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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. If that's the case, it is once again just another example of political correctness run-a-muck! Like everything in this country as of late, the "I know what's best for you", left-leaning ideology is putting a strangle hold on common sense.
  2. Neither is using his SW like a hachet!
  3. Dude was at 93 heading into the 18th hole, which is a par 5. All he needs is a bogey to break 100. 3rd shot goes into the trap...4 shots to get out of the trap with the SW, 3 putts for a 103. Who wouldn't go postal over that! Total D-bag!
  4. The "voice" was overwhelming in favor of keeping the nickname when the SL community voted. I think, like most of your ilk, you listen to what you want to hear.
  5. Are you sure? I thought that was an elective course in Phys. Ed. or Ag. down there??
  6. We would have be in the top 10 if we would have student-athletes like the NDSU FB players!
  7. Whatever you created, and whoever has been wronged, slighted, victimized, ect...our Commander and Chief will take care of it/them!
  8. When has there been any "REASONABLE" thought process in this whole nickname/logo ordeal?? The SBoHE has done nothing but pander to those who feel that the nickname/logo has to go...i.e. NCAA, the liberal pinheads at UND and a minority of NA's who are anti-nickname. I agree with everything in your post, but this issue has gone so far off track in appeasing the "squeaky wheels" that I think the outcome of removing the nickname/logo is inevitable.
  9. Jordan was our waiter last night at Space Aliens in Fargo. Looked like was in off-season shape.
  10. So when is your state going to elect Prince to some public office???
  11. June was the 8th consecutive month with below average temps in Fargo. In those 8 months, 63% of those individual days had below temps.
  12. I haven't responeded to your twised take on most things but here is the true analogy: 1) I'm a Dr. and your "true anaolgy" above is so flawed... 2) But you have your head to far up your arse to understand it..."methods"? How about "standard of care". "Not compliant"? Or do you mean malpractice? Your analogy above doesn't hold any water whatsoever. Medicine isn't like banking...there are no "fees". Compentence to patients thru standard of care and fulfilling insurance regulations, mostly government imposed, are in a nutshell what your analogy should have been. I can bill whatever I want but contractually thru 3rd party insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, THEY tell me what they'll pay me.
  13. These folks are the NA equivalents of what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are to the African-American community in this nation. These "leaders" know what is best for their own people because their people aren't smart enough to figure it out themselves, plus these "leaders" own self-centered agendas always trump the voice of their own people.
  14. Totally agree with you. This clown is the true definition of racism. Longie, like Jeanotee, and others "know" what is best for their people even though their people at Spirit Lake just said overwhelmingly that they favor the nickname/logo.
  15. So what is your point? Do you think people/sport's fans really care about the origin/history of the Vikings, the (Fighting) Irish, the Chippewas... So unless education of others is involved, a nickname/logo representing a "group" of people can't be used? Heck, most Sioux youth today don't even know their own history!
  16. I had sent a letter to the editor a couple of years ago that was published on this very issue: that NA's in general supprot the name but people like Leigh Jeanotte and the leftist faculty at UND were the one's trying to change the name and are there not bigger issues among NA's than the nickname. Within 2 weeks of my letter being published in the paper, I had Leigh Jeanoote, some UND faculty and a civil liberties organization at UND calling the administration of the hosptial/clinic I work for asking them to fire me because I was a bigot and a racist. This anti-name sect is hell bent on getting their way and destroying anyone who disagrees with them.
  17. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    Regardless of my/our outcome, the people of this city and area...especially the youth, need to be recognized for the effort they put forth to try to save this city/area. Also a huge thank you to those who risked their own safety to come here to help from other cities and states. Take time today to hug your spouse and kids and tell them you love them because as we are finding out very quickly, very little else matters in the big picture!
  18. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    We are now in a "red zone" and are on our own. We, as a neighborhood, are going to make a final push to save our homes and raise our dike. Evacuation was recommended, but we'll fight one more day...
  19. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    We live in far south Fargo and we're ok...so far.
  20. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    Water over dike at Oxbow. Coming up so fast caught people off guard and homes flooded. Can't get to some people by car so FPD sent out 6 airboats to evacuate those people!
  21. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    We have been very blessed by the students of NDSU and MSU-M in our neighborhood. Kudos to those from UND making the trip down to help as well. Our dike should be done by tonight at a 42' level. So far, so good...
  22. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    Not making them fast enough. Difficult to pack frozen sandbags...the cold front coming is more bad news.
  23. Oxbow6

    2009 Flood

    That is great, but manpower isn't the issue. There is major shortage of sandbags! They can't get bags to the volunteers/workers fast enough. Not looking good down here in south Fargo!
  24. Agree with Hexy. He didn't look to be close to full speed this past weekend.
  25. The Zajac line, with or without Watkins, has to come up big this weekend. They were almost non-exisitant in St. Paul. I did like what I saw from Kozek and Malone most of the time...big/physical play helps this team alot. But I think the one player that will decide this weekend is VV. He didn't play well at all in the F5. He can dominate a game better than almost any one UND has because of size, strength and skill. He needs to be HUGE for UND to advance to the F4. BE needs to be solid of course. UND wins when they get 3+ goals/game and they lose when they don't...plain and simple!
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