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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Pay me a living wage NOT to plant corn or wheat and I'd vote for those 3 misfits myself! It is a joke though as you implied!
  2. Totally agree. Goetz keeps hitting the "easy" button in hopes this just goes away. And NAs, from "leaders" on down, have demonstrated for generations that they can't even stay out of their own way in any attempt to make progress on any issue!
  3. Then I'll look for mine this week. Thanks.
  4. With that being said, has anyone in the FSC received their season tickets yet?
  5. It is amazing at the potential to recover oil in that region. Our family, although extended, received notification early this summer that an oil company wants to drill on family land in the Parshall area. The road to the land suspected of having oil is being completed as I type and drilling to start in Oct. My grandmother, who is 92, has said for years that she believed oil would be found on the farmland she grew up on before she passed away. Would be a good 93rd B-Day gift for her!
  6. I hear what the last few posters have said--good points but I didn't miss any facts. D1A and D1AA , or whatever you want to call it, are not the same classification as far as football goes. But really it is insignificant though. I see DaveK's point in the fact, and again we are talking about JUST football, that saying SDSU Jacks and OSU Buckeyes are D1 FB programs is true but not completely accurate. A Kia and Mercedes are cars, but not really the same. Semantics I know, but it is interesting to see some of you get your panties in a bundle.
  7. Let me give this a shot on DaveK's behalf. IF NDSU plays Wisconsin in basketball, you have 2 D-1 teams playing. If you have the same 2 schools playing in FB, you don't have 2 D-1 teams playing. They are not in the same D-1 classification. That is Davek's point, I believe, and I tend to agree with him. When NDSU, Montana St. and soon UND advertise they are playing D-1 FB that is not entierly correct as they are not like D-1 Wisconsin in FB like they are in basketball. DaveK, I'm with you on this one.
  8. I guess "marginal" is the key term. The teams I stated are in that bottom 60, but you are dealing with decent SEC & PAC-10 teams. They are marginal for their conference but the type of athlete that UCLA and Ole Miss put out is highly superior to what NDSU puts out. I think the W vs. the Gophs last year was great for NDSU as was the win over Central Michigan, but I do think you are giving the FCS a little too much credit even though I do see your point.
  9. Really? So (hypothetically) if NDSU has all these teams, UCLA, Wahsington, Arkansas, Navy and Ole Miss, at HOME this year, they would win how many of these games? I say zero with the exception of possibly Washington? These are all teams in the bottom 60 of the FBS.
  10. When did McFeely get a new pen name and take a 2nd job? Pathetic is the one word that comes to mind after reading that trash.
  11. He does work...in polymers and coating. Which would explain why he has so much time on his hands. (See Sports Marketing thread post #66)
  12. Ah yes, this state and country would so much better off without physicans. If only our healthcare system was like that of...(you can fill in the blank you troll). And building farm sheds and making games for PS2 is so noble!
  13. Maybe so but come on, I grew up in rural ND and not in a farming family and I even have an AG Econ "minor" without even attending SU. Any kid that grows up in rural ND has an AG Econ "minor". Get paid not to plant this, get paid extra if I plant this... You Bison fellas are missing my point, which doesn't suprise me. From a perception standpoint, which is your argument, farmer Ted might care more about SU, but even he is smart enough to value an education in law or medicine.
  14. Now you are making some valid points, but again to the general public in ND--like farmer Ted in Binford, ND--perception is not of polymers and coatings when it comes to academics but to law degrees and MD degrees. Not arguing with anything you mentioned above but when another Bison troll makes an agrument of perception, be realistic with the public in this state. Go to the local cafe in Bowman, ND and ask the locals about nanotechnology and you'll get this-- . Perception...different than reality. Again not right or wrong, but it is what it is. The law and med schools at UND have a higher academic perception than the architecture/engineering schools at SU. That is just the bottom line.
  15. Excelling in what programs? If you are a rural kid from ND or MN and you want to have a career in Ag, what are your options? Other than engineering--maybe? and pharmacy, what "white" collar degrees does SU trump UND in? If enrollment is the criteria for perception than IF and WHEN SU has a higher enrollment than UND, you point would be valid. But again, perception of academics, by most, is not based on enrollment numbers but about top shelf degrees that one can get. And UND has more of those.
  16. The argument by MplsBison was about perception and as far as I can tell UND still has the perception of being the flagship U of ND both in this state and nationwide. Not saying that is right or wrong. And I know numbers are numbers and they are almost identical as you cited. Athletically, SU is percevieved to be ahead of UND, but academically, the perception is still UND is ahead of SU. Again not saying that is right or wrong, but when universities are viewed for academics first, perception is still UND getting the nod overall. And again I'll go back to the perception of the med and law schools plus aviation trumping anything SU has in academics. Right or wrong? But that is the perception by most non-UND/SU grads I know.
  17. That perception is dead wrong. Maybe now from an athletic standpoint, NDSU has moved past UND but take each university as a whole and UND is still perceived as the premier U in the state. Now maybe if you are playing PS2 and drinking Keystone at 2 AM in your apartment in the Cities with your SU buddies, your perception of SU is valid.
  18. I question, other than geographically, if NDSU is even the flagship university in the Fargo metro area? I see more people around town with UND "stuff" on their cloths, cars and homes than NDSU "stuff". And to think NDSU is recognized outside ND as the premier university is hilarious. Been to major metro cities in the US from east to west coast and say I'm from ND and I have never heard someone say "Oh yeah ND State U is there." When you have the top two academic programs in the med and law schools plus aviation at UND, to say NDSU is a better academic school is well...again hilarious. NDSU, the flagship public U in the state...not from what I've seen and heard in this state or outside of it.
  19. How do quantify the risk Dave? By potential or stupidity? And the risk is on who? You say the risks of guns is troublesome, but you advocate smoking. You want to strip the rights of gun owners, but you can't see the overall harm done by smoking in society. Smoking kills tens of thousands more people in this country each year than do guns and that is not even debatable. By the way, are you Nancy Pelosi's brother??
  20. Heard he was in town on his promotional tour for Ginsu knives.
  21. That's why we got out for a round last night! We hack and slash it around from time to time, but not like OJ!
  22. Would guess that butcher knife he carries in his golf bag doesn't count against his 14 club limit?
  23. Oxbow6


    Based on the info that was released in the media on his current situation/troubles, I would say he got a good deal in this plea agreement. Now hopefully he can pay his debt based on the agreement and move forward in a postitve fashion.
  24. Are you serious? "Root of much of the evil that exists" is because of conservative politics? You are right this is for a whole different thread, but if that is your true belief than I feel sorry for you. That would be like me saying liberal politics is at the cause of all that is wrong here in America and across the world and I know that is far from the case. And I'm not saying that conservative politics is or has been what this country and/or world has needed or needs to succeed either. I'm sure the suicide bomber in Iraq echos your sentiment, as does the pedophile in your neighborhood. I'm sure most that are "evil" blame it on politics they don't agree with? Evil isn't due to politics, evil is due to greed, hate, envy...should I continue? And I guess throwing God, prayer and the Pledge of Allegience out of schools has made our younger gernerations less "evil". Is there any other shortcomings or "evil" wrongdoings by society that you want to enable because of politics you don't agree with?
  25. No! Their OPTIONS, not their rights, have been limited just like my options were limited before the ban. And yes, I'm ok with the ban passing and passing the inconvenience on to the smoker. We'll just agree to see it differently.
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