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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I gotta say that place was a historic icon. What a loss.
  2. Last year the Cowboys seemed to be crippled by some horrid offensive play calling. Games were clearly lost because of offensive play calling that made no sense at key points. The OC was a kid named Marcus Arroyo who was a QB from San Diego State. I think he was the youngest OC in FBS football.....and he was over his head. He has departed for Cal to be the QB coach and Gregg Brandon has been picked to replace Arroyo. Brandon was Urban Meyers OC at Bowling Green and Christiansen is talking him up as a key in implementing the Spead Offense. Also making things look dower for next year is the fast that last years starting QB, Austin Carta-Samuels, has abrubtly left the program. There also have been many other player departures. I too thought that Christiansen would start to light a fire in Laramie, but so far, there is not even a spark. As for Men's BB, my god what a mess. Heath Schroyer has almost completely destroyed the program. Burman (the AD) figured out he better fire Schroyer asap as the Cowboy fans are getting real tired of both FB and BB being in the toilet. This whole thing makes me wonder if Burman ought to be canned. Someone seems to be hiring horrid coaches and the buck stops with Tom Burman.
  3. I will go on the record early by saying if WYO is as horseshit as last year, Weber could/should beat them. As I see it there is no reason for Wyoming fans to be optomistic about the 2011 season.
  4. I have no problem with the Forum reporting it.......it is news....
  5. Personally I really have issues with the drinking age being 21. I was raised when I could go and drink in Montana at 18......and it seems to me that if you are old enough to give your life in Iraq or Afganistan, old enough to decide who runs this nation.....then we damn well ought to let you have a beer. Now....as to the MIP issue. No kid ought to loose a scholie or get kicked off the team for MIP. Repeated ones may indicate a deeper problem....and of course, like you said DUI is different entirely. And, our athletes are indeed held to a higher standard than most college kids as they are public figures representing our schools. So, the QBs ought to get some measure of punishment over an above what the average college kid gets, but it is in no means serious enough to yank a schollie. Now.......if it were one of MY kids that got one at the U of WYO........there would indeed be holy hell to pay at home. (Here it could jeapordize their Hathaway Scholarship).
  6. I is too bad as Murray had everything to be an outstanding player.
  7. First MIP....nope. Repeated MIPs or DUI, then I have issues......things probably need to get much tougher then.
  8. Curious, but there is a larger lesson in it about kids getting drunk on those frigid nights and that friends need to be looking out for them. Not condeming the kid (god knows I drank enoughin college) but it isn't bad to publicize this stuff so people think about it.
  9. I hope the hockey player makes a full recovery, but the GF media has hardly been investigating this situation. It is a broom and rug operation up there.
  10. So what.......I have never said I liked the Sioux......christ....get a life.
  11. Good god, another thread on this. I think some people on both sides have a damn fetish type attraction to these stupid threads.
  12. It is pretty damn stunning some of the garbage that can come out of these legislatures in small states. It really has nothing to due with party politics, an urban/rural split. It is just flat ass stupidity.
  13. Remember though, until a well produces around 100,000 bbls of oil, it has not made a dime. Only time will tell what the Estimated Ultimate Recovery per well is. I have seen several places where the figure is around 350,000 bbls on average per well. Who knows, but given the risks it is not as big of money as one would think. At current oil prices, as a mineral holder, if you had a quarter section (160 acres) under the spacing unit of the Lee well I mentioned above (assuming you had all the minerals), your net royalty check for the month of November would have been around $6,373.00 (assuming 3/16 royalty). Not exactly an amount that makes one a millionaire. It is good money, but nothing that approaches astronomical. And.....you really don't know how long or at what level it will produce.
  14. It is time for all (Douple, Faison and Kelley) to just be quiet and let it die. No reason for anymore salt in the wounds over the name change. In the end this does not affect where the name battle is and just serves to salt the wounds (and maybe sell a few newspapers).
  15. I damn near choked when I read that article this morning. I wouldn't think Douple is blowing smoke........why would he? In the end, if Douple is telling the truth, Faison and Kelley were not trying to do anything that they thought would harm UND. While you can disagree with how they have handled things, both of those guys are trying to do what they think is the best for UND. 10 years from now, when there has been in new name in place for several years, I suspect that the wisdom of Kelley and Faison in attempting to get this behind the school will be appreciated. But, given the current hard feelings over the NCAA and the name, they will be hammered. And still, I don't think that nicknames ought to be a concern of the NCAA. But, obviously the courts didn't see it that way.........too bad there is not an alternative to the NCAA.
  16. The one thing that bothers me about the Bakken wells are the decline rates. Brigham Exploration likes to blow their horn about the great IPs on their wells, but when one looks at the first year to year and a half of production, the decline rate is precipitous. It does make me wonder how long the production will hold up. I know the State has estimated that a Bakken well will produce for 30 years, but that is speculation. The oldest Bakken wells are coming up on 4-5 yearsof production. So, who knows. I sure hope it hold up, but there are a lot of unkowns out there. Here is an example of the first year or so of a Brigham well in Williams County that my family has an intrest in......a large decline. This well had an IP of over 1500 bbls/day. It makes me wonder where it will be in 15 years..... LEE 16-21 1-H Pool Date Days BBLS Oil Runs BBLS WaterMCF Prod MCF Sold Vent/Flare BBLS/Day BAKKEN Nov-10 30 4449 3964 4312 4044 2347 1584 148 BAKKEN Oct-10 29 3450 3471 4108 0 0 0 119 BAKKEN Sep-10 30 3108 3072 3694 1011 842 152 104 BAKKEN Aug-10 27 4222 3765 5878 0 0 0 156 BAKKEN Jul-10 31 3982 4062 5954 0 0 0 128 BAKKEN Jun-10 30 5101 5530 6630 0 0 0 170 BAKKEN May-10 31 5997 6004 6850 4300 0 4300 193 BAKKEN Apr-10 30 6396 6109 6884 6825 0 6825 213 BAKKEN Mar-10 31 7290 7418 8138 5010 0 5010 235 BAKKEN Feb-10 23 6478 6186 8616 4315 0 4315 282 BAKKEN Jan-10 23 8480 9084 9175 5503 0 5503 369 BAKKEN Dec-09 25 11441 10920 14060 5984 0 5984 458 BAKKEN Nov-09 23 14434 13954 36414 12355 0 12355 628 Totals 363 84828 49347 3189 46028 234 (Sorry I can't get the colums to line up, but the final column is bbls/day)
  17. I am almost to that point because I really dislike the Steelers too. And.......if I were in Vegas and going to put money on the game, I am not sure who I would bet on. With these two teams it really culd be quite a game and a game that does not cover the spread. I will tell you this.......the way my betting luck has been lately, I would be on the wrong side of the spread no matter what.
  18. Hey baby......I am who ever you want me to be........
  19. If I watch......I am just hoping for some good beer commercials.
  20. Cutler is horrid.......now Cutler is a guy that ought to just hang up his spurs......
  21. Mrs. WYO wants to go to a movie........that probably is a better offer than this game. How terrible watching the Pack win. Who knows......if I go to the movie I may get lucky later on..... WYO....out of here........
  22. Oh hell......I LIKE the Grain Belt.......the game is what I am bitching about.....LOL! No Nordeast out here......there isn't even Grain Belt. I bring the GB out from North Dakota. And yes......Moose Drool is available at the store.
  23. Well......I am 3 Grain Belts into this one......and it still stinks..............
  24. Good god......I detest the Packers........Cutler makes me want to puke........I think I am just going to drink heavily and watch the damn game.... Let's just let it end in a tie so neither of these teams win!
  25. I don't think I would argue with you too much about that. The House is likely where it would be killed.
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