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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Factor in the profit from the sales of all the FH gear UND is raking in and Kennedy will announce this fall plans to break ground on a new on campus FB stadium.
  2. Not disagreeing but if they take thousands yet give back millions is UND still losing and being held hostage? Not good at math but more zeros trump less zeros.
  3. Sensing a theme here recently........ attitude of ungratefulness for the dollars given in the past by the Foundation yet there's a hostage crisis on our university now because the Foundation hasn't given enough lately. Did I miss anything else?
  4. Always easy to spend someone else's money........
  5. Valid question but for one she holds the pen..............................................
  6. Never said he needed to negotiate in public but the "I don't recall" bit doesn't hold water. I have a hard time believing McGarry would make something up that Kennedy allegedly said negatively about her father Ralph or threatening to pulling the BB teams out of the Betty.
  7. You are giving Kennedy a complete pass. He has not refuted one conversation McGarry has mentioned publically. Maybe she feels he is a prick and doesn't want to go into further negotiations based on his lack of professionalism and leadership?
  8. Oxbow6

    New Mascot

    I'd be up for that.
  9. I'm waiting for some here to give Kennedy credit for getting the 3 American hostages freed from North Korea too........................................
  10. Oxbow6

    New Mascot

    The feeling from a fan base of being "different" and having an unique identity based on a nickname is completely different from a university success and popularity standpoint due to on the field/court accomplishments. The bolded part is up for debate due to the one that was chosen at UND. Again "Roll Tide" is extremely "different" and very unique. "Go Hawks" is not. You are smart enough to see that......and this example has nothing to do with success.
  11. Oxbow6

    New Mascot

    But it is their identity as a fan base more so than being recognized as the "University of Alabama". Their identity in athletics especially FB is more in the nickname than it is the university. You can call my cousin who was on staff within their athletic department for years is you need a second opinion on this. You are correct....success has zero to with it but that wasn't your argument in your last post so stop moving the goalpost.
  12. Oxbow6

    New Mascot

    "Roll Tide"................................those at Alabama might beg to differ. As would fans of many other schools.
  13. Most individuals don't bit the hand that feeds them........or gives them free money. Not sure what he might be on to by pissing off those people. That makes me raise an eyebrow.
  14. I think you're on track here but if it's about money how come Kennedy has rubbed so many donors, besides the Engelstad Foundation, the wrong way?
  15. Well said......he has his minions but overall you nailed it.
  16. Bingo...... understanding that and that alone IMO answers lots of questions posted in this thread.
  17. ....and I'm not doubting he made that threat. Of the two parties involved who has the most to lose if this relationship is completely severed?
  18. GF is begging for sheets of ice. Turn the Betty into more rinks. Let Kennedy figure out where to play MBB and WBB as he threatened. Seems like a logical solution for starters.
  19. I might have missed it in the article but were these "she said, he said" conversations face to face or via phone calls as Kennedy was waiting for his interview at UCF?
  20. .................................but he can't recall how he has treated you.
  21. There's are reason for all those empty tequila bottles outside Gorecki every night.
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