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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. And if you're fine with having a house/yard full of neighborhood kids/friends you should feel comfortable sending your kids back to school. ...and if not when?
  2. If you had kids above 12 years old you probably would.
  3. Took a day to pack it up. A day to bring stuff back. Most kids would go back tomorrow. One of my best friends lives in Montana. His daughter is a Sr in HS. He texted me she was in tears when he told her the possibility of her finishing her Sr year in a classroom with her teachers and friends.
  4. Zero chance for MN. Walz still sitting on 20K.
  5. Glad their governor sees the big picture. Good for him and the kids in MT.
  6. Delta reported $534M loss in first quarter. 2nd quarter projected to be worse.
  7. So on that note the weekly jobless claims report comes out tomorrow morning. Opening line is another 4.2M
  8. If only Newsom had that info weeks ago he could have had the sand truck come in sooner.
  9. He was also quoted that it was "disappointing" to see the low testing numbers (240) and confirmed cases (17) for the day in his press conference yesterday as well. Interesting take that the lowest confirmed cases in a single day since 4/13 would be "disappointing" to the governor of ND.
  10. Horrible takes? Ok Ms. Fauci. People infected is/will be exponentially higher than estimated. When the death rate is finally figured out I'm not convinced it will be much higher than the flu especially in those under 60. Could be wrong. Might be higher in that demographic but not substantially. We'll see. ND doesn't have many deaths fortunately but IIRC no one under 60 has died. Last two quotes posts are nothing more than statistics based on certain demographics. You obviously don't like numbers. Maybe if you'd watched this guy on TV as kid you could have turned out to be something admirable like your sister.
  11. Since there's been some discussion about kids and getting them back to some normalcy CDC.gov is updated and 2/1 thru 4/18 it reports 28 total COVID only and COVID+pneumonia deaths (confirmed and presumed) for individuals 24 years of age and younger. That age group makes up roughly 103M individuals in this country.
  12. Valid points and they are but expound on the bolded part. How are kids getting back to school, soccer, dance, summer theater, Legion baseball, ect... and people going back to work over the next couple to few weeks mutually exclusive??? There's zero rational behind that. Those two scenarios can happen at the same time. I'll assume your kids haven't been to a grocery store, Walmart, Target since mid March. Who said it had to be "all or nothing"? Going to a Shawn Mendes concert is a whole lot different than going to a dance class or soccer/baseball practice.
  13. Let's just "presume" COVID killed it......
  14. So your kids are on board with this?? Because my teenage daughters are not for much longer. Nor are any of their classmates, friends or teammates. Kids of all people need hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  15. ND American Legion Baseball just cancelled the summer season in the state. MSUM cancelled all summer theater programs.
  16. I misread the post by mike.....you are correct. As is Redneck above.
  17. You do realize there won't be a society to return to at that point. Curious..... jobless claims report comes out Thursday again. What's an acceptable % of unemployment before this has to end?? 20%? 25%?
  18. So you didn't go the MOA the next day?? Just asking for a friend.
  19. The data suggest most everything we were initially told was incorrect. The asymptomatic infectious rate is exponentially higher. The death rate will be much lowered. "Save Lives"........drumbeat from day 1. Deaths are now significantly down from initial projected highs of 1-2M. Goalposts now shifting to testing, vaccine, second wave....... Almost all decisions made moving forward will be done with some political agenda behind them. It's the environment we are now in.
  20. Seems like a lot of boxes for Doug to check. Why do I have a feeling we'll hear "2 more weeks" when he addresses this again.
  21. You and I have met both his parents. Great people. At least we know they are proud of one of their children that posts on this site.
  22. IIRC the county has just over 8000 confirmed cases.
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