 2020, influence on young people can be measured in Twitter followers. AOC has power and she knows how to wield it.
  17. It’s a pretty short paragraph by him, if there are things wrong with it, shouldn’t take much time to refute it.
  18. The joys of political speak. “Lock down the country” isn’t an official term so it has no meaning and nothing hold them accountable to. If they locked down everything, closed every business, made everybody stay home under penalty of law etc, but kept open the government center, for example. Technically they could claim they didn’t “lock down the country”.
  19. I agree completely. I would love to see the centrists on both sides of the aisle come together formally and begin a third party. I believe now would be an incredible time and they would gain some serious traction with the right leadership.
  20. So if you are acknowledging that independent voters leaned toward conservative policy, why have continued to bang the drum that the GOP has to change? Seems to me they are positioned very well for the 2022 and 24 election cycles, and it’s the democrats who have an identity crisis. Letting the squad have any voice nationally was a huge blunder. If I was a democrat I would be spending money in AOCs district to get her voted out.
  21. How much effort is it? Maybe you should ask the hundreds of thousands of small business owners in this country who have gone bankrupt since March or on the verge of going bankrupt. Your arrogance insults them.
  22. Lost because of the black vote? Thats only accurate if you look at this election in a bubble. The trend line as a percentage has the black vote slowly reducing it commitment to the Democratic Party. This is clearly a major concern among Democrats, the house democrats mentioned it specifically in their conference call.
  23. ...and believe that ANYONE who votes for that person, regardless of the reason, is a racist, xenophobic country bumpkin and beneath them in every way imaginable.
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