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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. MN.......tested 868 confirmed 21 ND........tested 87 confirmed 1 WI........tested 273 confirmed 27
  2. Won't look like a cafeteria in MN in the near future. Gov. Walz to hold presser at 10 am. No doubt it's a domino effect because of neighboring WI and SD.
  3. So when we all are another 8-12 weeks into this and your local Walmart and/or Target and/or grocery store are the only stores open how many people in CHI or DAL or any community are going to standing in line and or in the store? And I'm sure it's going to be orderly and peaceful at those places. The single mom, who has been out of work for weeks and has a few bucks left in her pocket with 3 kids at her side who are hungry and riddled fear and anxiety, is going look at the person in line behind who of course is at least 6 ft away and say...."My kids and I scared, we are desperate, we have lost almost everything, we have basically nothing left but at least we didn't get the virus." So in the next week in this country when everything shuts down except for the facilities that care for the sick we need to ask ourselves who are we protecting again by all of this? 99.5+% of people who get this virus are going to go on to lead healthy lives but will they happy lives? Lives with hope and a future? This is NOT a single entity issue.
  4. Bump I would like someone to address this. This IMO is the elephant in the room. What happens to these people? Their families? We seem to be strictly focused of keeping grandma's with CHF or emphysema or diabetes with secondary renal failure alive in this thread. Where are we as a functioning society if this social distancing lockdown is still effect as we approach Memorial Day? People are still going to get infected. Some will die. Who picks up the pieces of lives shattered and destroyed by the inability to make a living. People and kids with futures ahead of them.....not just another birthday or two.
  5. I know some of you here have great financial minds......if this federal emergency stays in place for another 6-8 weeks and domestic air travel is done and restaurants and non-essential businesses are done. Plus everything else currently done. Where are all the folks that aren't sick, don't have corona and don't have work or will not have an income in the foreseeable future going to be in 6-8 weeks? Gun and ammo stocks up?
  6. When does the shuttering of all non-essential businesses and restaurants shoe drop? Where are you going to drive that rental car?
  7. Trump considering restricting domestic air travel.
  8. Encouraging? I'll disagree. But if you're suggesting Martial Law......
  9. For you social distancing police a buddy texted me he's at the Home Show at the Civic Center in Bismarck......packed. Don't shoot the messenger.
  10. What are you talking about? Enlighten me. You seem fairly educated.
  11. Who's going to go to Walmart or Target or the groceries store for my family Chris? Asking for my wife.
  12. So when the 2nd death in NY occurs and we find out he was a 86 male with CHF who's on O2 we're going to place the blame on the nurse's son who went out to a movie with friends a few weeks ago........well because we can connect the dots?
  13. So let's me throw this wrench into all of this......my buddy just texted me. He's youngest of large family. Parents late 80s. Living in assisted living. He can't go into facility to see them but he's picking them up for lunch as they can voluntarily leave the facility. But my daughter enjoying a couple days with friends at a hotel and MOA is going to collapse the healthcare system in the FM area.
  14. So anyone who works in the healthcare arena and their families can't not have any semblance of normalcy until when?
  15. If no one comes in contact with anyone else ever will be ok.
  16. Wow. Do you want to have kids live in fear? Are we supposed to stop living all together? I see more sick people in a day than most of society sees in a month. So I shouldn't have walked into Walmart last night? Let's say.....let's say..... If you live in a "let's say" world what's the point of getting up in the morning. This is the **** that fans the flames in this country.
  17. We have time...... nothing else going on in this country.
  18. So you are in favor of a single payer system?
  19. Well said. IMO it is biggest "crisis" in healthcare. That's spreading faster than corona!
  20. LOL. Well she is home......and alive.
  21. New flash......our demographics in this country are not identical to either of those countries. Or Germany.
  22. We can not assemble in "large crowds" at sporting events, churches, ect... so let's shift the social gathering points to Walmarts, Sam's, Costco's, ect... Had to make a run to Walmart after work for my wife last night. More people in that store than were at the last game of the Thursday night Class A session at the SHAC. My youngest daughter just got back from MSP with some friends. Stayed at Great Wolf Lodge and went to MOA. She said both places were packed.
  23. First death in NY......82 female with emphysema. Tragic but in all reality were her odds much better if she got the flu this season?
  24. In any "business" there's really only two groups...those who pull the wagon and those that ride in the wagon. Rarely does it make sense or is it equatable..... especially in healthcare.
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