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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. I wonder how many more it will take before DU realizes that they effed up big time by firing Gwoz? Any guesses where Ausmus will end up? Too bad UND doesn't really have the room for him for next season (I believe he was slated to arrive on DU's campus this fall).
  2. And Duncan was nearly half as tall!
  3. Evidently watchmaker does. Deeply.
  4. Boatload of players lost by MN. Most were expected though. Good thing they have a huge class coming in. Talented one too. But it will be hard to replace all those key players with newcomers. Totally different team for next year for them.
  5. brianvf


    Wow, JSANNES really went on a tear there.
  6. Wow, huge loss for DU. He played outstanding for them this year. Like others have mentioned, I feel that DU is going to be losing more this offseason. Firing Gwoz is going to put them in quite a hole...wouldn't be surprised if they lost more players leaving early + incoming recruits. Nice move, DU.
  7. A lot of good it did to have Mac be physical this season. He would just get called for a penalty after a big clean hit.
  8. Stecher appears to have good offensive ability too.
  9. brianvf

    Hobey Baker

    I think Leblanc wins it. Feel good story and he had a great year leading SCSU to their first-ever F4. Although his goal total is quite low. We'll see.
  10. Wondering if the regional final site had Dippin Dots or not. It is, after all, the ice cream of the future.
  11. Great post. 2004 and 2011 still hurt. Easily the two best Sioux teams of the last decade and both got shutout in their last game after dominating play the entire game.
  12. I am a forward, so I guess I'll take those boys. Torpedo system, here we come!!
  13. Mind if I come along as an assistant? I also played intramurals with you, so we both have tons of college hockey experience.
  14. What if Jeff Panzer realizes that he still has one year of eligibility left? Then what?
  15. If only Hak could have won the big one in his first year as coach in the title game against Denver. That was another one that UND could have easily won after out shooting them 45-24.
  16. SCSU vs Lowell for the title. Those teams have looked the strongest this tourney. And honestly I wouldn't be opposed to either winning but would prefer SCSU.
  17. Are we talking about a hypothetical Sioux coach in these scenarios? Because if so, he should be fired on both counts.
  18. How long should Hak have left the lines intact to develop chemistry? It seemed to me that he would leave most line combos together for a few games...some lines for longer. And then when Parks and MiMac got back after Xmas it started all over again. Take the top line...even after most on here (myself included) wanted to see that line with Grimaldi on it, they still weren't effective for a few of the games that they were together. Throughout the season, he was probably on that line for 8-10 games at least... I think the "chemistry" angle is overblown a bit IMO. True, if you pair certain players that have complementary skills together on a line, they will have a higher chance at success...but it's not that black and white. What works one game may not work the next...and not for an entire season. We've had success in the past with the Money Line, Line of Fire, DOT line, etc where essentially the coach just stacked our three best forwards on the ice together. And I do think when Grimaldi was on the KK line that they certainly generated chances, but for whatever reason they just couldn't click together consistently (even though they were given a chance to develop that elusive "chemistry"). Lack of secondary scoring certainly played a part being that teams could focus their best defensive line against that stacked line...but even so that line should have been successful regardless with that amount of talent on it.
  19. That's exactly why it will work. We'll take them all by surprise.
  20. I think Sandy just got lucky with that one title (well, he did really because we all know UMD would have gotten blown out by a Frattin-led UND team had they gotten past UM... )...UMD has looked pretty darn average other than a season or two.
  21. Well, I guess it is easier to just think about next season instead of the Yale debacle (version 2.0). Here's how we're looking for next season as of today: Forwards (13): (SR) Mi-MacMillan, Rodwell (JR) Gaarder, Ma-MacMillan, O'Donnell, Parks, Pattyn, Senkbeil (SO) Caggiula, Chyzyk, Grimaldi, Sanderson, St. Clair Defense (5): (SR) Forbort, Simpson (JR) Mattson, Panzarella (SO) Schmaltz Goalies (2): (SR) Saunders (SO) Gothberg Potential Early Departures: Forbort, Simpson Potential Incoming Freshmen: LaDue, Crisfield, Murphy, Poolman, Stecher, Tambellini, Johnson, Thompson We'll need to add another practice goalie. Which freshmen dmen come in will depend on Forbort and Simpson's decisions. I'm excited about our freshmen forward group of Murphy, Tambellini, and Johnson...I think those three can come in and make contributions right away. We actually have a deep core of upperclassmen on this team, hopefully they can play like it. If Gothberg can refrain from letting in the occassional softie, I think he has great potential to be the shutdown goalie we've been waiting for. Then the only question is can this team score enough to make some noise come playoff time?
  22. Yep. UMN, Denver, BC...all gone from the tourney. A win against Yale puts us in a game against Lowell to reach the Title game. That hurts. This team was hard to pinpoint all season. There was always something...missing. Don't get me wrong, there were times when they were fun to watch, but the consistency was never there. In all facets of the game really. Inconsistent goaltending (amazing save, then a softie), inconsistent effort (couldn't sweep an opponent), and definitely inconsistent scoring. I know that due to those inconsistencies that the odds of this being a title team weren't the greatest, but I still think that they had it in them to do it. Especially with how the bracket played out. In the end, a few less post shots this year (I think we won the National Title for post shot count this year, by far) and we might be talking about Pittsburgh instead of focusing on...next season.
  23. 18k and change. It was fuller than what I expected for a CC/UW final, that's for sure.
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