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Everything posted by WPoS

  1. sadly, I am unable to make the games AGAIN this year, otherwise MinnesotaNorthStar and I would find a place to tailgate and I could clean a few beers out of UND fans trying to play BeerDarts! I look forward to a good series this year. Should be good, I think both teams are pretty even in lots of respects. Both have a few "big" name players that can and hopefully will play good, and both have great tradition. So I think a split will be a most probable outcome, altho I CAN hopefor a Gopher sweep! DROP THE PUCK! Hit the REF! My favorite memory of a Sioux/Gopher game? Easy, the time I got a UND defenseman to climb the glass to jaw back at my heckling of him before a face off by one of the circles in old Mariucci...sadly, I don't remember his name, just that he had a "uni-brow" and took offense to my comments about his ancestry...around '88 or so... WPoS
  2. if you hate brown and yellow so bad, maybe you should wash those undies once in a awhile! WPoS
  3. I bet he is and I bet he is a traitor or at least a suck hole! WPoS
  4. player have to still be in college.....draft is tomorrow night... WPoS
  5. Actually we have to draft from the whole of the NCAA, and depending on the league you can get some pretty good point production from some of the lesser leagues. Lord knows I had Bernie Chmiel (sp?)..... She'll be long resting by then, AND I can't make the series anyway, wife made plans on me.... WPoS
  6. Rats, I forgot cardinal is in on our little league too! WPoS
  7. OK, as I asked you all a few years back for a nod or two in the right direction for some frosh to draft from UND (you guys were right on with Brady), We draft next week and I was hoping you who watch your boys could give me the top 3 new UND players to try and nab for my team. Thanks all! WPoS P.S. SHHHH! don't tell Greyeagle!
  8. that's really going to be JBSU now! WPoS
  9. WPoS


    Hey now, how many rings did those two end up with again? WPoS
  10. yah, we have a group of 8 that do NCAA fantasy hockey, but it is all the hard way, spreadsheets and manual entry of data. I'd LOVE to have it be on-line and easier, but I have not found anyting so far that does this. WPoS
  11. but the FOOTBALL team had a higer ave GPA! And a higher percentage of 4.0's...I'd wouldn't be TOO proud of that! But in all seriousness, a 4.0 in a student athelete is a wonderful thing to behold. WPoS
  12. I'll be sure to stop by and drop some M&G flowers on the grave for you NDH! WPoS
  13. NDH, if/when Don ever does make it, I expect some crow to be eaten! WPoS
  14. SCSU is "Jan" not Marcia....but I still don't think JBSU will EVERY have the draw for higher level players like UM, UND, and the evil red menace to the east....I could MAYBE see a NCAA regional game again for them in a few years, but even that is a shadow of a thought..... WPoS
  15. Now THAT is truth! I last year of being a .500 team was more of MY opinion and I may have overstated it in previous posts, but I truely did not expect them to do as good as they did. I TRY to be somewhat objective in my irrational following of a college sports team. As for the local sports writes they all can just go jump in the Miss, don't read ANY of them and don't really care what they say, most of them have never even HELD a hockey stick, much less know the game, players or even the WCHA. WPoS
  16. Actually, about one year ago, at this time, I had no idea/thoughts that the Gophs would do as good as they did. I fully expected (in my heart) a .500 season and a realistic placement of about 5th or 6th place. The Gophs just lost too many good guys. I had no idea the Gophs would actually pull off such a good half of the season. I expected a performance more like the last half. I actually DID NOT expect them to make regionals at the beginning of the season. And AT regionals I only expected a one and done. Now that all being said, I DON'T read USCHO, so the only place I deal with fellow Gopher fans is POI/GPL and the occasional one here or on tPB site. So maybe my friends are not as "bandwagonny" as others, but none of my friends were calling fro tDon's head, Harrington's on the othe hand is a different story. That and if I showed any weakness here, you guy's would be trying to convert me to the dark side! WPoS
  17. True, but I, before the season started had no thoughts of making a FF run. That we did was just a good feeling for me, but I in no way was ripping the coach/team over their performance. And I'd be hard pressed to find a friend of mine that would either. Methinks you were running into the non die-hards/more corpie type fan that likes to bandwagon... WPoS
  18. Mafia, actually all the fans I know were pretty proud of a team that was picked to finish around .500 and go NO where post season. Considering we had no thoughts of actually making the FF, this fan was VERY happy w/ tDon's job. WPoS
  19. Sid is a putz, pure and simple...'nuf said there As for pushing others aside for Kessel, while I will enjoy watching him play I will still be cheering for the other guys on the squad as I have other years...not EVERY Gopher fan thinks of him as the second coming of God , oops, I mean 'ZPar'. But I wonder why you think the Gophs need saving beyond the typical rhetoric? WPoS
  20. my best to him, altho I will not miss him a as Gopher fan, I WILL miss him as one of my point producers for NCAA fantasy hockey... Best of luck to him! WPoS
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