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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Newsom orders all 40+M to "stay at home" in CA. He's talking possibly 8 weeks and half will get infected. Real leadership there. Dow futures down.....again. 7 trillion dollars lost so far. Clearing traders from floor........ that'll help calm the markets. I should have asked Diane Feinstein or Richard Burr for trading tips. DeBlasio letting out Rikers' convicts with other state doing the same thing. Let's deal with a public health issue by compounding it by decreasing public safety. Brilliant. If the Plaquenil/Z-Pak combo is the ticket package it in a Pez dispenser, military cargo drop it everywhere and let's get on with our lives.
  2. Up to 19 11 Burleigh 4 Morton 3 Ward 1 Cass
  3. Why don't MN and ND just combine state governments right now? We'd all save money and resources. Walz mandates something.....2-3 days later Dougie does the same. Just a domino effect.
  4. But this was refreshing to see....and what's needed right now.
  5. Unacceptable. Too bad he/she doesn't play for the Brooklyn Nets.
  6. Did you have to stand on a box to read from that news source?
  7. Scrubbing all "non-essential" visits.....wherever that line is drawn. Screening patients as they enter the doors of system at any location before they hit registration. Symptoms and travel questions. Temperature. If concerns raised during screening they are sent to a designated location for further eval....at least in theory that's the plan. But yesterday I got a call from a LPN screener...…."Will you still see this patient. Blah blah blah....she's asymptomatic but just got off a cruise ship last Thursday". My response....."As long as the boat didn't come from Italy". Was a 74 year old female.....an individual this whole crisis lockdown is trying to protect. Just clueless. My buddy practices just outside of Vancouver, WA. Said late in the day yesterday a patient told him AS SHE WAS LEAVING her visit...…"I might have been exposed by my daughter last this past weekend"....daughter has no confirmation but symptoms.
  8. TP thieves. He wants to control civil unrest at those places. This just in.....Depends sales are way up. Kimberly-Clark stock is in the buy now category.
  9. Unemployment rate 3.6 in January. New report estimates, from this crisis and at a minimum certain recession, 7.4M jobs lost from restaurant industry. Hotel industry loses a 1M+ in a few months with more thereafter. 3.6 + 2.5.....6.1%. That's the tip of the iceberg. What's the over/under timeline when Mnuchin runs out of $1000 checks?
  10. Well........Trump might give Fauci a 9" trophy when this is over. ........and unfortunately that trophy will probably be bigger than most of the citizens of this county's future dreams.
  11. Was visiting with my internist buddy today...…...probably been making the rounds for 3-4 months.
  12. ......and with our family members sitting at home not doing much I'm sure it does provide some entertainment for them as to our general dysfunction here if they decide to peruse this thread!
  13. Then the "regular" flu season hits........are our kids ever going back to class with their peers?
  14. Right! Anyone find it ironic that THAT is now illegal in that cesspool. Guess that reduces one's risk of stepping on a needle or a pile of feces.
  15. John Hopkins health policy expert states recent studies indicated roughly 50% infected will be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.
  16. 50+ male 20+ female Both history of domestic travels from hot spot areas
  17. Think about this as we shut down everything everywhere.......99.9% of all businesses in the US fall under category of "small business". Think of where we are at if 5-10% of these can't recover and go under after all the dust settles from COVID.
  18. As of tomorrow our system will be scrubbing all non-essential outpatient clinic visits from all departments for 3 weeks......to start.
  19. If anyone thinks this society can deal with 6-8 weeks more less 6-8 months of lockdown, an unknown end point, no security financially and reduced personal freedom wise.......not even taking into account the overall mental toll those making the decision are missing the big picture. We can't as a society of 330M+ wait 6-8 months to watch the last body hit the floor before we pick up the pieces in all sectors of society and move on. Might sound jaded but we didn't bat an eye when 36K (estimated) died from this year's flu season.
  20. Hopefully all the Rheumatology patients in this country that count on hydroxychloroquine to manage their day to day issues to help them maintain some quality of life aren't shortchanged because we are trying to throw something at the wall to see if it sticks.
  21. Ward 60+ male Cass 20+ female with history of recent international travel
  22. Well in MN they are letting nonviolent criminals out of jail to combat this crisis.
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