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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. yzerman.........you have a call on line 3. Some guy named DeBlasio?
  2. This whole process is a big middle finger to anyone under 24 years of age. Future? Dreams? Seems like all our nation's chips in this poker match were put on one segment of our population in this one.
  3. Yup...….I shutter (no pun intended) to think what happens in late October when the first fever and cough combo is reported in this country.
  4. CDC just announced a recommendation of no events of more of 50 for the next 8...…...EIGHT weeks!
  5. Your guaranteed Trifecta winner...….under on Friday closings and 1M. Over on school being done.... I'd be surprised if they open in August.
  6. Let's play over/under...…….Dougie caves and shutters everything in ND by 5 pm Friday. I'll say under.....well before then. Went to get donuts for the staff this morning. All now individually packaged. First guy I see in the store...….70+ male with a mask and latex gloves on. Not joking. Glad he got the memo. SMH.
  7. 1770 children died of abuse or neglect in 2018. The real sobering thought is that number will pale in comparison to the statistics that come when this year ends.
  8. Mariotta signs with Vegas
  9. Patients are seeing everything shut down around them because "this is 10x worse than the flu and if you are over 70 and get this virus you're gonna die". What impression do you think they get from that? Unfortunately some of those this whole "crackdown" is supposed to save will die because of it.
  10. When patients have bombarded with the "fact" everywhere they turn that this virus is their single greatest risk to their mortality what did you expect???
  11. Just heard DeBlasio say they are not far from the government taking over the grocery supply and distribution in NYC.
  12. 35% of this country's population is 24 and younger. 14% is 65 and older. Let that soak in.
  13. Dow down 3000. More dead bodies from virus or jumping off of bridges. Will approach a point where we won't recover if this insanity goes to July.
  14. Read an article last night. It's key point: We need to answer the big question most Americans want to ask....instead of closing all schools and colleges, restaurants, bars, most places of businesses, all sporting events and other large gatherings for the general population why don't we just isolate those most at risk and vulnerable to this virus?
  15. No......you and your family. That's how you phrased it. I wants specifics. Masks? Choppers dropping in food and supplies? Free Netflix?
  16. Well if the actual market is an indicator....yes.
  17. What are you looking for the government to do specifically for you and your family?
  18. 90%+ of this country is in no shape to do that. They'll be excited to pay for rent in June...….if possible.
  19. Dow in a tail spin...……. That will ease the fear and panic especially when everyone is in lockdown.
  20. This......^^^^^ I think those of us that in ND or do not live in metropolitan areas should be thankful. Even in times like these people still (for the most) respect each other and are concerned for their neighbors and communities. You live in LA area like yzerman or NYC, CHI, BALT, ect......if this drags out for weeks, which most think it will, real life Hunger Games might make it to your TV screen. 17 murders on a normal July night in Chicago is called "summer".
  21. My buddy who lives in WA also said schools out thru April 24. That's 6 weeks. No economic movement or activity at all with everything shut down. Loss of jobs everywhere. The scenarios you mention are real.
  22. Well played.....well played. Just another the layer of the onion to deal with. If needed this community will throw social distancing out the window to save their neighbor's and/or friend's homes and neighborhoods.
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