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Everything posted by WPoS

  1. what ever happened to "barcardio" He is a UND fan and has dropped off both here and POI, and doesn't skate anymore... WPoS
  2. NDH, isn't that called child abuse?!!? No, wait, that is when a kid has a cheese head hat on! Where are your SRO tix? WPoS
  3. Ok forecheck, how about a coaches Beer Darts game, winner take all, I'll even play left handed! WPoS
  4. hey, leave the #1 Gopher in penatly minutes alone! I think he started taking penalties at the end JUST to break the record. WPoS
  5. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    2 per page! Nah, just fun to see the number of threads and posts being from a non-flaming web site like here and POI! Good hockey talk and not TOO much flamage! WPoS
  6. G-money is just playing it cool to piss off you UND fans is all! WPoS
  7. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    true, but I thought the deal was before puck drop? I have NO desire to read thru all the pages to see what the thought was... WPoS
  8. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    well, this thread has slowed WAY down...be lucky to hit 15 pages by game time...especially if you guys are coming down to watch... WPoS
  9. Hmmm, REALLY? That would be interesting! I think we both hope he gets pulled for opposite reasons! WPoS
  10. with a ring... as for the "slash", we'll see of JPar does the same this weekend.... WPoS
  11. that was the coach's fault(s) I think one little hit got another and another and another and so on....with no real reffing it can get pretty bad when you don't know the other guys. Maybe find a ref? Could prolly find Mason to ref it! WPoS
  12. negative, nah, I don't think Gopher fans think of that as negative at all. Most Gopher fans, if you met them over a brew, would be hard to tell from any other rabid hockey fan. WPoS
  13. well I didn't want to use "steal" WPoS
  14. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    C'mon Sagard, I DARE you! You know what I mean! WPoS
  15. hey, quit stealing our analogies! I know you guys get bent all outa shape when others "borrow" stuff, so be the bigger guy/gal and leave our JBSU analogy alone! Besides I think of you guys more as the butcher guy that Alice always wanted! WPoS
  16. WPoS


    again, actually they do NOT. J-Mart hit his bare skull on the ice w/o a whistle...I see no improvement until Greg Seppard is done as the head official. WPoS
  17. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    why, yes it would! I know if there is not a split, one team's fans will have a heyday. But at this point counting ones chickens may be premature. WPoS
  18. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    except seemingly stronger: the ability to carrying two "klingons" and then scoring scoring one handed..... WPoS
  19. Still say UND has the regular season title all tied up in a nice little bundle. Unless you guys self destruct it would be HARD to lose it. WPoS
  20. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    with friends like GE, who needs UND fans? I must admit I did "borrow" the Bemidj part but the rest is obvious to any Gopher fan! Sheese! WPoS
  21. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    blind squirrel...nut...you get the idea WPoS
  22. WPoS

    Sioux-gopher Week

    I don't think we'll have anyone coming in this year anymore, but there is a recruit coming in '05 I have heard...at that point JJ prolly will be gone. Don't count out on JJ, he DID pull it out last year when he needed too, I just prefer Briggs. JJ will onlyget time during either a) huge points up (MSU) or b) Bemidji or c) injury to Briggs. WPoS
  23. WPoS


    NEPOTISM!?!?!? WHERE!?!?!?!? WPoS
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