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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Classy Are you sure you don't live in Dilworth?? The answer to your problem is to stay at home. You want be bothering any non-smoker with your cigs and you want be a potential hazard on the road after leaving the bar with some liquor in your system.
  2. Lived in Williston for a few of years in the mid 90's and hunt frequently near the Bowman/Rhame area and I would argue that getting any community west of the Missouri River to support a smoking ban is less likely than communities east of the Missouri River. It is a different social mentality in western ND vs. eastern ND. Plus western ND people don't look fondly on eastern ND people. There is a definite dislike of Fargo once you get west of Bismarck.
  3. NICE!
  4. Martens for Miller is a good move. Martens is extremely undervalued. To me, he is a better option than Miller. And he is on par with Malone and Zajac as far what he brings as a 2-way player. When January rolls around Martens will be in the line-up if he doesn't start the year in the line-up.
  5. And we, as citizens of this state, wonder why status quo has reigned on ND reservations for decades! Oh, I'm sorry...is this the sterotyping NA are concerned with?!
  6. This whole situation can be summed up in one word: Pathetic!
  7. I'm with you. Hit Starbucks every AM at 6. Venti with 1/2 & 1/2, but 2 extra shots? I'd be mowing eveyone's lawn in the neighborhood by 7 am with that much of a jolt!
  8. Just grind some beans and put it between your cheek and gums and save some cash!
  9. Ok then...off to Green Bay and then?? Interesting, but there is a previous situation like this that happened at UND a few years ago so maybe he'll be back? But I doubt it.
  10. Agree. Wasn't probably his best highlight at UND, but that play sums up Oshie the best over the course of his career at UND. The best player on the ice is out-working everyone else. Makes a play very few can make when a big play needed to be made. Told my 7 year old that Oshie was turning professional and wasn't going to be playing for the Sioux next year. She smiled and said "That's ok", but then her eyes moistened and I knew she didn't really feel that way. He was great for college hockey and great for UND and it's fans.
  11. Had a similar experience with a prof that taught a philosophy class. She was a lesbian, she was way "left" on everything and seemed not to hold UND in high regard generally speaking per her comments in class. I, on the other hand, was/am male and not gay. I believe in individual accountability and responsibility in all facets of life and I am a big fan of UND the university. She was bound and determined though to try and convince you that any conviction or philosophical idea you had, that was not in line with hers, was wrong. Interesting class to say the least. There are a lot of profs at UND who think their job is to change, not teach, students.
  12. Now you are sounding like a mature, intelligent and responsible person. I truly hope this is the case so I will give you the benefit of the doubt here. Your previous multiple posts wouldn't indicate this but none the less this was good to read.
  13. Well if FWB can teach on the SLR, they would surely welcome these clowns, too!
  14. Don't think Sharpton can afford airfare to GF for the sit-in since he owes 1.5 mil in back taxes. But Maybe Jeanotte, Hans and FWB can pitch their "efforts" together for a spaghetti feed to help bail poor Al out.
  15. Cue the protest sit-in by Hans, Jeanotte and Sharpton. The actions by some student(s) at UND are despicable in these situations, but it also brings to light some of the idiots UND has on staff as faculty.
  16. Exactly, but to those who feel "victimized", their focus will never be where it should be. Having grown up in central ND, having been to/thru SLR countless times, the "victory" of removing the Sioux nickname is not going to change one thing on that reservation. If FWB wants to talk about self esteem, will the "victory" prompt a mass influx of NA youth to do better in school or go to college or get a job? NO! Will it promote better self esteem to curb the ramped out of wedlock pregnancies? NO! Will it help make NAs more accountable for the own well being --socially and physically? NO! But FWB, Leigh Jeanotte and others will have their "victory"...and the beat will go on as is at SLR. And that is the sad truth!
  17. Self esteem: (n) an inordinately or exaggeratedly favorable impression of oneself. Yeah... go ahead and roll with that one.
  18. Ummm...didn't you send the pleasant private messagae to me? For me to share your venom surely isn't going to put you in a "better" light to anyone on this site. You'll just keep digging your own hole without any assistance from me. Keep it up and you'll be a bigger embarrassment to your own people than you already are.
  19. Don't really need to throw FWB under the bus any more than he has already done himself.
  20. I trust your opinion on this. Mertens is just going to be better at UND than most think and Koenig never lived up to his expectations.
  21. Stretch and reach? It this not the same logic you have been using since you started posting here? Paraphrasing your experiences at/with UND: I went to UND. White kid(s) discriminated against me at UND. UND is a racist institution. Nickname must go. Stick it to the white man. By the way, didn't mean to tell you how to teach your class from my last post in this thread. But I did appreciate the succint and direct private message as to your feeings regarding my advice.
  22. Maybe fourwindsboy can contact Shvarts to display this "art" to his class. Moral compass and into the 21st century..."come get some"! No thanks!
  23. I got a hit off Helling in HS and use to wear a size 30 waist. Stop living in the "was". I care about what Mertens is going to bring to UND now, not that Koenig hung 35 on you as a Jr. in HS.
  24. I believe you but that was when all of you were 16. Mertens is entering UND as a collegiate Jr. Koenig was as good his Jr. year in college as he was a Sr. in HS and that might be a stretch. He hasn't been a "force" since coming to UND and I know injuries have played a big role in that, but to say Mertens is the same talent/skill as when you played him in HS is absurd. He will be the better college player when it is all said and done as compared to Koenig.
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