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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Has anyone trademarked the phase "We've been Fauci'd"?? MafiaMan and I could sell a lot of t-shirts.
  2. Tough to do when trying to eat a cheeseburger.
  3. If you count having +/-10 kids playing volleyball and/or basketball this past week with the beautiful weather nights...then yes. My youngest daughter did a small group (6 kids) soccer training session with one of her coaches yesterday at a local field as well. My oldest daughter and I went to Sickies last night for supper too then to Walmart to grab an item we needed but you can feel free to keep your crew holed up until....... Safer at home right?
  4. NDHSAA cancelled all spring activities and athletics. #saferathome #savelives .......but pretty sure plenty of those HS student athletes' parents will be at some bars throughout the state tonight.
  5. Board of regents voted to have in-person class this fall at SD universities. Golfed yesterday with a friend of my daughter. He golfs at a MN university. He was told by his school to be prepared to have online class this coming fall semester.
  6. ND.....40 new cases on 2065 tests today. Most tests in a single day. Less than 2% positive rate today which is half of what the rate has been to date. 4 deaths...one in 70s, 1 in 80s and 2 in 90s.
  7. So to recap before things get rolling in ND at 800 am. 19 total COVID deaths, 30 total current inpatients, under 4% positive rate of testing, going to be 75 degrees in Fargo today but kids still can't use the outdoor playgrounds, 2 tables at 6' apart of 10 people each is permissable in a bar but HS softball, baseball or soccer practices are not, 74000+ in this state are currently unemployed and finally no one is mandated to go anywhere, do anything or interact with anyone if they choose not to.
  8. Or Fauci can call for a shelter in place nation wide order around Halloween for 3 months to help mitigate both?
  9. Good thing we'll be into the influenza season by then.
  10. .....and Walz turns a blind eye to it. MN shelter in place thru May 18 now.
  11. Bill Gates is on line 3 for you......
  12. ND with 34 new positives on 1924 tests today. Can the bed wetting doomsdayers please stop their uneducated and ignorant letters to Forum Communications?
  13. Another 3.84M filed unemployment last week. Pushes total since the shutdown to over 30M+.
  14. Herald reporting the North Dakota University System is planning on having students back on campuses this fall.
  15. ND had 42 new positives on 1813 tests.
  16. Per the CDC as from 2/1 thru 4/25 there have be 45 total COVID related deaths nationwide wide age group 24 and younger. Same timeframe same age group 2.5x as many influenza deaths. Saw the roll out guidelines for ND. Can have as many as 10 people sitting at a table in a bar (indoors) with tables adhering to the 6' rule but yet they cancelled the ND Legion baseball season (outdoors) already. Chalk another one up to zero logic, stupidity and fear.
  17. ND has 75 more positives today but pumped out its biggest testing day yet with 1987 tests. That positive testing rate is lower than the average testing rate to date.
  18. Montana "stay at home" order expired yesterday. Montana gets back to business today. Retail stores can open. Places of worship/churches opened their doors yesterday. Bars, restaurants, breweries can open 5/4. Schools can open 5/7. Montana has 300K more in population yet they have performed almost 8000 less tests than ND. Their positive hit rate is around 3.5%. ND's is slightly above 4%. Drumbeat from day 1.....save lives and flatten curve for the hospitals. MT 14 deaths. 61 total hospitalizations. ND 17/71. MT governor is.........a Democrat. What am I missing? Or the better question is.....What is Doug missing?
  19. As reported in the Fargo Forum today 72738 ND residents are unemployed as of April 24. That puts the unemployment rate in ND around 18%. That % number of residents in the workforce that are currently out of work is 2 more than total deaths (16). At the same time Doug continually needs more tests done daily so he can keep moving the needle in the "positives" category upward and he can continue to justify his Bill Gates everything revolves around IT data mindset and hit the two more weeks reset button again and again and again. 0.0024% of the state's population has died from COVID while roughly 18% of its workforce is now unemployed. Again some perspective 50 obituaries in the Fargo Forum just yesterday and today. Meanwhile there was a local news piece yesterday of a single mother of two who lost her job. Kids are 12 and 6. Family is now homeless. Can't afford to pay rent or buy food and are currently staying in a local homeless shelter. But can we please keep parroting "stop the spread....flatten the curve....save lives"....blah blah blah.
  20. 57 year old male in Fargo dies suddenly last week. Not COVID related. Family owned restaurant chef/owner. Family closes restaurant permanently shortly after his death and is selling what they can from the restaurant itself. Sad situation but in reality no one is guaranteed tomorrow. Not Sally or Bob mentioned above. BTW 18 obituaries in Fargo Forum today. ND has 16 COVID deaths total. 26M+ unemployed over past few weeks. Did all retain health insurance? Obviously not. Are most of those 26M+ at a low mortality risk of COVID. My money is on yes. Again when does the big picture and logical risk take over so we can move forward? The Draconian measures in MN don't seem to be protecting those the measures were supposed to protect....those who are elderly and vulnerable. 23 new reported deaths in MN with all but one not from a long term care facility.
  21. ND most tests in a day. 1901 tests.....56 positives. 1 death. Doug just punched the reset again. #2moreweeks
  22. As a Packer fan I'm disappointed in this draft. They desperately need a quality #2 WR. Defensively...draft anyone that can tackle to help stop the run. QB and RB IMO were this team's least pressing needs prior to the draft.
  23. We'll let jdub answer that question.....
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