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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. As long as UND wins tomorrow..........
  2. So your 1st round draft pick Fr. center, who won't shot the puck, is on a line with a wing w zero collegiate goals and another wing that is not offensively gifted either......in a loser go home game. Yup......this makes sense.
  3. As far as Murphy this "good in practice" stuff hasn't translated in games one bit. Season on the line and Hak goes with a "good practice" guy?? Now at some point Murphy will score just like the blind squirrel finds a nut......so my pockets will be full of acorns tomorrow.
  4. Simo at least is a responsible defensive guy who can win you some face offs. Not sure how he sits..........
  5. Like milk......this too has to have an expiration date.
  6. Of course..........gamesmanship at it's finest.
  7. I guess it's OK if the shoe fits........
  8. You should have texted me....I was up. I had to drop off my daughter for a 6 AM soccer practice. Could have brought you your favorite...a double shot decaffeinated, extra foam, soy milk, cinnamon dolce latte. #racetogether #epicfail #Ijustwantmycoffee
  9. Hak can and will coach as long as he wants at UND and I'm good with that but to go a whole career at UND as the head coach without a NC would be nothing less than an epic fail on his part.
  10. If Colton is healthy enough to play he needs to be in there. Comfortable playing at Scheels, energy and PK guy and has some big game experience. Murphy is none of this. NS and Gaarder lines as is. Hak could go w Chyzyk LJ and Pooly. Leave Simo Colton Pattyn
  11. Wild win 9th straight road game vs Leafs 2-1.
  12. That some here will be doing them if we lose Friday or Saturday. #justsaynotodrugs
  13. Then why play him Saturday with nothing on the line?
  14. I assume there is no reentry with the single ticket for Friday's games?
  15. I tend to agree.....but if UND can get 3 per game in Fargo they'll move onto Boston
  16. If Colton is healthy he has to play over Murphy and Olson. "Upside" like milk has an expiration date.
  17. Here's what I got......UND will be in Fargo Friday vs ?? with a coin flips chance I see them play again on Saturday.
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