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Everything posted by WPoS

  1. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    OUCH! Good one! Now get back to topic! WPoS
  2. WPoS


    well unfortunatly I am going to be negative here...after J-Mart got knocked out and went into convulsions as the ref skated past him I was hopefull for a turnaround in the refs, but it went back to business as usual quickly...I doubt it will change much long run WPoS
  3. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    aahhhh, KIDS! RUN AWAY! A cat is bad enuf, practicing is more fun anyway! WPoS
  4. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    still waiting to hear which of you will be visiting the wonderful Twin Cites and buying lots of booze! Last year a bunch of good egg UND fans were buying rounds and got my wife nicely toasted post game, for which made and interesting ride home... WPoS
  5. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    I'd say 40 ish pages.... WPoS
  6. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    gee, thanks....I think... as for WPoS; the chant we do after a penalty is assesed to an opponent, at the old Mariucci, the "you worthless piece of !@$!" was added at the end. I continued it in the new Mariucci and kept it going, even when the band was forbidden to play the drum line that lead to the chant by the powers that be. They though it was not PC. Anyway, I have also been told by about 4 different people I started/added it in old Mariucci, and kept it going in the new Mariucci, so I took it as my moniker. As for our Canadian, I think he will be playing both games, he has been playing better as the year rolls on and I expect to see more of him as time goes on. WPoS
  7. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    all I know if the players are HALF as up for this series and the fans are....going to be good! cfm, you stopping by to intro yourself sometime this weekend? WPoS
  8. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    Generally a home team is expected to get 4 points and a road team get two. The assumption is that if a team plays lots of early home games it can inflate their record. Pretty basic concept. WPoS
  9. the guy is HUGE, can't skate real well and handles a puck like Parris Hilton handles road kill. Scott literally steps over the boards while Pittis requires the door! WPoS
  10. Tech has the BIGGEST player I think in college hockey (Scott) and one of the smallest in Pittis. Kinda funny, the midget and the giant all on one team! WPoS
  11. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    you guys bring signs down to try and smuggle them past the old men in coats? Who knows maybe, you can get them in! As for bars, take your pick, all of them around campus should be full of Gopher faithful. Big 10 is generally packed wall to wall as is S&H. Sally's is good for food and the bars in Dinkytown are good too. WPoS
  12. every game so far this year there have been RUSH tickets...I don't see the U passing up any more opportunities to make more money by not having them next weekend. WPoS
  13. WPoS

    Old arena

    you mean there are other sections!??! WPoS
  14. WPoS

    Old arena

    ditto what GE said. The Sicatoka's post seemed to allude to some new deal that happened... WPoS
  15. WPoS

    Old arena

    Re: The Sicatoka's post if I may ask, what was the gift? The arena was donated or what? WPoS
  16. I got the caaar, so we can go get some chowdah WPoS
  17. and/or the Boston accent from the Boston boys... WPoS
  18. WPoS

    Old arena

    geeze, what did I do! All the Gopher hatred! I guess I know who you guys consider you most least liked rival (say that ten times fast! )! WPoS
  19. WPoS

    Old arena

    the thing I find odd is this: while you guys miss your old arena, and us Gopher fans miss ours...most of the reasons are the same (except of course for the drubbings we gave UND in the old barn)...to some degree I find it sad that the old places go away. Fans, regardless of affiliation, all seem to appreciate the same things, both past and present. The Ralph I am sure, will generate new feelings soon enuf as GE put it. I know that while I miss the old Williams field house, I have lots of new good memories in the new Mariucci. WPoS
  20. WPoS

    Old arena

    huh. you can hear it on every game on TV from Mecca (only 1,2 or 3 of the home games are not televised), and I have yet to hear anything besides "GOPHERS" at the end in Mariucci, but then again, I sit in the midst of the student section. WPoS
  21. WPoS

    Old arena

    nah, we copied it...as did about 20 other schools! WPoS
  22. WPoS

    Old arena

    some schools have a REQUIRED day for freshmen to go and learn the school cheers and chants...mostly southern football type schools (Aggies, etc) and I know Michigan does something too. It would be nice if EVERY school could do something to make it a more loud venue... WPoS
  23. WPoS

    Old arena

    now, knowing you all (most at least) are UND fans, and unless you go to the U, the spelling out Minnesota cheer is not well liked, but hey, the cheer was started in the 1880's prolly. But, do you really think some of your cheers are any more original or "cool"...I mean "let's go Sioux"...c'mon... WPoS
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