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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. BTW........if you need someone to tell you you have to stay tucked away in your basement because you personally live in fear you're either a lemming or "idiot".....or both. You're just looking for someone to pander to your fears. If you want to continue to stay holed up thru Thanksgiving no one is going to stop you.
  2. Can anyone tell me why ND could not open in exact same fashion above as Georgia on May 1? Per million Georgia has 2x the confirmed cases and 4x the deaths as ND. BTW...total hospitalizations to date in ND are at 53. Currently 17 inpatient. Fargodome still has 200 beds available. ...and if you think Fauci walks on water at minimum 168000 ND residents "probably", we love that term here, have been infected.
  3. Has the benchmark been set on confirmed cases and deaths per million on opening up??
  4. I'll say it......we are close to the tipping point where the "cure is worse than the disease".
  5. This is AOC's wet dream. Just disastrous for the country.
  6. Phase 3.5 for another $470B approved. Fed just keeps printing money as oil falls below zero. Good thing Rednek drives a Prius.
  7. Sorry.....that's right off CNN.com They do that so their ADHD low IQ readers can stay on point.
  8. Above is from yesterday when topic about reopening the economy was being discussed. WSJ/NBC News poll from April 13-15 "Will the US reopen too quickly"? Democrats say too quickly.......77% Republicans say too quickly.....39%
  9. That makes more sense. Hopefully they'll repeat this identical same poll for the date ending 4/29. I'll put money on the 58% number will be less than 50%.
  10. From a CNN.com article dated 3/31....three weeks ago. I'd put money on that % increase in demand is higher now.
  11. Correct. Plus that poll was from a timeframe that ended 2 weeks ago. That's when being in locked down, eating Chinese takeout and being out of work was fresh and exciting. Kind of like polling married couples of 15+ years on marriage after just the first 12 months.
  12. Again not to make this political but half of America either falls right or left. There is no typical or average American. Any poll on any political topic bears this out. So you don't have to walk something back next time don't start your point with "MAGA......"
  13. Tried to adjust size so wasn't so fuzzy....sorry.
  14. Unless the federal government is going to just continue to print money to bailout healthcare systems the current model of healthcare delivery that has occurred in this country over the past 8+ weeks is unsustainable. Just like opening up the economy we have to open up healthcare systems so they aren't going to collapse or downsize under financial strain. Losing $3 in normal generated revenue to every $1 spent on COVID management isn't going to balance the books.
  15. MI, FL, VA, TX, MN, SD......... Most citizens of this country feel the governors didn't get the memo on the bolded part. Issue is most of the frustrated citizens about how and when we get back to normal are not frustrated with all the governors.
  16. According to CDC.gov from 2/1 thru 4/11 there have been 1169 deaths that were recorded as COVID-19 only for the ages of 54 and younger. COVID plus pneumonia deaths are another 449. So that's 1618 total COVID related deaths 54 and younger. That age group makes up 260M+ people in this country. Those people also make up a vast majority of our workforce. BTW the same age group, 54 and under, during same time frame above recorded 141009 deaths from all causes. 2x as many children 4 and under died from all causes compared to the COVID total in the 54 and younger group during that time. The CDC does note lag in data received and recorded but does take into "presumed" COVID deaths via ICD-10 coding in the numbers above. I also fully understand these numbers are not to the day, or minute in real time. When one hears some continually parroting "save lives", which has been the drumbeat from both sides from the beginning, and you see numbers published by the CDC like this, albeit just thru 4/11, it make one wonder WTF is actually going on in our county when you look at the total picture and what the end game is.
  17. So I have read on this thread the infectious positive testing....... inaccurate. The antibody testing..... inaccurate. Any model one can review is bipolar.... inaccurate. Yet unemployment is around 13%. When do kids get to be kids again? When do they go back to school? When is the unemployment rate going to go down into single digits instead to climbing to 20%?
  18. If.....big if.....early antibody testing continues to reveal a 20x, 50x, 85x higher infectious rate than thought at what point does trying to develop some herd immunity come into the conversation? Fauci has mentioned multiple times he thinks 25-50% of the infected are asymptomatic.
  19. .....meanwhile since the healthcare systems are almost singlely focused on COVID and patients are fearful from the hype to seek care diabetics will need amputations as their foot ulcers worsen, people will experience permanent vision loss because they can't get their injections for exudative macular degeneration and orthopedic patients who need a total knee replacement wind up falling and now require surgery to boot for a torn rotator cuff injury.
  20. Good point......how about giving back our religious liberties and our right to assemble?
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