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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Of the local kids Manson is another Reinke at best. Zander will be solid role player with good size and Keplin looks like a true scorer. The best of the group is Borowicz. She's the real deal. Has all the skills needed at this level. Can do everything player.......and she's a natural leader and winner. Her sophomore sister went for 37 yesterday. Brew definitely needs to snag her. She's getting a heavy look from the Gophers.
  2. If you actually saw NDSU play in person at any point this season going to the Dance should shock you. I saw them live twice.......brutal. $1000 of gfhockey's money even Richman didn't see this coming.
  3. Jamestown reporting 10" so far.
  4. Same in Fargo. You guys can have Hutch Johnson back. Overdramatic with every weather system that rolls thru the FM area. After watching him last night I went to bed thinking I was going to wake up to a combo avalanche/tsunami!
  5. Would the state chip in if the Ark had Gender Neutral bathrooms?
  6. I know you did........just trying to make it easier for a few here as they troll through.
  7. But they also have play a lot without him on the ice too.........
  8. Oxbow6

    UND vs DU

    Will be interesting to see the forward lines for Friday. Nothing surprise me anymore with the line combos.
  9. Oxbow6

    UND vs DU

    My brother lives in Colorado Springs. Said they had wind gusts over 90 mph today.
  10. Who's in charge of building the Ark?
  11. Or maybe Walseth's plan didn't pan out?
  12. If UND WBB would get Sara Jacobson on the roster that would at least make me feel a little better about BB at UND.
  13. Any chance Richman hires Saul Phillips back as an assistant? He's out at Ohio.
  14. A honest question........so Kennedy has no culpability in your post above? Just saying I know a number of those 3-5 figure donors who would check box "C" as to why he/she is not donating or are donating less.......and it has absolutely nothing to do with being "content with the status quo" or "being reluctant to change". My daughter will be attending UND next fall. We've toured campus a number of times. Campus definitely has changed since I was there but to give him all or most of the credit for "transforming campus" is a disingenuous.
  15. Name 6 forwards that have better offensive talent and upside on this roster? Has Adams been up and down at times.....yes but his leash has been shorter than any forward on this roster for the 2nd year in a row. Seems like Berry likes unskilled forwards to fit his defense first system.
  16. Oxbow6

    UND vs DU

    That fills me with optimism
  17. Was just in Gamble a couple months ago. Was way nicer than when I took classes in there thirt.........I mean nine years ago.
  18. That still doesn't stop most of us! Carry on..........
  19. And one weekend puts this team on the far outside looking in at the NCAA. Well 2 missed NCAAs will heat things up for sure.
  20. That didn't take long. Yotes up 10-0.
  21. Oxbow6

    UND vs DU

    If that allows my Regional tickets to have more value than the Kleenex I just used.....ok!
  22. Oxbow6

    UND vs DU

    Back to hockey.....I'll call a split
  23. Please no politics........................or porn.
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