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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Yikes.....but France isn't Germany or Italy. Please stay on point if you would.
  2. Could have been........I tend to just make s**t up.
  3. FPD reported a 14% uptick in domestic abuse reports since beginning of March.
  4. That dlsiouxfan has a PhD in World History?
  5. Says the one who claimed a week or so ago that COVID has killed more than any war in history.
  6. Yup....."the surge"! The financial ruin of healthcare systems in this country will dwarf those that are "overwhelmed" but you keep parroting that.
  7. I know hard data bothers you when it come to making life potentially more accessible to the 187M in this country that fall into that age range.
  8. For those keeping score at home NYC has had 312 reported deaths 44 years of age and younger as of 6 pm ET yesterday.
  9. Do you know how many low IQ people just in ND alone have parroted "trust science" but yet couldn't give you the element make up of water? Answer: Thousands more than total cases in this state.
  10. As of yesterday Dr. Birx stated there were nine states that had less than 1000 total confirmed cases and no days with 30+ positive new cases...………………….guess Mahoney and Burgum missed that memo. #factsnotfear #nohaircuts #noteetertotters
  11. In the classified category of "When does this end" Mayor Mahoney decide to close all parks in Fargo. Seven months of winter, kids being kicked out of their classrooms and models projecting no surge but let's make sure kids can't down a slide now that the temperatures look like they might climb above 50. Nice to see his judgement carried over to mayor as it did when he was a surgeon. Plus the FPD said they will be out informing this order with fines up to $1000.
  12. If you bet the over your stimulus check is on its way. 5.25M more claims this morning. That's 22M+ out of work so far in 3 weeks........but nothing to see here.
  13. Correct.......that would be interesting information to know. IHME projects with ND's 32 deaths thru 8/4 the state will need 6 ICU beds and 5 ventilators.
  14. Once again lazy reporting. 24 new cases is reported. This is true but again article fails to mention previous high was 23 and that was a couple days ago. Embarrassing "journalism". Nothing more than sensationalism.
  15. You have a better chance of getting more freedoms you currently don't have in the next 2 weeks if you're currently behind bars.
  16. There are a number of "experts" that subscribe to this theory.
  17. Point 1....no. I obviously was wrong as were countless others. I guess that's the one thing Anderson Cooper and I have in common. I do believe the mortality rate will be much lower then is being projected but higher than the flu. Point 2....again based on the statistical data I don't think it is unreasonable to consider giving those 187M people 45 years and under in this COUNTRY some opportunities to move forward with some normalcy after these 45 days of federal guideline end 4/30. Of the 304 that died in NYC in that age bracket again roughly only 10% of those had no underlying contributing issues. Not every community in the nation is NYC. NYC and NY state have the option to move forward as they chose. The vast majority of this nation needs to start living again IMO. I fully get that. Trust me. I also understand that there are more healthcare systems in this country that will be in financial ruin because they are waiting for their surge that mostly likely won't happen due to wildly inaccurate projections, models and data. I have said this before unfortunately your situation and your area's situation is the most dire in the country.
  18. No one said a "free pass" but obviously the NYC data is a large enough base to draw statistical data from. Can't, in NYC case, keep roughly 65% of population 45 and under locked up much past 4/30. BTW.......187M in this country fall in that age group. Again the average working person's age is 42. My point is there is enough statistical data to start looking at transitioning at least that 187M back into the economy and society. We know those who are at greatest risk. Keep them isolated and protected. There needs to be a two pronged approach moving forward as of May 1........ continue protecting those at risk while at the same time transitioning the millions at low risk back to some normalcy. See above. Cause your sister told me my post yesterday morning from data established on 4/10 was "outdated". I'm just trying to stay current. I'll ask this to all three of you. Softball question........give me just 5, although there are more, just 5 causes of death in NYC that resulted in more than 304 deaths in the age group 45 and under in the past 3 months? Seems like there are a number in this thread that see this crisis as a one trick pony and are comfortable with the current lockdown measures until fall or even through the year. PM MafiaMan and ask him how this has worked out for him and his family.
  19. Right.........because 0.0055% of all NYC residents 45 years old and younger have died from COVID so far. Least that's a higher percentage than have died from murder in NYC in that age range so far this year.
  20. Take out Pinto Mismash Adams and Guch.........here's the order I have "going to have a "breakout year" category: Weatherby > Blaisdell > Caulfield > Hain
  21. Well we know one number that's pretty solid. Those currently unemployed. So there's that. 2200 ND oil patch workers have filled unemployment claims so far in March.
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