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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Rumor I heard was fractured knee cap....so yes if true.
  2. Much better venue than Ralph from what I've heard from many.
  3. He has been a broken rudder guiding the state's flagship university from almost day one.
  4. If Mac can't go....Gaarder line as is. Poolman Pattyn Olson. LJ NS Colton. Parks Caggs Chyzyk.
  5. This in a landslide over Spirit or Sundogs
  6. Could never...and I mean never...get myself to buy that home green one. Just atrocious.
  7. Would not mind seeing the Wild/Preds kick off the playoffs first round. Would love to wear my #7 Cullen road white sweater to the X.
  8. Pathetic display by Roy and the Avs.
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.........that's a pretty glaring fact. He just needs more time........to get his 3rd one.
  10. Leigh Jeanotte holding the Mega Horn and leading the way?
  11. This...^^^ He should be excited some student have even taken notice of his presidency... as lame as it has been.
  12. Trust me when I say this is a Ferris Buehler 31 Flavors rumor...Mac w a fractured knee cap. Real disappointed for him if that is truly the case.
  13. I'm with you. Thought GFC would roll em.
  14. So he doesn't like picking up the check, is a bad tipper or both?
  15. "We got Jonesy yes we do we got Jonesy how bout you?"
  16. Well played. Cue those looking for the proverbial "bright spot".
  17. Sorry Dave.....forgot u are the great hockey mind on this site. My bad......
  18. Minot is not good.....GFC wins by at least 5 goals.
  19. SCSU PP is year in and year out the best UND sees. Parks and LJ need to make note of that. If UND doesn't get its own PP at 2:22 left who thinks that game doesn't go to OT? 5 and 2 were really good last night on the back end. It doesn't happen often but the Mac line kind of got worked over from the early 2nd on by Brodz line. I don't expect to see that again tonight. Finally.......THIS is the NS I was expecting to see early this season. He was terrific. OD is playing easily his best hockey of his college career the last couple months and that line was great last night.
  20. Good to see Anderson had more botox work done.
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