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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Ummmmm.....we already know who those folks are. Do that and let the rest of us get back to living, buying paint, going to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and taking a Sunday drive without getting a ticket.
  2. Couldn't I turn into a killing machine by Thursday though?
  3. So basically the single mom of 3 in Lisbon ND gets tested in 2-4 weeks. No antibodies. She won't be able to go back into the workforce until she falls ill and test positive or she continually gets retested until she's positive for antibodies. In the meantime her kids are thrust in poverty and hunger but 92 year old Mildred at the Parkside Lutheran Nursing Home hopefully can have another birthday even though she hasn't been able to recognize her own children for 3 years. Wash...rinse...repeat for the rest of the 300M+ on this country.
  4. "Killing machines".....easy there Cooper Anderson. So in your wise opinion lockdown everyone until when? Or comes to grips that life needs to start being lived and those who are at risk need to shelter? ....and I'm talking ND.
  5. Both questions....specifically first one.
  6. You're our resident NASA math guru. I'd like you to put down your breakfast burrito and comment on what if our current data is even off by 50 times the reported infectious rate.
  7. Didn't Cuomo in consultation with Greta ban all foods in NY that causes flatulence as part of his Green New Deal thinking???
  8. Jacksonville (FL) Beaches opened up to cheers and hundreds of beach goers.... meanwhile in ND local police in unmarked cars are in surveillance of city parks.
  9. So some journalist in London has the inside scoop on what's happening in Sioux Falls SD?? The BBC can't even report accurately what Mehgan is wearing on her walk through the Canadian woods on a daily basis.
  10. From latest IHME projections......"maybe possible??? Can guarantee a vast majority of this state's population isn't going to tolerate these current guidelines past 3 more weeks.
  11. A group of Stanford led researchers conducting early antibody testing in the SF/Bay area is finding the infectious rate could be as much as 85 times higher than reported. Not sure if this "science" puts a chink in the armor of the "we are all safer at home until July 4, 2022" crowd and/or the actual fatality rate when it's all said and done.
  12. Gov. Whitmer is currently on the phone with their parents telling them that activity in ND will kill lives in MI........and to put away the Confederate flags and stop painting their decks.
  13. Trollwood cancels stage performances for this summer as well. Guess those 3 kids that unfortunately passed away from COVID in a city of 9M have set that bar for the rest of the kids in this country for the summer.
  14. Old Chicago is the first restaurant casualty in Fargo. Closed permanently.
  15. Would be interesting to get a large sample poll of people who are over 75 that have grand/great grandchildren and ask them at this point would you be willing to take the risk of going to see a grand or great grandchild graduate from HS in another 6-7 weeks....basically making it 3+ months you have been locked up? What percentage do you think would say "yes" I'd personally take that risk?
  16. As of Wednesday 600 pm ET in NYC 34% of recorded deaths were probable (3914). Confirmed were 7563. Funny thing is I still can't get the sportsbook at Caesars in Vegas to pay me on my bet on the Bills in SB XXV even though almost everyone thought Norwood was "probably" going to make that field goal attempt.
  17. StarTribune reporting 1 in 5 in MN has lost work or is unemployed in the past 6 weeks.
  18. Drove by Tuesday. Definitely didn't appear there had been any prep work so far to make it playable anytime soon.
  19. Monday....4/20. Anniversary date of Columbine.
  20. I would but I'll be camping at the Theodore Roosevelt Natio..........wait nevermind.
  21. Fat people generally get sicker than skinny people but it is the government's fault they are fat because of the food pyramid. Women and kids that get smacked around "probably" asked for it and/or are "presumed" to be equal in accountability as their abuser for their poor outcome.
  22. .....and let's not forget the number of elk tags issued in ND per year is 3x the population of Medora.
  23. The Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western ND just closed immediately due to COVID. Will reopen May 9. #savelives #factsnotfear
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